How many calories do YOU eat every day?

I know everyone is going to be different. Just trying to get an idea if people end up actually eating the higher number given in the book, or if most have to adjust downwards. It seems so high! I feel like the book doesn't really describe the difference between a workout day and a strenuous work and workout day. What do you guys think/do?


  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I eat TDEE minus 20% because I want to slowly lose a bit more and not maintain or gain. I am 41 and around 140 lbs and eat around 1530 cals per day. Most days.
  • yeshualovesme
    yeshualovesme Posts: 121 Member
    I'm eating at TDEE for 8 weeks (have 7 left) - then going to "cut" -20%.
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    I was eating at the book's suggestion of TDEE (2200 lifting days, 1900 non-lifting days) for stage 1 and didn't lose or gain. I'm now eating about 1900 on lifting days and 1625 on non lifting days. I'm actually netting a little less than 1900 on lifting days because I don't eat back any exercise calories (from interval training, not lifting). I'm 32 years old, 5'6" and 140 lbs. I'm also currently doing IF to see if that helps with losing a few pounds and lowering my body fat.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    I eat according to the calculations in the book. not the strenuous day. although it occurs to me that my 6 mile run this weekend may have been one of those days that could have been appropriate.

    this means that I eat 1720 on non-lifting days and just over 2000 on lifting days. I am 37, 5'6" and weighing in at 191 right now. I am losing at this calorie count so I am keeping it up for now. I will consider adjusting if I start to see things going the wrong way or not moving/changing at all. I have my MFP set up that anytime I enter weight training it gives me the 297 I get according to the formula so technically I eat back what I enter that I burned. that way I have not having to screw with my settings all the time.

    I will eat back exercise calories if I am hungry, those *earned* outside of the lifting amounts. I mind-screw this a lot because I want to lose weight but also want to fuel my body so I try to be reasonable but I won't go hungry. besides I am a b!tch when I am hungry.
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    Oh that's a good idea about setting up weight training to program in the difference in calories. I was also getting tired of having to change my calorie goal every day.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Anywhere from 1700-2100 cals/day depending on how active I am (not counting my "splurge" days). I am almost 29 and need to lose at least 25 lbs (more like 30-40) so I am eating at the 300 cal deficit. I am losing VERY slowly. I think most of us have played around with the calories to see what works best.
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    My base is approx. 1400 cals. from the book for a non-lifting day with the 300 cal. deficit (because I'm old & obese ;) ) but then I eat back exercise calories from my HRM, even for lifting. Even though I've read that HRM is not as accurate for lifting calories. It's usually more calories than the book would give me for workout days (the book would give me approx. 300 extra cals. on lifting days).

    I end up eating 1800-2000 calories most days. I'm losing weight slowly, but losing inches to make up for it! :happy:
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm only In in week three and have been eating at TDEE 1806 (or above some days), also eating back my exercise cals according to my HRM. However, the weight has quickly piled on (six pounds in three weeks!) to the point where I can barely get my wedding ring on in the morning. That didn't even happen when I was pregnant with each of my sons! Pants are fitting more snug too. Ugh!

    I had planned to cut cals after my weigh in next Tuesday, but I'm thinking about cutting immediately. This higher protein, higher calories isn't working for me. Plus, it seems that many of the higher protein foods are much higher in sodium and I typically don't eat a lot of salt. All I know is that when I joined MFP I wanted to lose one pound per week, ate 1200 calories per day, ate my exercise cals, and managed to lose 14 pounds in three months. I felt great. Not now. I feel crappy and bloated.
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    I'm only In in week three and have been eating at TDEE 1806 (or above some days), also eating back my exercise cals according to my HRM. However, the weight has quickly piled on (six pounds in three weeks!) to the point where I can barely get my wedding ring on in the morning. That didn't even happen when I was pregnant with each of my sons! Pants are fitting more snug too. Ugh!

