Struggling Again

ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
Why can't I win this battle? Seems one thing throws it all down the crapper and I'm back where I started. All I want to do now is be alone and binge and have my comforting non-judgemental food around. I can't stand myself. UGH! The joy of being a fat *kitten*.


  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    You ARE winning....a 48lbs lose is nothing to laugh at.....

    Slow and steady is the pace, after all, it's not a race.....
  • woodsy0912
    There will be many bumps in the road. Just keep at it and you will triumph.
  • wychwych
    I can really identify with how life's ups and downs can put the spanner into being able to lose weight. Try and keep at it, and don't beat yourself up if life causes you to go off the the rails know and again. Hugs.
  • ajewellmom
    ajewellmom Posts: 186 Member
    48 pounds is a great start to a life long journey. You can't take back yesterday so if you had a binge, hope you enjoyed it and now you can get back at it today. Remember those yummy substitutions . . . . if chips is your thing try the flavour shakers microwave popcorn from Orville Redenbacher . . . if it's sweets, get a new flavour of yogurt and savour each bite.

    You can do this sistah!!
  • clewis628
    clewis628 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm feeling the same way lately. I'm just going to fake it til I make it. I haven't gained it all back yet and I'm going to keep it that way. Today is Monday. I hit the reset button. You can do this!
  • Bertie02
    Bertie02 Posts: 51 Member
    Every time you eat its a new chance. I know its not easy, and its even harder when you're not honest with yourself (like I am). Remember you're not alone. I struggle each meal to make healthy choices and stay on track. Most the time I fail, but that doesn't keep me from trying at my next meal. Small changes and baby steps. Most of us have such horrible eating habits that they are not easy to change.