Welcome/ Introduction!



  • Hey I'm Sarah,
    I first weighed in at 163 (ish) and have lost about 4 lbs since I got back on MFP regularly as of a couple weeks ago. I'm hoping to find the motivation and support to help me get to my goal weight of 130. I'm very determined and can't wait to see how everyone progresses. This is so great!
  • mikayla169
    mikayla169 Posts: 40 Member
    Hi all,
    My names Mikayla, at my last weigh in I weighed in at 238, so 9lbs would bump me into the 220's, which would be realll nice before Christmas! Having so many people in this challenge together should hopefully make life so much easier!
    We can do it!
  • rednpnk
    rednpnk Posts: 55 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm currently 184.6. Kinda been stuck there for a while. My biggest challenges are staying away from sweets and making sure I'm eating enough. The greatest difficulty in eating the right amount is that I don't know how much to eat. I've done different formulas with the bmr and tdee and so forth. The problem comes because I'm nursing and I don't know if I should add the estimated 500 call in for that also. If that is the case, then I would need to eat about 2400 false a day. And that just seems wrong. Guess I'll try it out and see, but jeez that's a lot to fit into one day. Oh well, I guess it'll work itself out. Anyway, nice to be doing this challenge with you all. Good luck to us.
  • Hey Everyone!
    I joined this group because I could definitely use some extra motivation. I look forward to going through these next few weeks, even if it is the holidays, and holding myself accountable for what I eat. I figured a few extra friends on MFP wouldn't hurt either. I am 24 years old (soon to be 25 at the end of December), and weighed in this evening at 151. I began gaining weight last year and this summer realized I had to change what I was doing or it was just going to keep getting worse. I only seen the scale hit 160 once, but consistently weighed 158 for quite some time and that was enough for me to know I needed to do something. With all that being said, I run 3-5 times throughout the week (especially if I am training for an upcoming running event) and just started going to the gym due to lack of daylight hours and weather. Now I just have to get my eating habits in line and use MFP to keep me in line.
    9 lbs would be quite a feat for me, but I am up for the challenge.
    Good Luck to all those setting goals and nice to meet everyone!
  • Cori_Mac
    Cori_Mac Posts: 134 Member
    Hello loves! Thank you so much for having this group. :) I do love a challenge!

    My name is Cori, and I'm in California. My weight has been all over the place in my adult life, going from 125 to 220 and back to 118 due to an awful divorce and subsequent eating disorder. I soon stabilized around 140. In the past 5 years, I shot back up to 182 thanks to nursing school and all the bad foods and stress that comes with it. Job hunting over the last 9 months has added to that stress.

    I'm 5'6 1/2" officially, and looking to get down to 130-140 depending on how much muscle I build, etc. That's where I feel my best.

    I'm currently on a low-carb, medically-supervised diet. I chose this path because I live with my boyfriend and honestly find it difficult to maintain my own path when he's eating such awesome-looking stuff. This way I have someone to report to, and it keeps my brain away from those past disordered eating twitches. Low carb is fine for me, as breads and sugars make me sluggish and troubled digestively.

    Good to be here. :) Feel free to add me!