What is you're total and how often/long do you train?



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo: they're actually quite respectable numbers for your bw :smile:

    I just joined the group over the weekend.

    1RM from last week (in lbs): 365 DL/285 BP/345 Squat

    I took the summer off from lifting. That was at the end of 2 months of consistant lifting 45 minutes, 3 days a week, and running about 3 miles on the other days. 1 day off. I did reps of 10-8-6-4 as heavy as I could. I was suprised I could 1RM max as much as I did. I never got close to those numbers in High School, and this has me pretty excited about lifting. I'm in Day 2 of a new routine where I lift 4 times a week, and do 5 sets of 10. Then one day of running intervals and one day of a 3-4 mile "run".

    I think I know what I'm doing, but I may not know what I'm doing. Which is why I joined this group, and why I'm switching things up. As soon as I put the scratch together I'd like to study, and take PT Certification for my own grins...and maybe take a few clients as side hustle. My main goal is fat loss.

    I'd be keeping some lower rep stuff in there as well. 3-5's. If you are in cal deficit then you want to focus on keeping LBM. I've found that keeping the big compound lifts in the "strength" zone primarily and doing accessory stuff at higher reps has worked well for me when cutting.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member

    I'd be keeping some lower rep stuff in there as well. 3-5's. If you are in cal deficit then you want to focus on keeping LBM. I've found that keeping the big compound lifts in the "strength" zone primarily and doing accessory stuff at higher reps has worked well for me when cutting.

    So maybe a 9-6-3 on the Dead, Squat, Bench, Power Clean and 5x10 on the isolation stuff like curls and extensions?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    I'd be keeping some lower rep stuff in there as well. 3-5's. If you are in cal deficit then you want to focus on keeping LBM. I've found that keeping the big compound lifts in the "strength" zone primarily and doing accessory stuff at higher reps has worked well for me when cutting.

    So maybe a 9-6-3 on the Dead, Squat, Bench, Power Clean and 5x10 on the isolation stuff like curls and extensions?

    Unless your an experienced lifter I'd be doing some sort of row (db or bb) instead of power cleans as they are very technical and also they are normally done in very low rep ranges as you don't want to be doing these fatigued.

    This is the program I'd recommend for beginners.
    Squat 3 x 10
    Bench press 3 x 8
    Bent row 3 x 8
    Military press 3 x 8
    Stiff leg deadlift 3 x 8
    BB curl 3 x 8 (except I do pullups cause I like em)
    info here http://ausbb.com/strength-training-power-lifting/9460-beginners-program.html

    Same concept as starting strength/stronglifts.

    So with the above after a few sessions you won't make 8 reps on everything which puts you right in the middle of the strength/hypertrophy rep range which is a good balance for most :smile:

    And if you do full deadlifts then I'd drop the reps to about 5 and only do 1 set as they are way too taxing compared to SLDL's. High rep deadlifts are asking for trouble IMO.
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    Anybody do complexes to finish their workout? I'm looking to start. I was thinking a barbell complex to failure on each movement would be good. I'm not sure though. What do yours look like?
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Anybody do complexes to finish their workout? I'm looking to start. I was thinking a barbell complex to failure on each movement would be good. I'm not sure though. What do yours look like?

    I did for a few months, usually a Crossfit WOD or something. I don't think I got much out of it. I make a finisher out of something more targeted these days and I get a lot more benefit from that. For example, my finisher today was to take CG bench to failure at < 3 reps at the end of shoulder/triceps day.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Anybody do complexes to finish their workout? I'm looking to start. I was thinking a barbell complex to failure on each movement would be good. I'm not sure though. What do yours look like?

    I often do complexes on non-lifting days. I usually do the bear complex or some semi-random permutation of deadlifts, power cleans, front squat, ohp, back squat. I find complexes to be a really great conditioning workout.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Anybody do complexes to finish their workout? I'm looking to start. I was thinking a barbell complex to failure on each movement would be good. I'm not sure though. What do yours look like?

    If I do them I do on non-lifting days as I generally do heavy bag work for cardio otherwise. I wouldn't be doing them to failure.

