Day 1 check in



  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    Like many of you I joined and did well and then slacked, especially with the "night caps." Hubby and I have committed to no more of those. Determined to get off what I have put back on to avoid buying new clothes-in a bigger size. I am shooting for 60 minutes of cardio a day. I just know we can all drop in December!
  • melissarina
    melissarina Posts: 113 Member
    SW: 113.2 kg
    Christmas GW: 105 kg, but I'll be happy to get below 110

    Day 1:
    Walk the dog for (at least) 30 minutes each day
    > Failed, heavy rain in the AM, left work late and had pilates :(
    30 Day shred 5 days a week
    > Pass! Completed day 3 of level 1
    Gym twice a week
    > I go Wednesdays and Saturdays, sothat's tomorrow's thing
    Pilates twice a week

    My dietary goals are:
    Follow a low FODMAPS goal 80-90%
    > Pass! Tried a bit of a donut, hated it. Passed up cake. Struggled to meet 1200 calories
    Drink lots of water
    > Pass! Drank 3L
    Only drink alcohol on Friday or Saturday nights
    > Pass! Didn't drink any alcohol

    All in all, I'm pretty happy with my day :D
  • Mamafred
    Mamafred Posts: 196 Member
    Hey Everyone,

    I weighed Saturday morning and my weight was up 5 pounds from three weeks ago. No surprise there given my overindulgence and lack of exercise.

    Current weight: 160 lbs
    Christmas weight goal: 157 lbs
    Ultimate goal: 155 lbs. I may go lower if I feel I need to.

    Food goals: Log daily, even if I go over, which I usually do on weekends.
    Workout goals: Minimum 45 minutes Monday - Saturday. Sunday is rest day.

    I am really looking forward to this.

  • GWSGregS
    GWSGregS Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm a day late to the party, but I really need some motivation to keepgoing. As with most, I had initial success, but have fallen off for th last while. I'm starting at an earth quaking 303 and would like to get down to 290 by Chistmas which would be a huge success for me.

    See you alog the way...
  • swingsintherain
    swingsintherain Posts: 121 Member
    Current weight: 189 (as of this morning)
    Goal by Xmas: 183

    I'm up 3.5 pounds since 1.5 weeks ago, but I think that part of that is from the pizza I had this weekend (and last night) and the wine at thanksgiving.

    Now that the leftover pizza is gone, I'm ready to change things. I threw out my collection of pizza coupons on Sunday, and cooked real food. Also danced, which is the fun way of working out.
  • ksludwig
    ksludwig Posts: 304 Member
    CW: 180.9lbs :embarassed:
    GW by Xmas: 175lbs

    I was horrified by this number, all my hard work gone to waste, time to get back on the wagon!!!
  • Rhondalbenoit
    Rhondalbenoit Posts: 4 Member
    A little late to the group....but SUPER excited about the challenge!!!

    Goal- lose 5 lbs in 30 days. (used to be easy- but now that I'm 40, not so much)
    More goals- clean eating (cut back on diet sodas & processed food)

    Let's do this!!!!
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    A little late, but that be okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Goal Weight by Christmas: 168-175

    I will be weighing tomorrow morning........