


  • I did the 5 day Inferno plan. Turbo Fire. Lots of exercise - 1200 cals per day. I was never hungry and had a lot more energy!

    It says not to do it for more than 5 days, but I'm sorely tempted...........hmmm!!

    Loss: 4.5lbs

    Neck: -1/4 inch
    Bust: -1 inch
    Waist: -1.5 inches
    Hips: - 1 inch

    VERY pleased with the results :bigsmile:

    Good luck next week everyone :flowerforyou:
  • I can't believe it but I swore that scale said "264.4" this morning, and I got on it about 10 times in 10 different spots because I couldn't believe it. No, I don't have a tape worm! I just have so much to lose. I have to give a lot of credit to this diet which I LOVE, It may not be for everyone but, it has been great for me! I know, I know it has only been four days, but normally I would have quite or seriously considered quitting by now, but I find with this diet I look forward to the next day. I even found that I enjoy food more. For those who don't know, I am on the IF diet (intermittent fasting), One day I eat normally and the next day I fast eating only 500 cal a day, which I mostly eat rice cakes (45 cal each) and spread them out all day and drink tons of water ( I know it sound like it would be unhealthy, but I talked to my doctor and he said it was actual very good for me as long as I was only fasting for 24 hour at a time and drink lots of water). today was a eat normal day and you would think I would pig out , at least that what I think I would do, but I find that I am more conscience about what I eat and I eat really food. example, ok, before the diet I would eat anything, no, I would eat everything, cookie on the counter, my son's half eaten candy bar, half of cup of soda left over from my husbands dinner, bag of chips while watching TV, everything. Today I had egg sandwich for breakfast, Beacon egg and cheese on a really hard roll, small bag of chips for snack (only eat half the bag) but didn't really think about, lunch small plate of pasta with cheese, salad with dressing and roll , didn't finish my plate, again didn't really mean too and dinner, BBQ pizza , one slice, when I would normally eat three (sad I know) small handful of fries and more salad with croutons and bacon. Didn't once feel deprived or like I was missing out! No craving at all! and believe it or not but I am looking forward to m fasting day, I like feel free from food but not like i will never have it again. I am learning from my fasting days to walk past food, to do things with out eating (watch TV) and finding that It fine, I enjoy the active just as much with out food. I start at 273 lbs and I am only 1.4 lbs away for losing my first 10 lbs! I never imagined it would happen this easy. I know it won't continue to lose at this rate, but even if I wasn't losing weight I am learn to have a better relationship with food and that in its self is good!
    Sorry for the long post, I am just so HAPPY!

    I've heard that IF is a great way to start/retrain. I'm happy that you're happy! :flowerforyou:
  • galilanee26
    galilanee26 Posts: 39 Member
    Another one this morning! Yay... 7 lbs to go!!

    galilanee26 lost 1.6 pounds since her last weigh-in! Galilanee26's lost 40.5 pounds so far.

    Thanks for starting this group! :flowerforyou:

    Great job, everyone! :drinker:
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    Lost 5.8 lbs this week. Thanks for this group to keep me on track. First week loss is always more so hope I can stay motivated this week as weight loss prob won't be as much.
  • Down 3.5 pounds this week. Two pounds to go to "Onederland" - can't wait to get there!

    This is so inspiring! Great job!
  • Down 1.8 pounds this week. I had 2 really bad days in there and plan to be much more consistent this week. Just finished week one of the "ease into 5K" program. Running tends to help me burn calories quickly, so hope this helps!

    I'm thrilled to see so much progress in the group this week. Thanks for keeping me inspired with your weight loss and hard work, everyone!
  • up 1.5 pound. dont understand it because i'm putting in the work. I'm a little frustrated at this point
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    down 5.8 pounds this week. I am just starting so I am sure it was water weight. I will have to stay focused to lose this week.
  • I did it!!!! I did it!!!! I am down to 262.0 lbs from 272 that's 10 lbs!!!! Because I had so much weight to lose I am going to shot for losing 20 lbs by Christmas. The first 10 is mostly water water and I know the next 10 lbs will take longer but I think I can still do it.
    Way to go to everyone!
  • Stick with it! you will get there, sometimes we have to go back before we can go forward. I know you can do it!
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Sad face- i gained 1kg this week 61 kg
  • healthyme79
    healthyme79 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi! I think I lost 2 pounds last weekend but I am going to check in again. This week I am going to workout everyday. And watch what I eat. On Thursday, I have a work holiday party but other than that I should be ok. Except yesterday I treated myself to a small cookie. Not the best idea. Also, this weekend is my b-day weekend, but instead of dinners I'm going out for drinks. I hope that helps ;) I might go to brunch with my mom but that will be a healthy pick.
  • StephanieLisette
    StephanieLisette Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! What a crazy week. My body was adjusting so much, but I feel like I'm finally getting on track now. I'm incorporating some recipies and lifestyle tips for "Clean" eating. I'm finding that eating more vegetables and less carbs is doing wonders. Still getting all my calories (and a bit more), and finally losing.
    I feel like I had to find the right combination for my body. It's taken a couple of months of disheartening results, but I think I'm on track with this style of eating. Horray!
  • lorriannly
    lorriannly Posts: 37 Member
    Down 1.6 pounds since 11/30. Not losing quickly, but at least i'm losing :)
  • suzywantsitall
    suzywantsitall Posts: 85 Member
    Me too , not losing quickly, but losing. About a pound a week. but feel great ! There are little signs that show my rear is getting smaller. (won't tell all). I toook 3 more shirts to Goodwill today because they were too big, want them GONE ! Will Do this !!!!!
  • 2CuteShoes
    2CuteShoes Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all - I just joined mfp last month and jumped into this group. I was a bit disappointed that I've only lost 4.4 pounds, but my doctor today was thrilled that I was losing a pound per week. I celebrated by buying a new blouse in a smaller size!

    I have multiple health challenges and am still recuperating from pneumonia, so my exercise is basically just moving/walking/stretching as I can.

    Congrats to all who are losing/have maintained/are sticking with the plan!
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    Hi all, I'm down .5 lb to 186.5 lbs. My goal for Dec is to stay under 190 and get closer to 180. Going under 180 would be a plus. I really have to cut down on my nighttime snacking:cry: I am having a hard time in this area. Oh well, :ohwell: , this is a new week and I resolve to work much harder at controlling my snacking habit at night and doing something else instead. I really want to do this!:bigsmile: I enjoy looking at everyone else's progress.:smile:
  • sarahslim100
    sarahslim100 Posts: 485 Member
    Im 61 kg same as last week.hard with all the christmas celebrations to lose but will try to be better this week
  • I did it!!!! I did it!!!! I am down to 262.0 lbs from 272 that's 10 lbs!!!! Because I had so much weight to lose I am going to shot for losing 20 lbs by Christmas. The first 10 is mostly water water and I know the next 10 lbs will take longer but I think I can still do it.
    Way to go to everyone!

    wooohooooo!! That's awesome!! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • neen6270
    neen6270 Posts: 82 Member
    Lost 2.6 this week. Lost a total of 8.4 toward my 10 pounds by Christmas. We can do it!