


  • mammothdoll
    Hi, guys!

    I'm a writer of fantasy, science fiction, and "literature" that looks like fantasy and science fiction.

    I've published a good deal of nonfiction. My first fiction piece, however, was just published YESTERDAY and I am so so so so thrilled. It's an experimental fiction piece that is secretly fantasy and quantum fiction.

    Scroll to the bottom, then scroll up to the last story. That story is mine, all mine!

    Warning: It's one of the least transparent, least reader-friendly things I've ever written. I'll throw up more reader-friendly things when they get published.

    I take writing classes through UCLA Extension (totally worth it). I've also been in an Austin-based science fiction writing group with Steve Brust, Skyler White, and Bon Steele.

    I'm currently starting with Slugtribe in Austin.

    In a past life, I worked on development for feature films and reality tv in, sigh, Hollywood. The biggest things I did were things like The Black Dahlia (trust me, the script was better!) and The Tori and Dean Show.
  • Pandahead
    Pandahead Posts: 50 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the recent pub :)

    I second this! :)
  • itshightime
    I have published 5 novels and my children's book has just been released. When I'm on a roll, I pretty much write all the time---before "retirement" I made my living as a technical writer. This successful novel stuff has been amazing and an incredible gift in this stage of my life. HOWEVER, it has only enabled my sedentary lifestyle---which I am struggling like MAD to change. Which is why I'm here. Writing? No problem. I'm disciplined as heck, often too much so. Exercise? And what I choose to put in my mouth? Not so much.
  • Docksider16
    Docksider16 Posts: 16
    Howdy Ya'll.

    I notice this group hasn't been active recently. Hope you're still out there writing.

    Just in case, I'm an old school journalist (newspapers and mags) who has moved into new media. Like all good journalists, I have a novel in the drawer; a young adult thing.

    I haven't been writing a lot recently but I'd like to get back into the practice.
    I've been told I'm a good reader - so if you need some feedback, give me a shout.

  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    Hello all. Not sure if anyone is really out there anymore (no real activity lately), but I'm hoping there are fellow writers around.

    I'm an avid reader, and love to write. Not much time anymore (I have an active 8 month old), but I constantly have ideas floating around. I will be back in it soon, as I've begun to put the latest thoughts onto paper.

    Any writers in the New England area?
  • bethyama
    bethyama Posts: 3
    Hi Everyone. I've just joined MFP, and I was glad to find this group.

    I co-wrote an English language textbook for the Japanese market in 1996. I enjoyed the project, but everything else about the experience was pretty bad: no royalties, use of our content in other versions without notifying us, and not even any way to find out how many books had sold.

    And then, just a few months ago I heard from the publisher. The book sold really well, and they wanted my permission to reissue it. They cut out the intermediary who had treated us so badly, and now I have a new contract with royalties and they're showing interest in my next book.

    I didn't realize what a black cloud the previous experience had been, but since this turn of events I feel like I have a new lease on life, and new hope for all my dream projects that I'd put on the back burner. I've been writing daily for the last two months, and now I'm ready to take on all the fitness challenges I'd been putting off too.

    Very much looking forward to comparing notes--both fitness and writing related--with all of you.
  • kitkatkmt
    kitkatkmt Posts: 178 Member
    Congratulations Bethyama, what awesome news!! Quite exciting!

    Welcome to MFP - not sure that there are all too many people posting in this group, but I've been keeping an eye on it, hoping it will jump back into gear again.

    Are you looking for new friends? Feel free to send me a request if you are. :)
  • JulesAtkinson1
    JulesAtkinson1 Posts: 219 Member
    Hi all,
    I am fairly familiar now with MFP but no so much with the forums. I've joined a few, but at first found the threads hard to follow. Now that I have a couple under my belt, I'm branching. I figure you can never have enough support. :happy:

    I'm a nurse by trade and a writer at heart. I discovered writing in my teens, but shelved it for a "reliable" career and a family. My kids are grown and on their own now (or almost on their own) and I've recently re-discovered my passion.

    I've written mostly for me, with a couple of articles written for my church international magazine published, and a couple of dramatic plays that were very well received at local churches.

    I'm not even sure what I really want to focus on writing yet; I'm still figuring that part out. I know I feel my funniest, smartest, sassiest and most energetic when I've got a germ of an idea and writing about it. :smile:

    I was born and raised in South Carolina, and I love all things southern, except summer. :happy:

    I'm looking forward to meeting fellow writers and sharing ideas. I accept friend requests, I just ask for a short note included to tell me where you know me from (forums, etc.)
  • Madmoosebaits
    Howdy all! I have one novella pubbed, it's a paranormal romance (ok... erotic) and am working on a few other ideas. If anyone here is familiar with Romance Divas, it's "Johnny"!
  • FemaleWriter
    FemaleWriter Posts: 9 Member

    I write mostly speculative fiction, but unfortunately don’t have any finished stories. Similar to my weight loss goals…I tend to lose steam or interest. I’m hoping that will change soon and that I’ll be able to finish a story and be able to stay on track to losing weight.
  • shanfree
    Hey Peeps -- I'm Shannon. I joined a while ago but couldn't be bothered to track anything. I think I'm a little more motivated now. I've recently gone gluten free and am starting to feel more energy.

