Support in fitness and practice.

Hello. My name is Ashley and I am 22 years old and an Army wife. I am new to the practice/religion. Just looking for some work out inspiration and someone to help me in my spiritual journey. =) I know I sound ridiculous but finding anyone on an army post to do anything out of the norm you're immediately shunned. Lol. But anyway. After the birth of my son I now weigh 177. Trying to get down to 130. So I have along way to go. So let's do the damn. =)


  • Koryuu
    Koryuu Posts: 27 Member
    We have the same end goal! ^_^
    And while I'm still on my own spiritual journey (it's a never ending process, really) I would be happy to help you on yours. :smile:
  • ChubbyMcFatpants
    ChubbyMcFatpants Posts: 13 Member
    I would be glad to answer any questions I can, but really the best way to learn is to do, and that counts for both witchcraft and your health. People and books can give you lots of good information and starting points, but the real important learning experiences will come from you: from the things you do, the realizations you make, the choices and journey you choose to follow.

    That being said, it's never a bad idea to have a group to pose your questions to! Let me know what you need, and I will do the best I can. I come from a small town, so I know what it's like to have trouble finding people to practice with.