WFTDA new rules

Not excite?
How are your leagues dealing with inside whiteboard and communicating with the benches? We are thinking of having a wrangler for each team and the whiteboard behind the box for courtesy.
One whistle to rule them all? As a jam timer I am most excited about this. And as a fan... NO MORE SLOW STARTS! WEEEO!!! Maybe get back to '*kitten* you get past me derby?'
NRDL is renowned for gazelles so I'd like to see them come back into play... while I'm on the bench not skating them heh.

Are you worried the no minors will encourage more smaller dirty play?


  • IrateBeth
    IrateBeth Posts: 42 Member
    I'm only a little worried about dirty play.
    Most vetted skaters already have it built into them to keep their arms down (elbows/forearms), to not rush behind someone aka speed check (minor back blocking), etc. So I am not horribly worried. I also believe that vetted skaters who are now training will be likely to still encourage such things to fresh meat.

    I am excited for fast derby again. And excited to be able to see the refs and everything happening inside. It's going to be a transition, sure. But I believe leagues are already working on these things.
  • MeanieD
    Yeah, our league is a bit worried that players will start dramatizing the hits. :/
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Lol dramatizing hits already happens like mad over here.

    Our league has never given up fast derby which I love. We only ever use stop derby when we have a power jam and that's the same with knee starts.

    We are also trained correctly and would get benched for doing something continuously that *could* cause a penalty that we are trained not to do.
    In our contact testing, if we have our forearms up (even if they are against the body) we are made to pass drills with holding our hands behind our back and will be asked to do so in scrimmage. If we use a toe stop in scrimmage our toe stoppers are taken off us until we learn not to.
  • tekhipee
    tekhipee Posts: 20 Member
    Pivots can no longer lay down on the ground behind the pivot line (I heard some leagues have done this.) so that people have to line up way behind her hips. Excited for 1 start whistle. Hopefully discourage the take the knee at the line (no point now)
  • apocalypsepwnie
    I've never seen a pivot lay down, it's just stupid. It's really obvious that you are trying to force a penalty, I'd rather just be sneaky about it.
    I'm a jam timer so one whistle makes me happy.
    I am a fan of 1 knee starts when there is a power jam. Every frikken time though? Come on!!!
  • MeanieD
    Right! I hate the knee starts and so do the fans.