
Hi there! My name is Rachel. I'm excited to be part of this group! I haven't done anything like this before. :D
My usual weigh in days are Sundays and I am starting this challenge at 218.8 lbs (I was down to 214.4lbs before Thanksgiving but the goodies got me). My Ultimate Goal is 170-165lbs, but I'm trying to take it 10lbs at a time.
I look forward to tackling this challenge with you all!


  • Hi all ^^

    I would love to join too! Im 23 and is on the edge to not be "overweight" (BMI wise) anymore, but this mean that the last pounds are really har for me to loose and I think I might have something in my self trying to stop me, since i have always been big and it is "part of me". I dont want it to be like that anymore and I hope this chanllange can help me come over this hurdle ^^

    I would like to lose those 9 pounds so bad eventhough this is proberbly the hardest month to do it
  • Hi:wink:

    I have just joined MFP today, I would love to lose 9lbs for Christmas, to be honest any loss would be great, I’m 5.1 180.5Ilbs and in need of some life changes.

    I’m feeling pretty positive today let’s hope it lasts. I really don't want to spend another Christmas being over weight and annoyed with myself for not doing any thing about it:angry:

  • scheatwood
    scheatwood Posts: 207 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Sarah, I'm 5'4" and at 188 prior to Thanksgiving. I weigh in on Tuesdays so we'll see tomorrow if I gained anything from the holiday. I'm so glad I am able to join this group, hope to talk with everyone soon!
  • Hi guys :) I'm Katie.

    Oh man, I've had the worst day for motivation and this was the perfect thing to pick me up. I put on alot of weight gradually since 2010, I went from 70 kgs to 87.5 kgs (lb's are roughly double) over the course of a couple of months about... Well! A couple of months ago I lost 6 kgs which was great but then I lost motivation. I got back on the horse and since then I've been terrified that I'll end up back in that spot, not taking any more weight off and continue to be overweight.

    This challenge is the very thing I need to push myself further!! I'm really looking forward to our success!! Go 9LBC!
  • thinwarden
    thinwarden Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in!!!! Looking forward to the challenge!
  • Heavensblessings
    Heavensblessings Posts: 46 Member
    Hi everyone! Glad this group was started :) I'm 5'1" and have 9.5lbs to lose to reach my goal of 115. I'm hoping to be at my goal by January or Febuary since that's when my husband and I were thinking about getting pregnant again.
  • 84babe
    84babe Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! I would love to be a part of this challenge. Over the Thanksgiving break, I ate a lot and did not work out, but according to my scale each morning, I have not gained any weight! THANK GOODNESS!!! I am 5'3, 175 lbs and my goal weight is 130-135. If I can lose 9lbs by the end of the year, that would be great! I am going to push myself towards it because I am ready for a change!
  • Hey Everyone!! It's so great to have this support group =). I'm 26 yrs old and I worked really hard and lost 15 pounds over the summer. From September til now I have been going up and down the same two pounds and havent made any progress. I'm so frustrated staying the same so I'm ready to get strict and no more cheating on the weekends. I have another 15 to go so hopefully by the end of the year I will be 9 lbs closer =). We can do this!!
  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    Hello everyone!! I'm a mom of a 2 1/2year old and a boxer. My goal is to be at 125 by the end of the year. I'm starting today at 135.8. I do insanity and Chaleane extreme. I'm so excited for this challenge!!
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    Hey, nice to meet you all

    I'm going on my first snowboarding holiday in just under 8 weeks and at the moment I'm going to be lugging a lot of extra body fat up and down the hill, so if I can avoid that, I'll be very happy!

    Nice to have people who're aiming towards the same good. Good luck everyone!
  • trudatruda42
    trudatruda42 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone :bigsmile: I joined MFP today and thought it would be great to join this group to hep motivate me to lose 9 lb's before 2013. Im 5 ft 1, 73.3 kilo's with a BMI of 30.9 (In the Obese section but bordering on the Overweight section, Yay)
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    Hello everyone, i already joined a group back in June but after 4 rounds people are starting to fall off the wagon and only a few people are still on here...i was hoping to join this group to lose the end of my weight i need...i really dont have a ultimate goal but i would like to lose 9 more pounds by the end of the year so this group is great for me. i have already lost 75 pounds, then gained 5 pounds back but need to lose back the 5 plus 4 more pounds or more...anyone can add me as a friend as well
  • gabywithoneb
    gabywithoneb Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone!! I am super excited to Join! I really want to get my weight loss going. Ive been playing with the same three lbs since i started a couple of months ago. I just really need to feel accountable and joining here will def help!

    Lets get this going!!
  • Hi guys, I'm Lejla

    I really worked hard to lose those 13 lbs, but as I came to 112 lbs, I just stopped losing more weight( because I can not stop eating chocolates) . My goal is to be 106 lbs, I really want to challenge myself to make this happen till new years and stop giving up :)