Non Scale Challenge Week 1: if it raining you ain't training

If it raining you ain't training challenge is two fold. Check in daily this week and answer the following two questions.

1) Was there a puddle after you completed today's workout?

2) Did you replace the water your body needs? (64 ounces or more)


  • knrhardin
    My carpet was wet and I had about 80 ounces of water today !!!!
  • knrhardin
    Fit Test Today there was no puddle but I did get all my water in :) Speed and Agility here I come :)
  • knrhardin
    Def had all my water today but do to learning form it's not quite raining but a slight drizzle for sure :)
  • knrhardin
    yep and yeppers :)
  • knrhardin
    Whole gallon of water yesterday and a half gallon today already :) I have been sweating buckets lately