Welcome/ Introduction!

Maiseyy Posts: 28 Member
Hey you all!

Losing weight is all about motivation and discipline. We all want that jaw dropping figure and hopefully by the end of this challenge we will either have it or we will be on the right track to have it.
Losing weight might seem hard, but what's harder is maintaining that weight off, but with enough willpower and strong resistance of temptation you will stay on track.
I strongly believe that our bodies have a right on us, I mean seriously, we need to take care of it like it take cares of us! One of my close friends used to tell me if you don't find that hour a day to work out and take care of your body maybe you don't deserve it. Harsh huh? But it’s true!
While I was writing this an idea came up to me I was thinking maybe we can share what is are weak spot with others, and then whoever have the same or similar weak spots can pair together that way they will encourage each other!
My personal commitment to you guys is to try and know each one of you so I could offer my help and support!
I weighed myself yesterday I was 129 lbs, and hopefully by the end of this challenge I will be 120 lb. I want to lose weight because according to my doctor my bone structure is small so it’s not accustomed to carry heavier me!

Best of luck to us all !


  • nklunk
    nklunk Posts: 149 Member
    Hello!! I'm the mom of a 2 1/2 year old and a boxer. I weighed this morning at 135.8. My goal when I started was 125 so its a lil more than 9 lbs. Lets do this!
  • sarahbagley
    sarahbagley Posts: 18 Member
    I'm SO glad that you started this group! I have been stuck at the 140 mark for years!!!! I'm 5'7" and know that I feel my best when I am 130-135. I need this group to hold me accountable. I know that I can do this, I know that we all can do this. We just have to be consistent and determined. It sounds to me like everyone thus far is quite determined! My weakness is eating when I get home from work, which is 9 pm. Also, I like to go have drinks like once a week. I'm going to try and kick those habits starting today and hopefully, the weight will come off with hard work and good habits :) Good luck all!
    ^I'd be starving by 9pm too! Don't let yourself get too hungry. Do you get a break at work where you can eat dinner around 6ish? If not definitely have some healthy snacks before you eat dinner at 9 so you dont overdo it by the time you get home. Also if you enjoy eating a lot at night make sure save more calories for it.
  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    yesterday weight is 178.5 pounds so need to lose 9 more so goal will be 169.5 pounds. my weakness is sweets i try not to eat it but but sometimes its hard..i dont drink alcohol that often and i havent drank pop in over a year now. anyone can add me as a friend besides the message boards.
  • alamarana2885
    alamarana2885 Posts: 91 Member
    I posted in the other topic but I'll post here too!

    I am a part time college student/part time housewife-in-training. I'm getting married in May 2013 (we're going to Jamaica, which is part of the reason I want to loose weight). I am 5'8" and as of yesterday, 218.8lbs and my BMI is around 33. My Ultimate Goal weight is 165-170. I had gotten down from a starting weight of 225.9 to 214.4 and then Thanksgiving happened and it's been a long weekend full of food and sitting around. I use MFP in conjunction with Fitbit which will deduct calories on days I'm less active. I also use the Fitbit scale which automatically syncs my weight with both websites which I like because then I can never tweak it.

    I'm worried that it's going to feel like I'm starting over, I was hungry all the time at first until my stomach shrank a little. My biggest weakness is munching in the afternoon. Most of the time I'm not even hungry, I just feel the need to eat, I'm starting to think it's like an oral fixation or something (like smoking). I don't watch TV, but I do play computer games and read a lot. My second biggest weakness is sugar. Cake, ice cream, candy, I have a hard time staying away sometimes.

    Here's hoping to 9lbs lost by Christmas (or New Years)!
  • mackzaj
    Hiya, I'm Amanda, and I have 9lbs to get to halfway! Amazing that so many others have a goal of 9lbs, random!

    I did week 1 of C25K a week ago, but then stuff happened and I need to do it again. Tonight is my son's birthday, so tomorrow evening for sure. I want to get to under 200lbs!
  • shrinkingislander
    shrinkingislander Posts: 315 Member
    What to say about myself... I am a running convert who has managed to lose 102lbs in 9 months (I have 50lbs more to lose) by pounding the pavement at least 5 days a week. I'm that dork with the supercharged headlamp out at 5:30am blinding oncoming traffic. I never thought of myself as a runner until I lost my first toenail this week and didn't even feel it...why because I'm that hardcore. hahaha

    We've cut out all meat except for local fish and farm fresh eggs. There are always beans soaking on my counter and I cannot imagine a world without bulgar and lentils. I am intimatley involved with my Vitamix and the sound of it's motor, well I'm just saying. And sometimes I eat soup for breakfast, delicious.

