How many calories?

tracy1344 Posts: 51 Member
How should I determine how many calories I should have mfp set at? I've reset my macros but left my calories at 1200. I've not been working out, so figured I should keep my calories low, but really not sure.

My not exercising is not good, I know. I need some motivation to get started.


  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    I personally let mfp set my calories and then I just adjusted the macros to what I wanted. If I eat more calories, I don't usually worry as long as I kept my macros in order
  • tracy1344
    tracy1344 Posts: 51 Member
    I personally let mfp set my calories and then I just adjusted the macros to what I wanted. If I eat more calories, I don't usually worry as long as I kept my macros in order

    Oh good. That's what I've been doing.
  • denise33027
    denise33027 Posts: 108 Member
    How did you all figure out your macros? I have sort of just been eating since starting Paleo. Staying away from what I need to and eating what I should. I do notice on the days I lift very heavy I feel off, so input would be appreciated. Thanks!
  • caribougal
    caribougal Posts: 865 Member
    You can figure out your TDEE, and subtract 15-20% below that to get a good calorie goal for your age/height/weight/activity.

    here's a good post about that.

    My cal goal is set at 1400, but I really think of it as between 1400-1500. I actually don't track against it really actively... I just eat what I eat, and then see where I fell at the end of the day. I'm usually pretty close.
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    How did you all figure out your macros? I have sort of just been eating since starting Paleo. Staying away from what I need to and eating what I should. I do notice on the days I lift very heavy I feel off, so input would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Mfp set my calories to 1520, and I set my carbs to be 10% for 38. I'm willing to eat up to 50 though, but if I changed my carbs to 15% it was too high. Then I have fat set at 65% and protein at 25%. I have quite a bit of weight to lose so I have my carbs set lower than some might, but I feel awesome when I eat around 60-70% fat so I don't mess with that too much. Some people on my friends list are probably horrified to see my fat that high lol
  • KBGirts
    KBGirts Posts: 882 Member
    I set my macros and my calories are also set to 1200. I don't particularly pay attention to calories. I watch the carbs mostly and pay attention to protein and fat. I can routinely go over in calories and still lose weight. I am eating when I am hunrgy and I eat what is healthy, and normally fall somewhere between 1200 and 1700 depending on my choices for that day. Of course, if I ate over 2000 I would be a little concerned.
  • I let mfp set my stuff and just eat what I know I should. I don't really worry about it too much as long as my cals for the day are not under 1200 I feel ok.
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    I used to be set on 1200 but I got sick of it I now set it for maintenance and make sure I'm always under it somedays I'll eat 2000 some days 800 (few and far between) it tends to even out and actually my rate of weightloss is much more steady because of it. I am still trying to get to a health weight so macros are iced by me to 60/35/5
  • CaitlinedB
    CaitlinedB Posts: 67 Member
    You can figure out your TDEE, and subtract 15-20% below that to get a good calorie goal for your age/height/weight/activity.

    here's a good post about that.

    My cal goal is set at 1400, but I really think of it as between 1400-1500. I actually don't track against it really actively... I just eat what I eat, and then see where I fell at the end of the day. I'm usually pretty close.

    ^^This. The post about TDEE is really good and will be very helpful in determining your numbers!
  • booyainyoface
    booyainyoface Posts: 409 Member
    i eat tdee -10%... im also 5'5 and 147 lbs

    i eat 1860cal/day regardless of exercise. i think i need to increase calories though as i have been crossfitting 4-5, sometimes 6, days a week so my activity level has increased by a few hours on top of my already active days.

    i personally don't think that 1200 calories is enough to sustain life for the rest of life- so unless i need to cut weight fast and drop cals for a few days, that is a horrid option for me...
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    Haven't counted a single calorie since going Paleo.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Haven't counted a single calorie since going Paleo.

    i'm going to consider this soon too , although I like just keep track of my macros, rather than calories
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    Haven't counted a single calorie since going Paleo.

    i'm going to consider this soon too , although I like just keep track of my macros, rather than calories

    That's what I'm currently using the site for. I was curious where things were falling.
  • Salkeela
    Salkeela Posts: 367 Member
    I was on 1200 on MFP before starting No Grains eating and was loosing just over 1/2 lb a week (Sadly I am compelled to be rather inactive.)

    On switching to my version of Paleo (might make more changes in time) I gave myself a bit more. I set MFP to 1/2 loss week and with my sedentary lifestyle it gave me 1290 as my new allowance. I find this gives me just a bit more wiggle room and I'm not at all hungry on this.

    I haven't changed all the macros because I'm not sure what I'd want to change them too. I aim to have my carbs below 100g, but above 50g and to keep my sugars reasonalbly low. Although that is hard as so many fruit and veg contain sugars - so I don't beat myself up if a few carrots take me over on my sugars!

    All in all - I'm 11 days into this and finding it a fun adventure. I enjoy inventive cooking and so this kinda tests my crazy cooking skills!