New Member Looking for Support and Friends :)

philly1980 Posts: 25 Member
Hi Ladies

I'm Philippa and I am due 4 June 2013 with my 2nd bub. I used MFP quite successfully earlier this year and now that I am no longer vomiting up everything in sight I thought it would be a great idea to get back on the food and exercise tracking bandwagon.

I was unfortunate in my first pregnancy to be diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to eat super carefully during my last trimester so felt that it is probably worth getting into the swing of tracking my carb and sugars intake now as my risk of having it again is definitely higher this time round. I also loved that I was back at my pre-preg weight within 3 days after my first birth most likely because I was so careful and put on a healthy but small amount of weight in total!

So I would love to friend up with some other mums due around the same time as me or who have done the whole gest diabetes business (it really is a pain and I am so glad I don't have type 1 or 2 diabetes for life!). Also happy to friend anyone who just wants encouragement and support - be warned I do look over food diaries I find it really interesting what other people eat :) In exchange for friendship I do promise to actively comment and encourage you - I know how much it helped me lose weight earlier in the year - those comments help and keep you motivated :)

Best of luck with your pregnancies and health ladies!


  • rachelboddy
    rachelboddy Posts: 115 Member
    Hi! I'm due May 20 so I'm close to you. :) This is my first baby. I'm excited and overwhelmed. My doc is testing my blood sugars now to see if he wants to put me on medication to prevent gestational diabetes. My blood sugars were low however when I tested myself - always under 100 and sometimes in the 60's. Since you had gestational diabetes, where were your blood sugar levels? I am going to bring this up with my doc on Monday as well.
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    Im due 5/27 with my 3rd baby...anyone feel free to add me
  • philly1980
    philly1980 Posts: 25 Member
    I wasn't tested in my first pregnancy until I was 28 weeks via the 2 Hour Glucose test. The results I think are measured a bit differently in Australia but my Blood Glucose Levels were:
    fasting: 5
    post: 10

    I think (but I could be wrong I'm just going off wikipedia) that these ratings in the USA would be:
    fasting: 90
    post: 180

    I know the later into pregnancy you go the higher the numbers generally get. I know that I had no problems with my readings being managed by diet last time but then at 33 weeks my fasting readings skyrocketed and I ended up having to be on insulin to manage that one. Sadly if your hormones effect your insulin levels there is only so much you can do :(

    I'm about to go to my first obstetrician appointment in an hour so I have a feeling I'll be sent to do an earlier GTT this time as apparently you can test positive earlier 2nd time round. Really hoping that I don't get it this time but will just have to grit my teeth and bear it if I do!