
This is the place to check-in with the group (at least weekly) on your weight loss progress!


  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Im aussie so i may check in earlier as time differences..sun pm works best for me- hope ive time close to ur monday. I have 5kg ie about10 pounds to lose. Check in weight is 60 kg
  • humbots
    Checking in: started at 273 lbs, and this morning....270.5 YES!!! that means only 7.5 lbs to go to goal!
  • StephanieLisette
    StephanieLisette Posts: 17 Member
    Hi there! Just checking in. I've been doing the P90X lean program for 3 days (today is day 4), and tracking my food. My weight is pretty steady, but I can already feel myself firming up, and little changes in my shape. :)
    So, although I love to watch the number on the scale go down, I'm going to keep eating all my calories and exercising.
    It's a new thing for me, as in the past to lose weight, I would totally create a huge deficit. I have always yo-yoed back up further than I was initially. Eating my calories back seems healthier for the long term. :) I'll let you know how it goes.
  • humbots
    I dropped .3 lbs, so I have another 7.2lbs to go.
  • suzywantsitall
    suzywantsitall Posts: 85 Member
    Just checking in, lost 3 pounds in the last week and half, But have noticed my cloths are starting to hang off me, tried on winter jacket from last year, and it was way to BIG !!!! What a great feeling to have cloths not fit because they are to big, I have lost 31 lbs since July 2, 2012 and feel so much better. Will make my goal of ten off by Christmas :drinker:
  • VikkiGettingFit
    Wow! Great work, everyone!
  • Heather_RT
    Heather_RT Posts: 24 Member
    Lost 3+ pounds since Thursday (Thanksgiving). I need to hustle my bustle and stop going over my calorie limit (1330) and also burn even more if I plan to get to ~157 by Xmas. :)
  • MaraSharkey
    down 3.4 so far! Excited to see that scale move down :) Thanks everyone for sharing!! Very motivating
  • emboss03
    emboss03 Posts: 36 Member
    up a half a lb.... :'( will try harder this next week!!!
  • pakalena
    pakalena Posts: 3 Member
    Lost a pound! That's after Thanksgiving and my birthday, keeps me happy! Here's to another 4+ before Christmas. :)
  • ifonlyy
    woohoo! Lost 1 kg (about 2 pounds) for the week :) only 2.5 kilos (5 pounds) to go till my goal weight!
  • MaggyMaizy2
    MaggyMaizy2 Posts: 148 Member
    Down 3.5 pounds this week. Two pounds to go to "Onederland" - can't wait to get there!
  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm down 2lbs this week. Ready to complete this mission:smile:
  • humbots
    I can't believe it but I swore that scale said "264.4" this morning, and I got on it about 10 times in 10 different spots because I couldn't believe it. No, I don't have a tape worm! I just have so much to lose. I have to give a lot of credit to this diet which I LOVE, It may not be for everyone but, it has been great for me! I know, I know it has only been four days, but normally I would have quite or seriously considered quitting by now, but I find with this diet I look forward to the next day. I even found that I enjoy food more. For those who don't know, I am on the IF diet (intermittent fasting), One day I eat normally and the next day I fast eating only 500 cal a day, which I mostly eat rice cakes (45 cal each) and spread them out all day and drink tons of water ( I know it sound like it would be unhealthy, but I talked to my doctor and he said it was actual very good for me as long as I was only fasting for 24 hour at a time and drink lots of water). today was a eat normal day and you would think I would pig out , at least that what I think I would do, but I find that I am more conscience about what I eat and I eat really food. example, ok, before the diet I would eat anything, no, I would eat everything, cookie on the counter, my son's half eaten candy bar, half of cup of soda left over from my husbands dinner, bag of chips while watching TV, everything. Today I had egg sandwich for breakfast, Beacon egg and cheese on a really hard roll, small bag of chips for snack (only eat half the bag) but didn't really think about, lunch small plate of pasta with cheese, salad with dressing and roll , didn't finish my plate, again didn't really mean too and dinner, BBQ pizza , one slice, when I would normally eat three (sad I know) small handful of fries and more salad with croutons and bacon. Didn't once feel deprived or like I was missing out! No craving at all! and believe it or not but I am looking forward to m fasting day, I like feel free from food but not like i will never have it again. I am learning from my fasting days to walk past food, to do things with out eating (watch TV) and finding that It fine, I enjoy the active just as much with out food. I start at 273 lbs and I am only 1.4 lbs away for losing my first 10 lbs! I never imagined it would happen this easy. I know it won't continue to lose at this rate, but even if I wasn't losing weight I am learn to have a better relationship with food and that in its self is good!
    Sorry for the long post, I am just so HAPPY!
  • aweber73
    aweber73 Posts: 6 Member
    I've lost 1 pound so far and been at this for 5 days! So, I'm quite a newbie. I've done MFP before but NEVER lasted more than 5 days. Now that I'm in the groove of things, it's getting easier. The people on these boards who have stuck with this for so long and lost so much weight are great inspiration.
  • BLTemple07
    BLTemple07 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey Everyone! Since starting my diet and exercising back up for this challenge I have lost 5 lbs, 4.5 inches and 2.5% body fat! 5 lbs to go by Christmas.. I start at 235 and now at 230 :) Thanks for keeping me moving forward!! I hope I cont to lose and I don't get stuck at 230 I last time I hit 230 it took me forever to break that point.. :) Again Thanks!
  • pinky_pie
    Lost 2lbs since last week! Next weigh-in is on Tuesday :)
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Hi everyone, I lost 1 lb this week. Was 188 when I started this group and now 187. That's 1 down, 9 to go.:smile:
  • lorriannly
    lorriannly Posts: 37 Member
    I gained 3 pounds Thanksgiving week, but have lost two since.
  • galilanee26
    galilanee26 Posts: 39 Member
    Slow as molasses in January, but here's my first loss since joining this group... just 8.6 to go. lol

    galilanee26 lost 1.4 pounds since her last weigh-in! Galilanee26's lost 38.9 pounds so far.