Greetings - new here

hi - I'm new to the group. I started using the android app yesterday as a way to track carbs for the android Glucool app. I might be an extreme, as I am attempting to keep my daily carbs as close to zero as possible. The myfitnesspal app is showing me how that goal is not attainable, but it is easy for me to stay under 30g on a normal day. It will also give me a number relation between what kind of carbs I eat and what effects they have on my blood sugar.

I have changed my thinking and now carbs are a treat. My favorite forms of carbs are mead, reisling, and beer. If I want to have a couple beers or glasses, I had better have been really good for two days before and two days after. Mead is left for special occasions.

I started at 315 pounds or so, lost weight for no reason, and found out it was diabetes. I lost control for a while again, but I have resolved to stay alive with my vision, kidneys, fingers, and toes intact. Here I started at 266 pounds yesterday, and I am hoping by keeping my food journal on this site with all the associated numbers I will be in control again.

Here's to all the type II insulin dependents on here: SALUDE !!!


  • BigG59
    BigG59 Posts: 396 Member
    Welcome to the group. You will find a lot of well informed folk on here and I've managed to pick up various pieces of advice along the way.

    I think we have a few others here who try and keep carbs low. Sorry I cannot add anything as luckily I've been diagnosed T2 early, it was picked up at a routine medical so I am not on insulin. So far, I am managing to control my BG levels via weight loss and exercise.

    You favourite way of getting carbs sure is an interesting one ( and was my favourite way). I manged to cut beer out completely when I was diagnosed four months ago (not easy but I don't miss it now) and limit alcohol to red wine and the occasional vodka (no mixers).
  • Sachiel_777
    Sachiel_777 Posts: 12 Member
    I meant I started at 256 pounds here, not 266.

    thanks for the welcome :)

    I love this app !!

    yeah - my carbs... this app tells me that 1 glass of mead is equal to 4 guiness blacks. I make my own mead, and mostly I give it away as gifts. Now I can just make more of my friends happy.

    Diabetes is a strange animal, and I am willing to take any advice people have to give.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    You can adjust your goals on myfitnesspal. Go to GOALS. Click on "CHANGE GOALS". Select "CUSTOM". Set your carbs at 5%. That is the lowest it will allow. I recommend you set your protein at 20-25% and your fat at 70-75%.

    I also suggest that you go to "FOOD". Click on "SETTINGS". And have it track fiber for you. Then subtract fiber from your carb totals so that you are only counting net carbs.
  • Sachiel_777
    Sachiel_777 Posts: 12 Member
    thanks - I have the protein set at 55% and the fat set at 45%. I'll leave it like this unless my diet starts flashing red.