Obligatory Welcome Post



  • Hola fellow redditors. This name is also my reddit name. I just joined up here today. I figured why not, there is weight to be lost!
  • ker19
    ker19 Posts: 4
    Ohh man, I had no idea this group existed and I've been using MFP for about a month. I've been an r/loseit-er for quite a while now and have lost 40 pounds through a mixture of counting calories, exercising, and recently through keto. Finally at the home stretch to my goal weight of 135 (I'm 5'6, moderate/athletic build) and am starting to focus more on toning up more than losing pounds.

    Would love some new MFP friends! It keeps me accountable and motivated and I love being a part of such a kickass support group.
  • Abeer8
    Abeer8 Posts: 12
    Hi everyone!

    I've lurked around on fitness and gainit for sometime now. I'm 113 lb and 5'10", so obviously need to gain weight and reach the ideal weight for my height. Which is why I'm here, to find motivation and a journal for my daily calorie (aiming for 3000) intake. At the same time I also workout thrice a week and am following a plan for gaining muscle by Alex Steward.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • namn
    namn Posts: 5
    Yo huge redditor here and I'm trying to lose around 60 pounds and currently at 165 lbs and 5'7".I'm hoping I can find people to motivate me on this site. Loving this group already feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Hello!
    Lurker on reddit on and off a few years, finally made an account a few months ago and discovered r/xxfitness. Trying mostly to lose the weight I've put on since coming back from travelling. Recently started weight training with a personal trainer, working out anywhere between 3-5 times a week but really need to track what I'm eating. Currently around 149, trying to get down to 130, I'm 5.6 1/2".
  • shavonne_5
    shavonne_5 Posts: 2 Member
    Hope you guys don't mind if I start adding you. :) Let's all work together towards our goals!
  • Hello fellow redditors. Just joined MFP and am looking for friends to add. Hopefully this will keep me more accountable. ;-)
  • KrayKira
    KrayKira Posts: 230
    Hi there, kirakaydawn from reddit here :)
    /loseit is my main lurker spot on reddit and /aww but who doesn't stalk /aww

    I lost nearly 55kg without MFP, and so far haven't lost much here because I had some set backs (surgeries)
    But I'm ready to kick butt now!!

    ;) Add me
  • Avason
    Avason Posts: 37
    Also came here from reddit after lurking on /r/loseit for way too long. Finally decided to stop shoving half a pound of potatochips down my throat every night and start working again out for the first time in 6 years.

    Reddit has been a major source of inspiration, hoping this group will be somethign similar ^^
  • Lady_Pieface
    Lady_Pieface Posts: 8 Member
    Hey folks! Reddit lurker, (losing, historyporn, and nosleep are guilty pleasures of mine), same username, struggling to lose these last pesky eighty pounds so I can hike the AT, comfortably fit into a plane seat, and use my powers for good and not jelly krimpets. I'm a teacher and a theatre director, and I've got a cat. I'm mildly interesting and I curse a lot. Feel free to add me!
  • baldrad
    baldrad Posts: 1 Member
    Howdy mates, fellow redditor here!
  • Hi everyone! I'm so glad you guys were here! I also came over from reddit and am looking for some more friends on MFP. 25/F/FL
    Starting weight: 170, wanna get down to 130 or so. Looking for some cool people to share my journey and goals with! We got this, you guys! Feel free to add me here! My username on reddit is Ginatron. :)
  • jessicart87
    jessicart87 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all!
    I lost 10lbs last year and got out of the swing of things. I'm currently at 212 after being 208-210 for the past 6+ months and it was a wake up call, don't do anything and gain it all back or make a change and go in the opposite direction. I'm on day 2 right now. Focusing on calorie intake wanting to working out at the gym. It's midterms week right now so I'm planning on going this weekend. I've had a gym membership since last summer and have been paying 9.99/month and haven't even gone once! I'm going to change that! Tracking my food intake with MFP has been the best tool I've ever used! I want to eat less processed foods, but that is something that is going to take some time to ween myself into.

    GW:190 (by April 9th, 1/2 birthday)

    (diggette on Reddit)
    JessicaRT87 on pinterest
  • Boringdoug
    Boringdoug Posts: 72 Member
    I finally joined mfp after reading about it a thousand times on r/loseit and the like. I have about 100 pounds to lose, but am pretty motivated. Add me if you want. :)
  • Nyx192
    Nyx192 Posts: 4 Member
    Been here about 3 weeks now and so far lost 12.4 lbs :) Struggling a little at the moment with a lot of uni deadlines and no time to even think about exercise, let alone do any. I'm trying to be more active when at uni or in work to try compensate a little though. Feel free to add me.
  • chaoticgeek
    chaoticgeek Posts: 25 Member
    Been here for a bit and just realized that I should see if there is a Reddit group.

    Lost my excess water weight last week so now starts the slow process of small weight loss. Aiming for 1.5 pounds (about .7kg) a week this year and so far so good. I keep adding small changes to my diet and exercise routines. Aiming for life style changes that will stick with me as opposed to dropping as much weight as fast as possible, although I don't mind extra weight loss. Doing weekly check-ins on Sundays, measuring weight, chest, waist, and hips. And progress pictures on the 1st and 15th of every month. This year I will to be down 50 pounds (23 kg) at least.

    Best thing I've done to help this stick is committing myself to tracking food and writing my goal down on an index card and saying I will do it, not that I want this to happen. Back of the card I put different changes that I can make to make it happen, adding a new one into my routine every two months or so when the previous one has become a habit. For me a solid habit is formed after about two months. I start developing it and normally it is decent after a month but I'm making sure that I really stick to them.
  • NomarFachix saying hello!