Introduce yourself



  • Hello! My name's Alex and I'm from Texas, am 29 years old, and feel like I lack almost all motivation sometimes. Struggling to lose the weight I had gained due to some pretty traumatic experiences in my life. And am definitely glad for the accountability! I want to lose weight to not only be healthy, but because I LOVE CUTE CLOTHES!! I hate being the "fat girl" in the group, and the only way to change that is to become healthy, but the only person who can do that, is me. So here I am.
    I also do not want diabetes. It runs in both sides of my family, and I've already been told that technically I have it--but I'm refusing meds because I KNOW that with a change in diet, exercise and losing the weight, that diagnosis can be reversed.
    So there it is...:grumble:

    SW: 278.4
    CW: 274.4
    GW-April 1st: 257.7...a # I haven't seen since...well, I can't remember, actually.
  • PandraBear
    PandraBear Posts: 49 Member

    I'm a 27 year old mom (turns 5 tomorrow) to a wonderful little boy. I started tracking my intake and working towards weight loss in the beginning of August, and joined here a few weeks after. As of this morning I am under 8.5 lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight, but if you read my profile, I have a lot more to shed. So far it has been fairly easy with just keeping track of what I'm eating, eating better, and drinking more water, but the advantage was starting off so high. I didn't think I would ever get back down to this point, but it's never too late to try. I still have a huge goal, and gladly welcome the challenge. I log in multiple times a day, so anyone that would like some extra support can add me in here.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Hello everyone, my name is Leigh (lee) I'm 21 and live in Florida. I've been struggling with my weight since probably around of 10 or so. I've recently moved to an apartment complex which had a 24 hour gym, so I'm very excited about that. I'm 5' 5 and right now I'm around 195 - 200 pounds. I'm looking to be around 125-130 and with motivation and determination I know that I'll be able to do this as will everyone else :)
  • vac12
    vac12 Posts: 1
    Hi! My name is Vicki and I am 39. I live in Cambridge, UK. I have slowly been putting on weight throughout my adult life and have found it hard to change my eating habits for any length of time. I did get close to my goal weight which is 65kg a few years ago by doing weight watchers but it wasn't sustainable for me and I have been feeling a bit pessimistic about it all. I started doing intermittent fasting about a month ago and I have been doing really well on it. I find it surprisingly easy and I am losing weight well. I hope I will be quite close to my goal weight by April 1st. I am currently 76kg and have been losing nearly a kg a week on average so far.
  • Fit4LifeNow65
    Fit4LifeNow65 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been dragging around 10-20 pounds extra for the last few years and am committed to losing it once and for all. I have 18.5 lbs to go right now. I am a professional 47 year old with a great husband, wonderful job, kids out of the house (2 step sons) and a crazy-busy life that I want to be healthy enough to enjoy. I am looking forward to doing this together.
  • shirleyrandr
    shirleyrandr Posts: 9 Member
    Go Markus
  • so i just started a new gym and a new diet plan or life style change. i am 28 and a mother of 4 !2,9,5 and 1.

    Current weight is 215
    Goal weight 150

    I am going to do it this time.
  • DecletJ
    DecletJ Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like this is exactly what I need!! I'm Jennifer... I live in Kansas City, MO with my husband of 7 years and our 3 boys (5, 4, and 2). I started my weight loss journey in October 2011 and lost 60lbs by April 2012. Over the summer I gained 15lbs back, and I want to lose those 15lbs plus another 20 to 30lbs. I have just discovered a love for running and have made a personal goal of running a 5k in less than 30 min in 2013! I also love Jillian Michaels workouts. I am in the middle of 30DS at the moment. I think this will help keep me on track!

    Height - 5' 11"
    SW - 255
    Current weight - 211
    Goal weight for April 1 - 189
    Ultimate goal weight - 170

    Lets do This!! :smile:
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    Hello, My name is June and I'm from northern Missouri. I'm 5'6" and 59 years old. I'm a retired teacher and have been married to my husband for 5 years. I have always battle wiith my weight throughout my whole life. I came close to my goal back when I was in my early 30's (got down to 145 lbs), but fell back into my old eating habits and gained back all I lost and then some more. I started this weight loss journey again this past June 1, weighing 303. I 'm now down to 247 lbs with a target goal of 140lbs. I will lose my weight and get healthy by the next New Year, 2014! I need the modivation to get this done.

    Height-- 5'6"
    SW-- 303
    CW-- 247
    GW for April 1-- 210 or less!!
    TW-- 140
  • sndiane
    sndiane Posts: 83 Member
    HI, my name is Nicole. I live in NC. I am 39. I am currently working to make this permanent. I have been a yo-yo. This is the lowest I have been in more than 10 years. Looking to go even lower.

    HW: 299
    SW (MFP):277.6
    CW: 244
    4/1/13 GW: 220
    CurrentGW: 199
  • JulesX1982
    JulesX1982 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi everyone,

    My name is Julie and I am starting a 12 week running program for a half marathon starting also on Monday. I have lost weight in the past but somehow it has crept back on. My boyfriend is starting the primal diet so we are starting to eat more healthy. I need help to stay motivated and having some one other than myself to be accountable too. I am only going to weigh-in every Monday and then forget about the scale. I am excited to get started and hopefully learn how to have a healthier lifestyle no more going up and down in weight.