    I had planned to cut cals after my weigh in next Tuesday, but I'm thinking about cutting immediately. This higher protein, higher calories isn't working for me. Plus, it seems that many of the higher protein foods are much higher in sodium and I typically don't eat a lot of salt. All I know is that when I joined MFP I wanted to lose one pound per week, ate 1200 calories per day, ate my exercise cals, and managed to lose 14 pounds in three months. I felt great. Not now. I feel crappy and bloated.

    I said TDEE, but I'm not sure that's what it is. My number above (1806) is calculated from the book for non-exercise days.
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I know everyone is going to be different. Just trying to get an idea if people end up actually eating the higher number given in the book, or if most have to adjust downwards. It seems so high! I feel like the book doesn't really describe the difference between a workout day and a strenuous work and workout day. What do you guys think/do?

    The high number in the book isn't high enough for me. I eat at TDEE 2700-3500 calories depending on the day. I'm incredibly active and the book doesn't account for my activity level!
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    I'm only In in week three and have been eating at TDEE 1806 (or above some days), also eating back my exercise cals according to my HRM. However, the weight has quickly piled on (six pounds in three weeks!) to the point where I can barely get my wedding ring on in the morning. That didn't even happen when I was pregnant with each of my sons! Pants are fitting more snug too. Ugh!

    I had planned to cut cals after my weigh in next Tuesday, but I'm thinking about cutting immediately. This higher protein, higher calories isn't working for me. Plus, it seems that many of the higher protein foods are much higher in sodium and I typically don't eat a lot of salt. All I know is that when I joined MFP I wanted to lose one pound per week, ate 1200 calories per day, ate my exercise cals, and managed to lose 14 pounds in three months. I felt great. Not now. I feel crappy and bloated.

    I said TDEE, but I'm not sure that's what it is. My number above (1806) is calculated from the book for non-exercise days.

    TDEE is Total Daily Energy Expenditure. Your TDEE is what you burn every day. You burn way more than 1806 calories a day!
  • armonson63
    armonson63 Posts: 16 Member
    There is a guy on this message board that did a whole post on TDEE. Quite fascinating that I've decided to give it a shot On the post he says we should subtract about 20% from TDEE and that should be the amount of calories a person should be consuming to lose weight, etc (I'm paraphrasing). Here's is the post:

    There has been several folks on this message board that has used his "roadmap 2.0" and it's working for them. I've just started today (wanted to wait until after turkey day)so I can't post any results but maybe it will be helpful to you. I'm also going to pay more attention to what types of calories I'm eating such as eating more complex carbs vs simple carbs, decrease my intake of fat (while eating more omega-3 fats), eat LEAN protein and drinking tons of water, etc. I'm praying that this works. I'm getting older. My dream is to wear a bikini (and look good in it) when I turn age 50 (in June)....well that's what I'm hoping...LOL :)
  • trimom10
    trimom10 Posts: 388 Member
    There is a guy on this message board that did a whole post on TDEE. Quite fascinating that I've decided to give it a shot On the post he says we should subtract about 20% from TDEE and that should be the amount of calories a person should be consuming to lose weight, etc (I'm paraphrasing). Here's is the post:

    Thanks for the direction. Before I saw your post just now, I had found the In Place of a Road Map group, but I haven't read anything yet. I have all of my measurements and will calc my TDEE and adjust my numbers on here. I have to get this figured out soon because I just keep gaining... but maybe it's not all fat. I know I'm gaining muscle. However, it's just disappointing having my pants get tighter and tighter. Losing motivation to stay under cals quickly. Thanks again.
  • armonson63
    armonson63 Posts: 16 Member
    There is a guy on this message board that did a whole post on TDEE. Quite fascinating that I've decided to give it a shot On the post he says we should subtract about 20% from TDEE and that should be the amount of calories a person should be consuming to lose weight, etc (I'm paraphrasing). Here's is the post:

    Thanks for the direction. Before I saw your post just now, I had found the In Place of a Road Map group, but I haven't read anything yet. I have all of my measurements and will calc my TDEE and adjust my numbers on here. I have to get this figured out soon because I just keep gaining... but maybe it's not all fat. I know I'm gaining muscle. However, it's just disappointing having my pants get tighter and tighter. Losing motivation to stay under cals quickly. Thanks again.

