Introduce yourself



  • highflyer88
    highflyer88 Posts: 148 Member
    :wink: Hi all...I'm Rebecca from Ohio. Mom to two boys 5 and 4. I have been working to lose the same weight for a while now. Everytime I start taking it off I stop however this time is different. I am worried not only about my health but my oldest son as well. He has always been on the high side of the the weight charts and so far the doc is not too worried but I am. He is very active but starting to get into computers more due to school and has lost those days to play outside like he used to. I am determined to set a good example for him and show him the proper steps to stay healthy and hopefully the result is not only me losing weight but him as well. I have also been a diabetic for almost a year now and my doc is getting on me about the lack of progress on weight loss so this is real for me. If I cannot lose the weight and keep it off I have to look at the real possibility of having more meds added to my current diabetes regimen. This group is coming along at the right time in that it starts the day I really planned on kicking into high gear and getting a jump start on the new year. Feel free to add me as a friend and LET"S DO THIS!
  • marci_r2010
    marci_r2010 Posts: 61 Member
    Hello, hello... I'm Marci... live in PA and have two boys. I have about 150+ lbs to lose total. I lost about 40 and then gained some back recently and I am sick of it. Currently weigh 281.

    Am ready for an active and engaging group where I can share successes and failures and push myself to get it done.

    Looking forward to the group.

  • cdiele
    cdiele Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, I am a 49 year old mother of two sons, 19 and 16 and a full time teacher in No. Calif. I will be turning 50 at the end of April and would like to be in the best shape of my life. I never really struggled with weight until I hit my 40's, but in the last 10 years I've slowly put on 25 pounds. I've taken off 10 pounds every so often but have always put the pounds right back on and added some more pounds in the process. When I saw the scale at 164 two weeks ago I knew things needed to change and came back to MFP. So this a perfect challenge for me to hit my goal weight by April 1st. I love the support and motivation of this site!!!
    SW 164
    CW 159
    GW 140
    Height 5'5
  • Hi everyone! My name is Shauntaya and Im 5"11 and over weight!
    Im really excited about this group! Its just what i needed!
  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    Hello all! My name is Lindsey. I'm a 19 year old college student double majoring in Psychology and Sociology and minoring in Criminal Justice. I've been struggling with my weight all of my life and went back and forth during middle and high school, but nothing stuck. It's harder for me to fit in time to exercise and eat right with all my classes and extracurricular activities of college. This next week is finals week which I will try to fit a workout in each day (I'm an elliptical girl) but then the following week I'm going to start Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. I'm currently 5' 7", 235 lbs. which is the heaviest I've ever been. I don't really have a specific goal weight, I just have this idea of how I eventually want to look and feel. I'm in love with reading and baseball (MN Twins!). Feel free to friend me, I try to log my food and exercise every day.
  • AnnaNoel_21
    AnnaNoel_21 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 22. Recently got married in Oct. I need help staying motivated. I've got 50+ to lose.
  • jng1989
    jng1989 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello!!!! I'm just getting back on the fitness track since I graduated college in May. I'm excited to get started and meet some new people!
  • Hey, I'm Haley and I'm 22 years old. I graduate in May and also turn 23. I would like to be looking good, I'm mostly want to get in shape and be more healthy. I am considering joining the Navy but my weight is the only thing holding me back. Bring on 120 days:)
  • Howdy everyone. I'm a married 35 year old mom of a 3 1/2 y.o. little girl. When I first started dating my husband I was 140...when we got married (after gaining some happy relationship pounds) I was 160. I got up to 250 at my heaviest while pregnant. Oy.

    Now I'm 195. My daughter is 3 1/2. I can't keep saying "I'll get this *baby* weight off eventually." lol

    So. Thanks for starting this group!

    Here are my stats:
    Heaviest: 250
    Current: 195
    Goal: 150

    I work 40 hrs a week as a counselor/case manager at a rehab center...really I'll need all the support I can get (and I have plenty of support to give as well).
  • Lashann1988
    Lashann1988 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am 24. I have a two year old daughter and she is one of the reasons I want to get healthy. I was already starting my weight loss journey tomorrow. I am glad there is a challenge starting then also, which will give me more motivation knowing I have people to help lose with me along the way. I am so ready for this.