    So here's to everyone for having the courage to start thinking about themselves and the future!

    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 149.0lbs
    Current Weight: 147.5 lbs
    Goal Weight for April 1st is 130 lbs!!!!!!!
  • sircyttap25
    sircyttap25 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is Patty. I am 31 years old. I wanna join the group as I want to look for a support group. I really want to reach my ideal weight of 110 lbs. I currently weigh around 123 lbs. I love sweets though. I was able to give up soda but occasionally I drink a glass or two. I also am now using Equal sugar substitute to cut down on calories. I also gave up eating rice and is now on sugar free wheat bread for carbohydrates.

    As much as I want to jog everyday, I am unable to do so. Exercise-wise, I just do household chores and the rest of the time, my life is sedentary. I know I have to do more exercises to speed up my weight loss taht is why I want to join the group so that we could encourage each other to meet our goals. best wishes to all of us.
  • Hi! My name is Asha and I'm 20 years old. I've been struggling with my weight since I was about 10. As a young child I was skinny as could be, but when I hit puberty it all changed. My highest weight was close to 160 and during my senior year of high school I got down to about 145. Since going to college, I gained back 10 pounds and became increasingly dissatisfied with my body. In high school I didn't lose weight the healthy way. I'm ready to adopt a healthier lifestyle not just to lose weight but to also feel accomplished and know that I am treating my body with the respect that I deserve. I would love to lose 21 pounds by my 21st birthday (Feb. 19) putting me at 130 pounds, but if I can reach my first goal weight of 140 pounds by then I would be happy. I hope that I can use this group to hold myself accountable and that I can also meet a supportive group of people. :)
  • zorreena
    zorreena Posts: 267 Member
    Hello my name is Danielle

    I live in prince George Canada. We are snowed in until April and I want to use the winter to begin a healthy lifestyle. Two years ago I was a size 8 and now I'm a size 12. I want to be a size 8 again before we move to another city in May. I made a deal with myself if I can't fit into that box of old clothes in the closet by then they will go to the garbage. That's one motivation - the other is to build an everyday healthy lifestyle packed with fitness and healthy nutrition.

    Height 5'3"
    SW 174lbs
    CW 169lbs
    GW for April 1st 150lbs

    I look forward to doing this with you all. Please feel free to friend me.
  • My name is LJ and I am 21 years old. I have been battling severe depression during my final year in college and it caused me to gain a lot of weight. I am ready to start new, take back my life and lose the weight. I am around 145 right now, and would like to get back to my healthy 120 sometime in the spring.
  • Hi, my name's Elizabeth (call me Liz, or Lizzy), I'm 18 years old, not yet in college but hoping to be before 20! I'm currently having financial issues, but that's besides the point. I've been chubby and unhealthy my whole life, and it wasn't until recently that I finally decided I needed to change. For extra support, I've joined this site, and even though it's only been less than a day ( :laugh: ) I already feel much more motivated than I ever have before! I'm currently 146-ish lbs (5'2) , and I'm looking to be 20 lbs less by April. Which is 2/3 of my overall goal, to be 116 lbs :)
  • JenniferEM2012
    JenniferEM2012 Posts: 229 Member
    Hello my name is Jennifer. I live in CO and I have been trying to loose weight for awhile. I started to gain weight in high school and it started to hang on when I meet my now husband. I was successful in April and lost 25 pounds but gained most of it back. We would like to try to have kids this coming summer so I wanted to loose the weight before then and maintain the loss.

    CW: 205
    GW: 150
    Maybe UGW: 130 ( I haven't figured this out yet. I will decide when I hit 150.)
  • Hello! I'm an 18 year old looking to get fit. I'm looking to lose around ~30-35 pounds by March 18th.

    Some things I could use support with: giving up cheese! I eat WAY too much of it and I need to just give it up because it's an addiction and I have no self control AT ALL. Giving it up once and for all...starting tomorrow. Someone hold me accountable!
  • bdhoward87
    bdhoward87 Posts: 86 Member
    Hey everybody! I am 25 years old and looking to get back on track with my fitness goals. I started my weight loss journey at 253 lbs and at my lowest I was just over 200 lbs. I recently graduated college and have since put back on about 11 pounds. My short term goal is to get to what some call "Onederland" but my ultimate goal is to be 185 lbs. I'm hoping to hit that goal by the summer months of '13.
  • hello my new friends i am a 6,3 24 year old man from canada.. i used to be in ja dropping god like shape then i got depressed i was 330lbs of pure fat

    i dug my self out my my depression and well in 3 months i am half way to my goal of dropping 120 lbs 60 down 60 to go I WILL HAVE MY GOD LIKE BODY BACK bye my birthday march 23 2012

    so if your looking to be friends with a hardworking motivated person who will challenge your self to do your best and push as hard as you can i am your man. so drop me a line if you want to chat