Looking for friends to keep me motivated

Happy Sunday! I started on here several months ago and was highly motivated in the beginning. I have lost almost 30 pounds since June and I feel pretty good about it. I plateaued in September and haven't been as motivated since. I am looking to find a few friends on here that are similar to my situation. Just need some friends to help keep me on the straight and narrow with my calories and workouts. Anyone up for being an accountability partner??????


  • 30 pounds is awesome! I will gladly be your accountability partner. I’m looking to lose 75 pounds, but am excited about the journey I am about to take.
  • spmccann
    spmccann Posts: 6 Member
    Well Done, only starting out on this. Lost 5kgs in the last month (11lbs-ish). Friend me please!
  • rwatts2165
    rwatts2165 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi.I am Rob. Similar story here. Started last summer, lost 22 pounds but kinda plateaued. I had lost 50 poumds on my own before I found MFP. Everyone kept saying do more cardio. I did, 5 days a week. I built more muscle in my legs but not much weightloss still. Then my trainer said why don't you just cut the calories by 300 a day and see what happens. It worked and the weight began coming off each week and funny thing is I did not even miss those 300 calories. Every one has to start somewhere and you have started. Great job! Ill be your accountability partner too. My goal this year is 10 pounds per month which is 120 for the year and 2.5 pounds per week. Rob/Jacksonville, Florida
  • Hey it's great to have accountability. I just added you as a friend. I'll do what I can. If these other guys want to they can friend me.

    I've gone to gym for years and kept down my weight but not much else to show for it. A year ago I decided to get serious and I lost about 10 lbs. and I'm trying to bring down body fat and bulk up which isn't hat easy after 60. I finally decided to see if there were others on MFP that are in similar situation and if encouragement makes a difference.

  • GWSGregS
    GWSGregS Posts: 14 Member
    Hey guys. I just saw this thread, but I wish I had seen it a month ago when I started getting serious again! It sounds like a lot of of have similar stories. I think seeing other people logging each day is a huge help. I'd be happy if anyone would add me to their list. Thanks!
  • New to the plan and it would be great to have some motivators.
  • dave0628
    dave0628 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm not really new here, but I could use some accountability / and kick in the butt from time to time. Add me.

  • Actually glad there is a group here for men... It seems very rare for men to want to loose weight.. Glad to be apart of this group..
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I'm Mike. Recently restarted this journey with close to 200 to lose.
  • wolfjj79
    wolfjj79 Posts: 29 Member
    I've only been on MFP for a few months, but I've lost close to 25 lbs since Dec 2011 (265lbs and now 239lbs). I still have 39 to go and could use a kick every now and then as well. I can give as good as I get so if anyone needs a good kick every now and then, just friend me.
  • felipejose74
    felipejose74 Posts: 21 Member
    Ahhh... Finally found a place for guys. Been sifting through threads full of the women since I started a few weeks ago. I've been linking my Fitbit with MFP and so far it seems great. Looking to lose about 30lbs to improve my running and baseball. The biggest challenge is my wife is due with our second child in the next week. Here's to staying on track as much as possible.

  • Welcome Phillip. I've been on MFP about a week and working on diet and being more active for a few weeks now. I've also got about 30 lbs to go.
  • mrhairyman
    mrhairyman Posts: 14 Member
    Hi guys. Looking for a few people to keep me on the straight and narrow. Between September and Dec 15th I lost 35lbs, but took a few weeks off over Xmas and put on 14lbs. Back on the wagon now - hoping to lose 50lbs by the end of the year - going from 300lbs to 250lbs
  • mugofire
    mugofire Posts: 110 Member
    I think we are all looking for the same thing... finding people we could be accountable to, and just guys to hang out with and shoot the sheet! I am looking for the same thing!! Please add me as well!!
  • Hey you can add me as i am look also for friends to keep me on track.
  • Akdn
    Akdn Posts: 121 Member
    Hi guys I'm also looking for some accountability on here. I've just started calorie counting on Monday and I'm looking forward to some much needed weight loss. Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • espi180
    espi180 Posts: 80 Member
    I'm down 25 pounds myself... got almost 60 left. Don't want to go backward into poor habits either! Stay focused. Happy to friend anyone on this page!
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Feel free to add me guys! The more the merrier!
  • Add me in!
    I need a kick up the bum to keep me motivated
    Went to the gym today for a swim.......and headed straight for the sauna!
  • dfelteau
    dfelteau Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in... I started last summer and lost close to 20 pounds then hit a heavy patch of travel at work and am finally got back into tracking foods in December and started losing a little weight since then but I'm lacking the motivation for the workouts... until your guys start kicking my butt!
