Sleep Apnea & CPap Machine

ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
I was diagnosed last Nov with sleep apnea - I've been using a CPAP ever since. However, since the surgery I struggle to use it. I wake up with my mouth open and so dry that I can barely swallow and I struggle to get a drink of water in. I never was like that before surgery. I sleep better now without the machine. Anyone else go through anything similar?


  • Barbara2420
    Barbara2420 Posts: 51 Member
    Yes, I had a difficult time using my cpap post-op. Had such a hard time, I decided to try to sleep without it. Slept just fine, husband reports ZERO snoring. Should probably have sleep study to confirm the absence of sleep apnea, but I no longer exhibit any symptoms! Hooray to loss of diabetes, sleep apnea and cardiac irregularity!!
  • kasmusic3PA
    kasmusic3PA Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Erin,
    I am having the same problem, I was diagnosed in 2007 with sleep apnea and I use a bipap machine. I need pressures
    going in and going out. I have been having a really big problem with the same thing, I have my heated humidifier on the highest
    level to keep moisture in but I still have the problem.
    I think I might have to have my pressures changed
  • Newbody72
    Newbody72 Posts: 30 Member
    I haven't had difficulty post surgery but since I dropped over 60lbs I feel I don't need it as much. I met with the Dr and he scheduled me for a post op sleep study so back to wearing those electrodes and that gooky stuff in my hair.
  • sgmcat
    sgmcat Posts: 23 Member
    I have only been banded a month, but I am not having any trouble with my CPAP machine so far. I try to stay hydrated during the day and at night I sleep fine.
  • I had a sleep study done 6 months post op and passed with flying colors! No CPAP and sleeping good.
  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I had the cpap machine for 18 months with supplemental oxygen. I got off the oxygen in August and was determined to be off the cpap by November. I made IT! But I also had the excessive dry mouth. I ended up getting a mask the fit over my mouth and nose. I also used a chin strap. Good thing the hubby loved me for I am sure I looked like am alien from hell. I also had a humidifier. Did it stop that horrific dryness? Not always. But it did make it better. I think you will find you wont need the cpap after weight loss good luck. And hope you get that dry mouth under control. My tongue wouldn't move it was so dry.

  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    I also have stopped using my CPAP and sleep better now without it. I am sure the loss of 100+ pounds have alot to do with that. I will have another sleep study soon but too busy right now to schedule it. My hubby also report 0 snoring.
  • hathor1943
    hathor1943 Posts: 57 Member
    I had a sleep study done 6 months after surgery and passed, so I have not had to use it at all. That was a great plus for me, I hated using it. I even had to use oxygen with my CPAP machine at night.
  • I am very interested in what will happen with me and my BIPAP after surgery . I would just be so thankful if I no longer need it! I am hoping for the best in that regard.:smile:
  • Similarly to Geri - I wear a full face mask. Resmed Quattro FX. Love it since I'm a mouth breather - I never have dry mouth and I tolerate it really well. I've never had an issue other than having to occasionally adjust it to correct minor air leaks.
  • sgmcat
    sgmcat Posts: 23 Member
    I loved reading the stories about your cpap and masks. LOL Now that I think of it, my husband calls me Darth Vadar. LOL I look forward to a post op test to be rid of mine one day.
  • I use a CPAP but don't have a problem. Use biotene moisturizing mouth spray. Was a life saver after surgery.
  • kasmusic3PA
    kasmusic3PA Posts: 36 Member
    I have a bipap machine and they have changed the pressures 3 times already. I'm sure in the future they will be scheduling me to have a new sleep study done. My hubby says I still snore during the night, I'm thinking I will probably have to use it but at low settings. I get very dry mouth, unless the humidity outside is high and we even have a humidifier in our bedroom. So we will see what the doctors say at my next appointment in a couple of days. I will let everyone know.
  • ErinShannon
    ErinShannon Posts: 158 Member
    I went back in Nov and I don't have to wear it anymore unless I want to. They will do a retest this summer closer to my 1 yr surgery anniversary to double check but for now it's up to me if I use it or not. Needless to say, it got packed up and put away! :-)
  • mandyabraio
    mandyabraio Posts: 112 Member
    I stopped using my cpap when I had my surgery. I sleep so much better now without it. I use to only sleep 2 to 3 hours I sleep all night long very sound and wake up feeling great. NO one told me not to use it...but I didn't like wearing it before surgery either but I did.
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Today I packed up my CPAP machine and put it away for good. It got to the point that I couldn't breathe with it on and was sleeping with my mouth open. Was only getting about two hours of sleep a night too. Time to adjust to life without it. Another step in the right direction!