
I've done 30 DS in the past lost about 40 lbs but I didn't do the 10 days on each level so I'm hoping maybe I'll see more of a change this time around!

I was actually doing ChaLEAN Extreme and decided that I wasn't seeing the results I wanted! I felt like it was more for toning and right now I want to focus on loosing before I tone! =]

So good luck everyone! <3
Lets start shredding!!!!!


  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi there, ok you have inspired me!!! Here I am, I was planning to do this in Jan but hey whats the saying dont put off to tomorrow what you can do today! so here I am, I dont have the dvd so hope its on utube, Im sure it is, isnt everything lol anyway tips please never done an exercise vid, well did zumba once and once only, dang those crazy moves, put my hip out. Im up to wk 5 in c25k so thisll be a nice extra, ok girls lets do it xx :) add me if u want I'll probably need the support lol
  • pattiFM
    pattiFM Posts: 45 Member
    Hi there, ok you have inspired me!!! Here I am, I was planning to do this in Jan but hey whats the saying dont put off to tomorrow what you can do today! so here I am, I dont have the dvd so hope its on utube, Im sure it is, isnt everything lol anyway tips please never done an exercise vid, well did zumba once and once only, dang those crazy moves, put my hip out. Im up to wk 5 in c25k so thisll be a nice extra, ok girls lets do it xx :) add me if u want I'll probably need the support lol

    It's always a good time to start! And just think, if you start now.. you'll finish before January! :)

    It is on youtube..

    Level 1 - http://youtu.be/1Pc-NizMgg8
    Level 2 - http://youtu.be/QKdJ9jJv594
    Level 3 - http://youtu.be/QMN4g3D4ODE
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Thanks patti :) so is it 10 days lvl 1 10 days lvl 2 and then 10 days lvl 3 do you know if my stomcah does what the lady did in the success post (was that you) Ill be a very happy bunny xxx ok story time for kids then Im going to give it a go xx eeek Im scared lol
  • laurissap40
    laurissap40 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Laurissa, I am 34, 6'1" and i'd like to lose 12 lbs before xmas, my ultimate weight loss goal is to lose 27-30 lbs. I've never done the 30 DS, but am excited to start. I just ordered the videos, so I'll be able to start Dec 1st.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    I started 30 DS 11-15 and completed Level 1 10 days straight nonstop. I started L2 last night and it is harder, so I am modifying some until I get a grip again.

    I haven't seen the scale move but clothes are fitting better. Maybe I will lose inches over weight. We'll see.

  • Meshay21
    Meshay21 Posts: 17 Member
    Hello all....i have did 30 day shred in the past but it only last about 10 days lol never made it to level 2...but THIS TIME I AM GOING TO STICK WITH IT:).... Im starting today!!!!!!!!

    Feel Free to ADD ME!!! :)
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    I am on day 8 level 1 and I love it. My goal is to be under 200lbs by Jan 1st. I have 13lbs to go.
    Feel free to add me and we can do this together.
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Are you still open to others joining the group? I am on level 1 day 9. I had already set the goal to finish by New Years. (There are days we already know we won't be able to work out due to scheduling conflicts.) My daughters are doing it with me. I love the accountability. There have been a few days I really didn't feel like working out, but one of them would put on her workout gear and then I would feel the need to work out too. Even if I didn't want to. I am hoping to see some results similar to those I have seen on MFP. I can't wait to see what happens. :smile:
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I don't have any stomach shots but I'll post a picture of my last weight loss on 30 ds


    Ok so the first picture was back in 2007 right before I graduated high school. I was at about 210 the second one I was at about 165. But I don't have any other pictures but I made sure I do this time around!!!

    The videos you can find on youtube, I have the dvd myself but it's easier if I do it on the computer so I just use youtube!

    The more the marrier!!!!

    I took a break yesterday because I stopped doing my previous workout CLX because I want to loose more weight before I start toning up!!!

    So today starts Day 2 level 1 of 30 DS.

    Make sure you guys get measurements ( have someone help you) you'll probably see more inch loss than weight. Also if you feel comfortable take the before pictures I wish I would have! It's more motivating when you can visually see the results! =)
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi there, ok you have inspired me!!! Here I am, I was planning to do this in Jan but hey whats the saying dont put off to tomorrow what you can do today! so here I am, I dont have the dvd so hope its on utube, Im sure it is, isnt everything lol anyway tips please never done an exercise vid, well did zumba once and once only, dang those crazy moves, put my hip out. Im up to wk 5 in c25k so thisll be a nice extra, ok girls lets do it xx :) add me if u want I'll probably need the support lol

    I'm glad I inspired someone!

    Tomorrow you might regret the 2 bowls of ice cream you ate but you'll never regret that work out you just did! =]

    I'm not going to lie your going to be sore; but embrace that soreness. If it gets too bad take a warm bath (also oranges will help with the soreness). We use to eat alot of oranges when we were playing football in high school because it helped. Idk why or if it was just in my head but it works!!!

    I've done Zumba a few times but I'm not really great at moving my big ole behind! =)

    I'm going to add you and we can help each other get through this! =)
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Laurissa, I am 34, 6'1" and i'd like to lose 12 lbs before xmas, my ultimate weight loss goal is to lose 27-30 lbs. I've never done the 30 DS, but am excited to start. I just ordered the videos, so I'll be able to start Dec 1st.

    If you'd like to start earlier you can always find them on youtube! But I think you'll be able to hit your goal of 12 lbs in no time! So don't get discourage or give up!! Just keep pushing play!!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    I started 30 DS 11-15 and completed Level 1 10 days straight nonstop. I started L2 last night and it is harder, so I am modifying some until I get a grip again.

    I haven't seen the scale move but clothes are fitting better. Maybe I will lose inches over weight. We'll see.


    You might not see the scale move for awhile!!! But inches lost are so much better! Your probably building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat!!!

    Keep it up!!
  • lovelyladyJ21
    lovelyladyJ21 Posts: 246 Member
    Are you still open to others joining the group? I am on level 1 day 9. I had already set the goal to finish by New Years. (There are days we already know we won't be able to work out due to scheduling conflicts.) My daughters are doing it with me. I love the accountability. There have been a few days I really didn't feel like working out, but one of them would put on her workout gear and then I would feel the need to work out too. Even if I didn't want to. I am hoping to see some results similar to those I have seen on MFP. I can't wait to see what happens. :smile:

    Of course the more the marrier! It's great that your daughters are doing it with you! I think it'll help you stick through it!!!