3 1/2 weeks til Christmas!

I am getting my walks in at the local super Walmart. I went it to check on one item ... didn't get a basket .. of course what I was looking for was at the opposite end. So here I go in my fast walk . . . I bought whey protein powder and one box cookies! What was I thinking....?? Well - if I just buy one box of prepared cookies and not in my particular favorite flavor, they won't tempt me! And I can take them to the store and set out a pretty offering for customers to have a little treat with their hot apple/cranberry cider.

Also trying to up my stationery bike rides from now til the end of the year. I must remember that this weight loss journey is for my health first and what a great gift I can give me!

Bless you all. /Sherry


  • Wooken3
    Wooken3 Posts: 634 Member
    Christmas and cookies just go together but this year, no cookies in the house for me. I had resigned myself to skipping the church's cookie exchange but really didn't want to miss a fun afternoon with the other ladies. Sigh, what to do… so I will be donating the exchanged cookies to Hospice this year.

    I'm so glad to find this blog for 60+ as I was feeling quite alone. Anyone on here, please feel free to "friend me."
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    This is a hard time of year to not have goodies. I have learned from last year when I started my journey on my own, before I knew about MFP. that I could still have treats, just not a whole box or bag of them at one sitting. I am amazed how far I have come, I buy a huge dark chocolate bar and eat one square a day! Now that for me is an accomplishment. Before I would of eaten the whole bar. So, I have my cookies and eat them too. LOL I have decided though come January, I will try and not have that stuff in the house. I will treat myself once a week, (only if I did good all week) to a small treat.

    Wooken3, I like your idea of donating them to Hospice. They do such good work. I will send you a pal request.

    Mrs. Martin, Sherry, I like your idea of putting them out for customers too!

    Good luck everyone and I will post another weekly challenge on Sunday. Since I was away this past week from Wed through Monday, I did not post this weeks.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    We always have sweets in the house, but I have found that if I have something that is already bite-sized I can do a lot better. I keep Dove Promises and York Peppermint Patties around all the time. Since I have had to go gluten-free this year having cookies in the house for my husband has become a must. Bless him, though, he has found several gf mixes or ready made products that are too bad.

    So, anyway, as far as Christmas goes, nothing much will change.

    Hope everyone enjoys the holidays without too much stress. :)
  • bluered3038
    bluered3038 Posts: 16 Member
    I lost my mom in June, so this year I am making the candy my mom always made and giving it to the people she always gave it to. I tell everyone this will probably be the last year of making all this. But I have found that after I make it and have messed with it all day, I don't really want it anymore. What temps me is the store bought candy like M&M's and hershey's kisses. So won't be buying any of those till closer to Chrisrtmas.

    Also, anyone who was my friend about a month or so ago, somehow I've lost you. I tried to do it without you and found that i needed you, so if you remember me, please add me as your friend. And anyone else who wants a friend.
  • hen1946
    hen1946 Posts: 62 Member
    Sorry for your loss. I am sure it will make christmas harder for you this year. Very nice idea about the candies! Add me as a friend if you wish. I am 66, female and working on the last 10 lbs. (My tickers says I have 166 to go but that is because I tried to personalize it and ruined it. Electronically challenged you might say.
  • Mrsmartin61
    This is a wonderful sharing of your Mom's special treats and keeping the spirit of the Christmas season a true joy.

    I still don't have much in the way of decorations out at the house; the weekend was spent at the antique shop. We ate at the cafe today -- I had the shrimp and baked potato. I'd forgot to get my salad -- and since I didn't have my favorite dressing with me anyway....I just skipped it. My brother in law brought cake to the table.....wish I could have resisted it -- but it was a small piece and chocolate sheet cake (my favorite)... so I ate that !!!!! I only ate half the meal -- asked for a go-box .... and had the rest for supper!

    Hope to get in some walking outside tomorrow -- my but this weather is being tricky -- it was 78 degrees and the entire week shows warm temps. Hubby will want to turn the AC on again.....and just days ago I was worried that my cabin guests might need more covers for their beds!! Go Figure!

    All have a great week! Three weeks; two days . . . . counting...

  • Dallyhi
    Dallyhi Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Ladies, I'm new to this site.
    Baking goodies will soon be on my to do list. Fortunately my husband and I are both trying not to overdo anything together, that really helps. I will be indulging but cautiously so. We walk together pretty well each day, but the rains forcast for the Vancouver, BC area are looking very discouraging to get out there. Tomorrow hopefully walking the mall with packages will help.
    Wishing you all well.