Tomorrow is Day 1!!!

Here we go! DAY 1...
What are your goals?

Mine~ 30 day shred Day one, LOG EVERYTHING, drink water, NO ALCOHOL! lol


  • jess1795
    jess1795 Posts: 3 Member
    Ok I am with you I will do 30 day shred and six week six pack. I will try my best to drink only water.
  • adixon3909
    No Junk Food, No Soda and to lose at least 7 pounds!!! :) Hard Core Starting in the am.. Beginning with a whey drink and P 90 X!! :)
  • sardean16
    After a long weekend of Thanksgiving indulging, I'm happy to find this group. I just need to get back on track! I'm on board with your goals...hope to start the day off with a spinning class.
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member
    Thanks for starting this group!!

    My exercise goals are:
    - Walk the dog for (at least) 30 minutes each day
    - 30 Day shred 5 days a week (not going to do 30DS when I've got the gym, unless I have the energy for it)
    - Gym twice a week
    - Pilates twice a week

    My dietary goals are:
    - Follow a low FODMAPS goal 80-90% of the time (low sugar, low wheat, etc)
    - Drink lots of water
    - Only drink alcohol on Friday or Saturday nights and limit consumption to 2-3 drinks

    I'll be having a free day on my birthday thou - no logging, and probably no exercise! That's it until Christmas thou :D
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    I've been going in the wrong direction for about 3 months and it's time to take control. I started this morning with these goals:

    (1) Exercise Daily - Started 30 Day Shred today and will stick with it, even if I have to do Level 1 for the whole 30 days. Will throw in some extra cardio when I have the time.

    (2) Cut out the sugar and stay under daily calorie goal.

    (3) Stay focused on goals 1 and 2 so I can start taking off the pounds I've put on while being a slacker.
  • tresa44
    Goals: To log my daily calories for all meals, drink half my weight in water, preparing lunch daily no fast food, and to exercise at least 3 days per week...Please hold me accountable. I know I can do this....
  • Zoeegirl
    Zoeegirl Posts: 100 Member
    Goals: exercise 5 days a week, lots of water, cut back greatly on soda, eat more veggies & eat at home more often :)
  • andrea464
    andrea464 Posts: 238 Member
    Goals: Lose 10 lbs by Christmas. I can do that!
    1. Water. I've been horrible with soda lately- it's diet but I know the bubbles expand your stomach. I'll stick to one in the morning and then it is water for the rest of the day.
    2. Throw out the Halloween candy or hide it really good.
    3. Plan ahead for splurges. I will be drinking and I don't want to give that up during the holidays. :) My coworkers rented a limo and we're taking a road trip for the night and I was requested to make jello shooters again. Plan accordingly- they can't tell it's sugar free jello. :) Maybe a mixed drink with diet soda instead of beer.
    4. Gym at least three days a week. Hopefully four, but let's be realistic since I'm starting over-again. Zumba, elliptical are my faves. We did personal training not too long ago so I can reach into that to get some ideas also for strength training. I have a 6 year old, and my husband and I both work full time. Life is crazy and I know I might not get to the gym everyday, especially since I still have to do call and late shifts at work.
  • FlyingSig
    FlyingSig Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. Been saying all week I get back on the horse the Monday after Thanksgiving... well it's here.

    Time to re-commit.
  • MrsBiscoe
    MrsBiscoe Posts: 177 Member
    Ok I am in, will drink plenty of water and do my exercise at least 3 time per week. Hope to lose at least 4 lbs by the end of the month.
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    I kind of already started today, but my goals are to kick off C25k, make the secondary 100 mile goal, and not get completely fitness-obliterated by spending a week with the in-laws.
  • 14keywest
    I need to refocus starting tomorrow so I'm in, too.