    And when I close my eyes to dream at night, I imagine scrambling across the rocks and up the ladders of the West Coast Trail. the two books on my nightstand right now are, "Choice Theory" by William Glasser and "Eat and Run" by Scott Jurek.

    Oh, and I am going to visit my family for Christmas and they do not know that I have lost any weight, hence I am really motivated to sweat out another 9lbs.
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    Hi, well I am a "recovering vegan" and have been trying to get back to eating healthy. My problem is mentally I tend to think I have to stockpile food by eating frequently because as a vegan I was constantly eating veggies and fruits that would burn off quickly (3 square meals and non-meat dont go together well) so now I am trying to reduce and shift the junkie-ness with out getting sidetracked. I am working out more than I ever have consciously, though I use to walk alot because i didnt drive. now i drive and i have to make a conscious effort to walk and run. So thats pretty much it. I have a ton of healthy information of how to adjust eating patterns and how to get in shape, its just putting the effort into MYSELF is a journey.
  • Adriana_18
    Hello! I've been on and off this site for about a year. I'm getting married next August and was just told that I'll need to buy my dress is January! EEK!! So now I need to get serious and lose those last 10 lbs before January. I want to go from 145-135 and then keep if off! Looking forward to the support from this group!
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    Lets do this!!!

    Starting weight (pre MFP- pre everything) was 344. This morning- weighed in at 274. I have been on a plateau for almost a year- staying withing 275-283, despite a killer workout schedule, because of my diet. Due to a serious AHA moment 2 weeks ago, where I tore 2 pairs of pants- I had to face some reality- make some changes, and get it together. I have been faithfully logging all I eat- staying under my calories (and yes I eat back calories worked). I am just for the first time ever, realistically counting all calories and logging no matter what. 2 weeks ago I was at 282- this morning, 274. No doubt much of this is water weight so its ok, I don't anticipate huge amounts in the following weeks- but 9 lbs by end of year is balanced, yet will have to stay on track.

    I teach fitness, I teach 6-8 classes a week, my weekly caloric burn is high- last week was over 5900, and these #'s are true to my weight/expended calories. But, nutrition has been a complete new learning experience for me. Diet is everything

    Lets Go!!!!
  • b_edwards002
    Well lets see i started this weight loss journey at 232 and that was back in august and im down to 208-210 it varries by day and i'm kinda stuck. I tried the no carbs and it didnt do much good i was constantly craving carbs all hours of the day. So now im back to logging everything i eat and eating heathly and trying to work out more, though i work the graveyard shift and spend my work night running around a store and cleaning all night so i get a bit of a work out everynight. I want to loose 9 pounds by the end of the year and i know i and all of us here can do it because we are all awesome!!!!
  • Apresner
    I started at 219 at am now 144isb. 135 is my goal but now I'm stuck. Hoping it will help.
  • AliAlabamaBear
    This group sounds great, and reading everyones posts made me really want to post too!
    I'm Alabama and I have been on holiday so I think I have put on weight! Weight that needs to come off... Hopefully this challenge will help me to do that.
    My weakness is cheese, sweets and pop. I try not to drink pop too much, but it is one of the only things to drink at work, still that is not a reason, there is always water!
    To make this goal I am only going to allow myself one controlled portion of cheese a day (which is optional and if I do choose to have the cheese I have to make up for it by going for a run), no sweets and one can of pop a week.
    I really want to do this!
    Good luck to everyone else.
  • judyt5000
    judyt5000 Posts: 15 Member
    HI everyone! I'm Judy and I am 47 years old. I donated my kidney to my hubby 2 year ago and due his complications, I became derailed and gained 35 lbs. from stress and worry. So here I am, trying to get my mojo back and focus on me now. My biggest weakness is peanut butter, I only eat the natural kind but I can inhale a whole jar in 1 week. And of coarse dark chocolate fits right in with the peanut butter. I love carbohydrates like whole grains and cereals, which I need to cut back on to make the scale move in the right direction. I tend not to eat enough vegetables, so I am going to try more to fit them in on my logging.