    I get my writer on at and sometimes off-line in various writing classes I take.

    Fun to be here!
  • wrathofophelia
    I'm Jess from Zootown, Montucky. I work graveyards doing in home care for adults with disabilities. By day, I sleep and write. My forte is dark urban fantasy/horror/ erotica. I usually blend all three in my work. I love to read 19th and 20th century British literature (esp horror) Victorian horror, and am making my toward Steampunk.

    I was happy to find a site that's not just about weight-loss, but about living healthy in general, and about reaching out to others (not always in terms of weight loss).

    I do have a few "friends" on this site, but while I comment on their progress and ask questions, they don't respond to me or even really seem to notice me :( I know they're probably just busy, but I am serious about finding a few close pals to keep in regular contact with about our victories and our woes, both in life and dieting. If anyone would like a fun and consistent bud to talk about dieting, exercising, WRITING or the books we read (well, you can talk about anything you want to me), please friend me. I'd love to meet ya!
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 467 Member
    Howdy, my name is Josh and I like to write. I don't know exactly what category I put myself in as a writer, fiction mostly, but I've written erotic, horror and some less then desirable stories I shouldn't mention. Right now I just write as a hobby, but I'd like to make money off of it sooner or later, preferably sooner.
  • darmetsb
    darmetsb Posts: 1 Member

    My name is Daryl. After 30+ years of sitting at corporate desks, accumulating weight and malcontentment, I am working to shed the pounds and will soon be sloughing off the corporate captive life as well. After my escape, I'll be free to spend more time with my wife, and at traveling, writing, and photography. I can use all of the encouragement I can get in those last three areas!

    Although it would be nice to become a published author, I mostly write because I'll burst if I don't. Whether I do anything else or not, I journal at least 500 words every morning. I used to write more fiction and poetry, but in the last couple of years I haven't had the extra energy to do that plus journaling plus holding down a full-time job and trying to keep the house from falling apart.

    If/when I do get back to writing fiction, I think it will be somewhere in the borderlands of dark fantasy and supernatural mystery.

    I'd love to get to know some fellow writers here, maybe swap stories and encouragements, help each other lose weight and gain pages, etc.
  • skinnylady1011
    Hi, my name is Kelly and I am a writer/editor for a series of medical publications. Today is my first day on MFP and I'd like to remain as dedicated to fitness as I am to my craft. I look forward to participating in this group!
  • Asianaaaa
    Asianaaaa Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Saima from London, UK.

    Unlike most of you, I am not a writer but I do have an idea which I would like to turn into a novel. I am just not sure how or where to start. I did at one point want to be a journalist because I used to love writing in school and college but that never happened. The sad part is that the last time I did any creative writing was back in college so I am finding it a bit hard to get back into it. Anyway, here I am ready to get my creative juices flowing again! :smile:
  • CharlayneDenney
    Hello. I'm starting this to try to fit some exercise/diet into my life. I'm a writer, I am working on a paranormal romance series that hopefully will be called "Wrong Turns". My first novel is about 1/3 done at the moment, still working daily on it. There are three other books planned, two novels and a novella.

    I review for Paranormal Romance Guild which means I do a lot of reading along with writing. I read books they submit to me and I write reviews. I've been doing this for almost a year now. I love it. It's not paid (if a reviewer is paid--run the other way, it's a fraud) but I do get the books free. it's great fun to see the new stuff that comes out.

    I go to science fiction conventions, I'm in touch with a lot of authors from SF/Fantasy/Romance and my brother is writing a western thriller and I have become his beta reader for it.

    My main thing here is that I have fibromyalgia and doing ANY exercise is very painful. I am in a wheelchair (electric) because of the pain and both knees being blown (three operations on them so far). So I'm looking for some exercise that doesn't hurt, doesn't take all my time, and will help me lose the weight I've gained from the years of medication and sedentary lifestyle I've had to lead.

    I'm excited to find a group that is working on losing weight AND interested in writing. That's the marriage of all good things, IMO.

    I'm also the mother of 4 grown kids and I have 9 grandkids between 18 and 4 years old. And the BEST husband in the world.
  • RW32128
    RW32128 Posts: 3
    My name is Rhonda. I work as a ghostwriter and editor, and I'm also in my last semester of grad school, earning an MFA in creative writing (fiction concentration). I'm currently working on my creative thesis (a collection of short stories), and a lecture I'll present for defense of critical thesis in early June. Wish me luck!

    As to the weight loss goals . . . ugh. Started on MFP last week. Down 2 pounds and change, and that quick loss tells you just how terrible my sedentary lifestyle and eating habits have been. I want to look good when I defend my thesis and give that public reading!

    Looking forward to "meeting" folks with similar interests and goals. :flowerforyou:
  • RW32128
    RW32128 Posts: 3
    I feel your pain. M&Ms and writing go SO well together! :wink: Congrats on your writing discipline!
  • iradamrawr
    iradamrawr Posts: 35
    HI im adam i just started writing a little bit to relax myself and because ive always had a few stories running around in my head so i figured what the hell id throw them down on paper

    im still very new to the writing game (i probally work on my story about an hour a day if that sometimes) and im very nervous about letting someone read it (way more nervous about people i know in RL that i will have to see every day) but i am looking to get oppinions and ideas and help others as well if i can :)