Chit Chat

umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
This is just for general discussion between members. :) Feel free to post recipes, tips for the 30DS, or what's on your mind! :)


  • jsprangel
    jsprangel Posts: 14 Member
    I made it through day 2 of SHREDDING! I'm not going to lie, it was tough this morning. Yesterday morning I had to stop and walk two times because the bottoms of my feet hurts so bad while doing the jumping jacks and jump rope. I'm not used to that pounding on my feet. I jog on a treadmill, but the activity is smoother compared to bouncing up and down. This morning, I took out my arch support inserts from my shoes and it made a real difference. Plus, I was more consciouse this morning of my technique during those activities. I did not stop once during the 20 minutes circuit, and for that I'm thankful and FEELING IT! 20 minutes is doable, and I think I'm going to see the difference. But, I still have to get my eating under control. I did better Monday than I did Sunday, better Tuesday than Monday, and I hope to stay on that path until I can gain control over my calorie intake once again. Happy Shredding everyone:)
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I made it through day 2 of SHREDDING! I'm not going to lie, it was tough this morning. Yesterday morning I had to stop and walk two times because the bottoms of my feet hurts so bad while doing the jumping jacks and jump rope. I'm not used to that pounding on my feet. I jog on a treadmill, but the activity is smoother compared to bouncing up and down. This morning, I took out my arch support inserts from my shoes and it made a real difference. Plus, I was more consciouse this morning of my technique during those activities. I did not stop once during the 20 minutes circuit, and for that I'm thankful and FEELING IT! 20 minutes is doable, and I think I'm going to see the difference. But, I still have to get my eating under control. I did better Monday than I did Sunday, better Tuesday than Monday, and I hope to stay on that path until I can gain control over my calorie intake once again. Happy Shredding everyone:)

    Great job continuing and pushing through!! :) Keep it up and you will see amazing results!
  • Day 2 - DONE! Man I'm weak in my arms. Most of the excercises I have no problems with....but the pushups and shoulder presses I barely make it through doing even the modified version! Starting with 3lb weights (tough enough) so hopefully by day 5 I can bump that up to 5 lbs. Sadly I ate like crap today :( Need to stay on good food...
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    TOM D<

    Seriously, this is for the ladies out there. I want to eat everything in sight and just so happens that it's between grocery weeks (winter is really hard with the heat and stuff and Christmas..) and I seem to have more things like bread, or chips (my husbands) and baked Christmas goods. Now, I've been good, and give away the candy cane brownies to co workers and my shortbread cookies are made just for fun for me... but does anyone have any idea how to just curb the cravings??

    I drink a lot of tea now when I want to snack. And I've also started having small bowls of cheerios. Any other ideas? :D
  • Whenever I'm craving something, I drink a glass of ice cold water and then pop in a piece of sugar free gum. Usually I crave sweets, especially chocolate :) But recently I have been craving hot sauce-weird!
  • elorawood
    elorawood Posts: 68 Member
    @Chris, I just had my first day today...and my arms feel like rubber - they are so weak! I would have never guessed!

    @umachanxo - I do the same thing that you do, drink some tea or water. My aunts nutritionist had told her to have a small piece of cheese (but I think that would just leave me wanting more!) - and to brush her teeth with baking soda (even if her teeth are clean, it´s just to get rid of the craving). I have tried that and it does work - but unfortunately I usually get cravings away from places where I can brush my teeth, lol, like walking outside and having really yummy smells from bakeries, restaurants etc...
  • hannahcall2
    hannahcall2 Posts: 175 Member
    This morning was DAY 1. Killer! Wanna punch her in the face already :laugh: I try to drink 12-15 cups of water a day and that usually keeps my cravings away.
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member
    Day one. Boy what a killer! I can usually manage 90 mins at the gym but that 25 min workout really kicked my butt LOL.

    Just wondering how you guys log 30DS on your exercise diary.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Day one. Boy what a killer! I can usually manage 90 mins at the gym but that 25 min workout really kicked my butt LOL.

    Just wondering how you guys log 30DS on your exercise diary.

    circuit training, general is how most log 30 ds. 30 ds kicked my butt, too, the hardest workout I ever did. The jumping jacks and jump rope are the hardest things for me. I lack the stamina and I have to catch my breath. My feet hurt, too.