    I feel good about this challenge!!!

    My starting weight was 182 which I am very upset about, considering I originally lost 90 lbs and got to my goal of 145. Now its almost like starting over.
  • kc82060
    kc82060 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm Kathy. I weighed this morning ... 144. My weight has gone from a high of 235 to a low of 125. My goal weight is 130; I was able to maintain that for several years comfortably. The last few years haven't been the best and I gained 20 pounds!!! I go to the gym every day for 45 minutes and weights 4 times a week so exercise is not a problem. It's eating too much chocolate/junk when I'm bored ... mindless eating when I'm not hungry.
    Good luck everyone!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina and I am 5'1 and currently weigh 188 lbs. When I joined MFP 2 months ago, I weighed 200 lbs, snacked constantly and went over on my calories most days. :cry: My weeknesses are snacking while watching tv and reading. I would eat anything which would cause me to go over on my calories. This was throughout the day during my early days on MFP. Unfortunately, I ate high calorie foods like a jar of peanut butter, dinner rolls, chips, chocolates and other treats from the 99 cent store. I have since learned to curb my snacking or at least, snack on baby carrots (low in calories). I have since replaced tv and reading with exercise until I can get my snacking under control. Changing my eating habits has been hard. I have also cut back on fast foods.

    I have increased my exercise and am better about staying within my daily calories. My goal weight is 125 lbs, but for now, I want to get below 180 so make that 178 (an even 10).:smile:
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina and I am 5'1 and currently weigh 188 lbs. When I joined MFP 2 months ago, I weighed 200 lbs, snacked constantly and went over on my calories most days. :cry: My weeknesses are snacking while watching tv and reading. I would eat anything which would cause me to go over on my calories. This was throughout the day during my early days on MFP. Unfortunately, I ate high calorie foods like a jar of peanut butter, dinner rolls, chips, chocolates and other treats from the 99 cent store. I have since learned to curb my snacking or at least, snack on baby carrots (low in calories). I have since replaced tv and reading with exercise until I can get my snacking under control. Changing my eating habits has been hard. I have also cut back on fast foods.

    I have increased my exercise and am better about staying within my daily calories. My goal weight is 125 lbs, but for now, I want to get below 180 so make that 178 (an even 10).:smile:
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Hi, I'm Tina and I am 5'1 and currently weigh 188 lbs. When I joined MFP 2 months ago, I weighed 200 lbs, snacked constantly and went over on my calories most days. :cry: My weeknesses are snacking while watching tv and reading. I would eat anything which would cause me to go over on my calories. This was throughout the day during my early days on MFP. Unfortunately, I ate high calorie foods like a jar of peanut butter, dinner rolls, chips, chocolates and other treats from the 99 cent store. I have since learned to curb my snacking or at least, snack on baby carrots (low in calories). I have since replaced tv and reading with exercise until I can get my snacking under control. Changing my eating habits has been hard. I have also cut back on fast foods.

    I have increased my exercise and am better about staying within my daily calories. My goal weight is 125 lbs, but for now, I want to get below 180 so make that 178 (an even 10).:smile:
  • AngelaLVGJN
    AngelaLVGJN Posts: 39 Member
    Hi - My name is Angie and I weighed in this morning at 150.5 - so my goal for this challenge is 141.5. My actual goal is 135. I reached my goal a little over a year ago and was running and working out as well as eating well until this past February when I injured my back. Since then I haven't been able to do much exercise. I had back surgery on Sept. 5th and am slowly improving..but I need to shed the 15 lbs that I've gained...so this is a great challenge. Sticking to eating well and slowly stretching/walking is going to be my goal :) I need encouragement to keep trying and improving. WIthout being able to eat the exercise calories...I may go a little crazy. Oh, I have a 2 yr old, 4 yr old and a puppy at home and I teach Junior High.
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    Hi I'm Khesa.

    I weighed in this evening at 141.2 lbs. My goal is to lose about another % of bodyfat which should put me in the 135lb range when I'm done. I'm so excited about this group and look forward to interacting with everyone here!