    Here is a typical one I do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJU1fM-jI1U
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Updated after my meet this past Saturday, 12/1/2012.
    Total = 417.5 kg (920.4 lbs)
    Wilks value = 308.532

    squat: 142.5 kg (314.2 lbs)
    bench: 87.5 kg (193 lbs)
    deadlift: 187.5 kg (413.3 lbs)
    71.3 kg (157.2 lbs) body weight

    Still 4x/week training

    Just slightly bummed, as I was aiming to make at least 945 total; but didn't due to a lousy bench. Next time.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    live and learn mate :smile:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Wow you are all beasts! I'm probably the weakest kitten here in this whole group so forgive my numbers, lol...

    squat: 57.5kg (126.5 lbs.) + deadlift: 57.5 kg (126.5 lbs.) + bench: 35kg (77 lbs.) = 150kg (330 lbs.)

    I lift twice a week (Sunday & Wednesday) for full body training. Average session is 90 minutes
    UPDATE: Two trainers, one was from the hotel gym where I spent my 3 day vacation last Friday & the other one was from my gym last Sunday, have given me the exact equation of how heavy the barbell I'm squatting & deadlifting.

    20kg iron plate + 2.5kg iron plate x 2 for each side + 20.5kg bar = 65.5KG (144.1 LBS)

    So my current numbers are as follows:

    squat: 65.5kg (144.1 lbs.) + deadlift: 65.5 kg (144.1 lbs.) + bench: 35.5kg (78.1 lbs.) = 166.5kg (366.3 lbs.)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo: they're actually quite respectable numbers for your bw :smile:
    Thanks, just updated my numbers now ;)
  • yamichi
    yamichi Posts: 7 Member
    New to the group so I'll chime in here.

    Haven't done a 1RM in... a decade so... Recent numbers for sets of five:
    Squat 3x5x315, Dead 1x5x365, Bench 3x5x235 (all in pounds) for a combined total of 915lbs.

    Goals are nice round numbers: aiming for 405 squat, 495 dead, 315 bench... Even number of 45lb plates makes the math easy :D

    There are some really inspiring numbers on here. What workouts have you guys (and gals) been doing to get your numbers up? I've been following the advice of Mark Rippetoe's "Starting Strength" book.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    @yamichi, awesome lifts, man!

    i started with Rippetoe's Starting Strength, but then moved to Wendler's 5/3/1. SS was fantastic, but at some point it became too intense to recover from fully. 5/3/1 is laid out with a more gradual progression, and more recovery time. It's a good option for when one move's beyond the novice stage...
  • yamichi
    yamichi Posts: 7 Member
    Taso- I ended up at SS after doing Stronglifts for a while. Once I did my research I moved on to SS and it's been treating me well. Now that I'm more interested in cutting some chub rather than just getting stronger, I'm sorta making my own program and just keeping focused on form/technique.
    I've been doing high reps (7 sets of ten on squat at increasing weights) but I let my form slip because I was lifting light and now my hip adductor is angry with me. :D
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    As of yesterday - 19/10/12

    Squat - 120kg
    Deadlift - 170kg
    Bench - 75kg

    So 365kg total.

    Weights training - 4 set days a week + 1 additional day per fortnight for a full body workout

    Average session - between 60-120 minutes including stretching and warm up/down.

    Really hoping for an explosion in gains with my bench numbers... My squat and deadlift went up pretty consistently since starting lifting but barbell bench and dumbbell press numbers have really disappointing by comparison.

    Also! Would absolutely be stoked if I could hit:
    Squat - 140kg
    Deadlift - 200kg
    Bench - 100kg

    By the end of the year. I have my doubts (especially about bench, damn chest) but I'm going for it anyway!

    Came to see what I had posted and figure I might as well update my numbers for me to look at again down the track!

    As of 30/12/12

    Squat - 150kg (30kg gain)
    Deadlift - 200kg (30kg gain)
    Bench - 85kg (10kg gain)

    So 435kg total (70kg total gain).

    Currently doing P.H.A.T. 5 days a week on average for 90 minute sessions (slightly longer on heavy days due to longer rest periods).

    Hit the numbers I wanted to finish 2012 on for deadlift and squat but fell very short of the bench goal so think I'm going to focus on that for a bit to kick off 2013.
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    End 2012

    6' 186lbs AM weigh in, 190 at night

    Currently training 2 days on 1 day off 45min-2 hours per session.

    Last max
    Bench: 315x2
    Squat: 425x1
    Dead: 405x1

    So 1145lbs total
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Updated total as of this morning: 990lbs(449kg) @ 163.2lbs(74kg) bw
    Wilks total: 322.723

    Training same as before.

    That's 120 lbs added in 6 months, woot!