    Well I lost 2 pounds my last weigh in so far so good. It's hard to believe that I can eat about 1600 cals and lose weight. It was hard getting my mind around that. Good luck.
  • jfrankic
    jfrankic Posts: 747 Member
    There is a guy on this message board that did a whole post on TDEE. Quite fascinating that I've decided to give it a shot On the post he says we should subtract about 20% from TDEE and that should be the amount of calories a person should be consuming to lose weight, etc (I'm paraphrasing). Here's is the post:

    I'm a fellow roadmapper!! Converted in August 2012. I did this photo...just for fun to show that I lost fat while eating 2000 a day. I also did Insanity during this time.


    Now, I'm lifting 2-3x per week depending on how often I can get to the gym that week. If only 2x, then I do a bodyweight circuit at home. I will do 1-2 15min HIIT session per week following lifting. NROLFW calculated me at 2300 on lifting days and 2000 on rest days for maintenance (2000/1700 for cut). I'm eating around 2000 per day, workout and rest days. So, I'm still eating IPOARM style.

    And it's working! So, my activity has drastically decreased from Insanity (an hr or so 6x per week), but my weight and inches are still dropping. I haven't measured (plan to tomorrow when I have my measuring tape handy), but my pants comparison shows that my entire lower body has shrunk over the past 5 weeks.


    And yes....I'm slightly obsessed with progress pictures. :laugh:
  • armonson63
    armonson63 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a fellow roadmapper!! Converted in August 2012. I did this photo...just for fun to show that I lost fat while eating 2000 a day. I also did Insanity during this time.

    Now, I'm lifting 2-3x per week depending on how often I can get to the gym that week. If only 2x, then I do a bodyweight circuit at home. I will do 1-2 15min HIIT session per week following lifting. NROLFW calculated me at 2300 on lifting days and 2000 on rest days for maintenance (2000/1700 for cut). I'm eating around 2000 per day, workout and rest days. So, I'm still eating IPOARM style.

    And it's working! So, my activity has drastically decreased from Insanity (an hr or so 6x per week), but my weight and inches are still dropping. I haven't measured (plan to tomorrow when I have my measuring tape handy), but my pants comparison shows that my entire lower body has shrunk over the past 5 weeks.


    Wow you look're arms look totally toned. Thanks for the inspiration!
  • armonson63
    armonson63 Posts: 16 Member
    oops I didn't do that right.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    I don't. If I ate at TDEE I would gain weight, which I guess means the TDEE calculation I ran isn't accurate. I don't have a desk job and I exercise several times a week, but I'm also over 40 and that makes a difference. I'm active but my metabolism is a little slower than it was when I was in my 30s. Basically I eat lower than what I think is maintenance and I don't log exercise calories anymore so I can be less strict when I want to go out to eat and/or have a few drinks. If I lift, though, and I'm hungry, I eat--lots of protein.

    Depending on your goals--start with the recommendations for a few weeks and then eat more or less depending upon if you gain weight.

    Edit: I eat 1,600 a day. I'm 5'5 and 135lbs. My goal is to lose fat not weight.
  • CanGirl40
    CanGirl40 Posts: 379 Member
    I am 40 and 5'7".
    I workout ("heavy" lift and HIIT) for just over an hour 3x/week.
    I eat 1700-2100/day depending on whether it's an active day...
    I weigh between 125-128.
    I have been able to maintain this weight since August. Macros are 40% carbs/30 protein/30 fats. I used to eat virtually NO good fats in my diet before and certainly not this much protein!