    I will push through and get the results at the end of the 30 days. We can support each other.
  • MKCD123
    MKCD123 Posts: 86 Member
    I was dreading day 2 since I was so sore from day 1....but I got through it. My calves were killing me during the jumping jacks and jump rope!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I was dreading day 2 since I was so sore from day 1....but I got through it. My calves were killing me during the jumping jacks and jump rope!

    I feel ya with the pain in the legs!! Great work pushing through being sore and working hard! :D Keep it up!
  • elorawood
    elorawood Posts: 68 Member
    I know! Didn' t expect this to be this hard :) Feel it mostly in my arms - I have weak arms lol . But great work everyone! Just stick with it! We can do it :)
  • nessagrace22
    nessagrace22 Posts: 430 Member

    circuit training, general is how most log 30 ds. 30 ds kicked my butt, too, the hardest workout I ever did. The jumping jacks and jump rope are the hardest things for me. I lack the stamina and I have to catch my breath. My feet hurt, too.

    I will push through and get the results at the end of the 30 days. We can support each other.

    Thanks for the info. I need to invest in a heart rate monitor but not gonna happen this side of Christmas!

    I feel you pain with the jump rope, man is that a lot harder than it looks!! Day 2 done though and must admit it wasn't as bad as yesterday so there's hope for me yet.
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I've pulled something in my shoulder. Can barely move it... Still committed to the 30 Day Shred, but some modifiers are in order at least until my shoulder heals!
  • jsprangel
    jsprangel Posts: 14 Member
    I've made it through day 7 of level one! So glad to still be doing this. I'm sticking with my calorie goals and being much more conscious of recording what I eat to try and really make a difference this season. So many people think I should wait til after the Holidays to begin, but I need to do something now. I can't wait. And I'm so glad you are all doing this as well. It's helped me stay focused and accountable. I hope you are all doing well and not too stressed this season. Exercise is the only thing that seems to help me cope with my stress, so this is really good for me. I think this 20 minute workout has been the perfect mix with the MFP calorie tracking plan. I'm looking forward to taking my measurements and seeing if the scale really shows results.

    Hope you're all staying on track and taking good care of yourselves. Keep it up, it will be worth it when we ring in the New Year already ahead of the game!

  • MKCD123
    MKCD123 Posts: 86 Member
    I finished day 4 yesterday but my calves are killing me....I can still feel them morning this am. The question is- push through or rest? Is everyone taking a rest day once a week or doing the 30 days straight.
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    Day 1 complete. Bring on Day 2!
  • jsprangel
    jsprangel Posts: 14 Member
    I did day 8 of Level One this morning and I haven't taken a day of rest. But, I truly think you have to listen to your own body and make decisions based on what you can truly manage. I've pushed too hard in the past and either injured myslef or gotten run down and sick. They both set me back WAY further than what a day or even 2 days of rest would have accomplished. I am pushing myself, but that doesn't mean I will push through the entire 30 days without HAVING to take a day of rest. I really just wanted to commit to 30 days and stick it out to see what kind of results I can achieve. Supposedly it's best to give your body that "rest and recover day." I normally only work out M-F and take both Saturday and Sunday to rest. I think it's your call and what you think your body can handle without causing injury or illness.

    Good luck!
  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    I agree about the rest days. If you get injured or push TOO hard, it's not good for you. Listen to your body. I typically work out Monday-Saturday and take Sunday as a rest day. But I have taken an extra day in the week if I'm just too worn out.
  • So here's a question for everyone: What weight are you using? I see in the video that that the "beginners" girl is using 3lbs. I've been using 3lbs and moved up to 5lbs on the chest fly, row, and bicep curl (still can't handle more weight on the shoulder presses/lifts). Should I buy more weights and bump up to 8lbs on the other exercises? I only have 2 more days left at level 1, so should I just wait to see what I can handle in level 2? I'm not seeing any major results from the 30 Day Shred so far -- maybe it's just in my head or it's too early to see a difference. I'm definitely getting stronger, but my weight seems to be the same along with my measurements. We'll see if there are any improvements in tomorrow's check-in...