    Food Goals:
    1. eat my macro/calorie plan
    2. log food daily
    3. No food after 7 pm
    4. Breakfast with 30 min of waking
    5. 110 ounces of water daily
    6. No alcohol except red wine on my birthday

    Fitness Goals
    1. Elliptical, Turbo Jam, swim, or a 2 mile walk 5 days a week.
    2. Weights with a 20 min cardio warm up 2 days a week
    3. Abs 3 days a week

    I will lose 10 pounds of water weight this month because I've been so bad for the last two months, so I have a 16 pound loss goal. It's completely possible because of the water weight.

    I need this!!
  • RuthTarts
    Hi! :) This is my first time back to MFP after a long break. I'm back and ready to lose some weight by Christmas!! My goals:

    -Workout, mainly cardio 4-5x's a week.
    -Lots of water!
    -Log everything and stay within my calorie goal.
    -No JUNK FOOD!! Cookies, candy, cake, sugar--replace with my fave fruits, veggies and my favorite Greek yogurt!

    Good luck, all! :)
  • TNT2008
    TNT2008 Posts: 2 Member
    Let's do it!!! I've starting over and over and over, I'm definitely committed this time around.
    Food goals:
    - log everything
    - tons of water
    -no food after 7pm
    - no fried foods
    Exercise goals:
    - Zumba exhilarate 6 days/ week
    - insanity 6 days / week
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member

    Read labels and find out how many calories are in foods/sweets BEFORE consuming them. (today, I ate a large oatmeal raison cookie that was 270 calories and I found out AFTER I ate the cookie).

    Eat more fruits and veggies, eat healthier foods. Limit fast foods and sodas

    Drink LOTS and LOTS of water.

    Start on the 30 Day Shred as soon as it arrives in the mail. Should be end of this week, in time for Dec. :smile:

    Continue walking with Leslie Sansone doing her 'Walk it off' dvd's walking off the pounds. I usually walk one mile, sometimes two. I am working on my stamina and endurance. Leslie's walk dvd's have cardio in them.

    I have committed myself to losing 10 lbs by Christmas in two other groups. I am making myself accountable. :smile:
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    My goals for this challenge are:

    1) Lose 8lbs

    2) Exercise 6 days a week, with a burn goal of 800 calories minimum if possible (I often burn 1K)

    3) Continue to log everything I eat, work harder to stay at or under calorie goal

    4) Drink a minimum of 8 glasses of water a day--I log my water but have been lax in drinking enough lately.

    5) Keeping in mind that when I reach my ultimate weight goal I'm getting myself a passport for a trip overseas to the U.K. and Europe!!!
  • Caguppie
    Caguppie Posts: 53 Member
    1. Log food & exercise daily
    2. Stay at or under calorie goal
    3. Under 30 grams sugars daily
    4. Lose 1 or more pounds (any loss would make me happy at this point!)
    5. Meal planning at home (veggies & protein!)

    These are basic but I have been struggling with them since I started MFP and I just need to keep TRYING. I'm getting a little better, bit by bit!
  • codapea
    codapea Posts: 182 Member
    Thanks for forming the group! My goals for this challenge:

    No alcohol

    No sugar, treats, or cheats

    30 Day Shred: Monday - Friday morning, alternating levels 1-3 (I've already done the whole thing before) and using 5 to 11 lb. weights.

    Running outside Saturday and Sunday- and try to do a 10K distance for the first time this month.

    So, I did all this same stuff the 2 weeks before Thanksgiving, and while it was tough at times, I lost 5 pounds those 2 weeks, so it was well worth it! 30 days is going to be a challenge, but I really need a goal like this to help me make it through all the food and booze on the horizon. I still have too much weight to lose to think I can indulge here and there just because it's the holidays!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • HRSNelson
    HRSNelson Posts: 10 Member
    My goals are to cut out soda all together and make sure I am logging in and exercising everyday. I want to loose at least 10 lbs or more by christmas with my starting weight being 240 lbs. Tomorrow starts off with a walk at 6:00am wish me luck :)
  • peachElibrarian
    peachElibrarian Posts: 30 Member
    My first day back on MFP after a long time away and I find this group, it must be fate.
    1) Log everything, everyday
    2) Exercise 5 days a week
    3) Increase water intake
    4) Cut out alcohol

    Let's get started!