    Heaviest: 230 lbs
    Pre-Baby: 150lbs
    Current as of 12/2/12: 226 lbs
    Goal: 130lbs
    Challenge Goal: Lose 30lbs
    Height: 5'4''
  • Lashann1988
    Lashann1988 Posts: 22 Member
    Also, how do you get the ticker in your posts?
  • birdsong222
    birdsong222 Posts: 37 Member

    My name is Amy and I just joined MFP. This looks like a great challenge. I'm 58 and just retired and have time to exercise now. The past several years I had a commute which made it hard to find the time to exercise and I gained 20 pounds in 2 years. As a start, I'd like to lose that 20 lbs by April 1st.

  • My name is Lauren Cunningham I am originally from Oklahoma. My husband is in the United States Army. We recently moved to Tennessee. I am soon to be 19 years old.I have a 4 month old beautiful baby boy. I currently attend college at the University of Phoenix. I love to laugh and spend time with my family.
    I want to get into shape so that I feel better about myself. I want to be able to wake up and look in the mirror and be happy with what I see. I want to have the energy to get up and spend time with my son and not want to lay around all day long. I am only 18.. I should not be closing in on 300lbs. I need this not only for me but for my family.
  • Howdy everyone. I'm a married 35 year old mom of a 3 1/2 y.o. little girl. When I first started dating my husband I was 140...when we got married (after gaining some happy relationship pounds) I was 160. I got up to 250 at my heaviest while pregnant. Oy.

    Now I'm 195. My daughter is 3 1/2. I can't keep saying "I'll get this *baby* weight off eventually." lol

    So. Thanks for starting this group!

    Here are my stats:
    Heaviest: 250
    Current: 195
    Goal: 150

    I work 40 hrs a week as a counselor/case manager at a rehab center...really I'll need all the support I can get (and I have plenty of support to give as well).

    Im going to school for your job. I have some questions if you don't mind adding me!
  • ekolben
    ekolben Posts: 24 Member
    Hey guys. My names Liz, I'm 23 years old and am getting married next October. I would like to lose weight for my wedding and of course learn how to live healthier and not be lazy and just cook pasta every night. I am currently finishing up my last semester in college and have a part time (will be full time once I graduate) job at my local animal shelter doing their marketing and media. I love to foster animals, do puzzles, and play computer games when I have the time. I need motivation and my fiancé has tried but he's one of those people who can eat as much as he wants and not gain a pound which is frustrating to me. If anyone wants to message me go ahead!
  • sa993
    sa993 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    My name is Sharon, I am 49, married, and I really need some accountability. That's why I have joined this challenge-to give and get support. I lost 55 pounds from my highest weight, but for the past year or so, I have been going up/down within 10 pounds. I have a long way to go to reach my goal,and though that is daunting, ultimately it really doesn't really matter. It must be done. I feel sooo much better now than I felt at my highest. I encourage anyone just starting to stay the course. It is worth it.

    About me-I have a stressful sedentary job and long commute, and I am sure that I am not the only one, but those factors are significant to my journey. I love animals (2 dogs), quilting, garment sewing (just getting back into it), nature/plants, and music.

    Thanks so much for starting this group. Here are mychallenge stats:
    height: 5"3'
    highest: 325
    current: 280
    April 1 goal: 250
    MPJCRUZ Posts: 23 Member
    HI there, I live in Southern CA too. This is a great challenge for me because I am visiting my family in NJ in April and I need to get rid of 45 pounds as of today in order to step foot in NJ without getting the WTF happened to you stares... lol!! Gotta love it!!
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Names Meaghan, I live on the east coast. My daughter will be two in march, i gained over 100lb during pregnanct (yea, i know), i lost 80lb in that first year and have been slacking since I went back to work. I love to exercise its just hard for me to find the time and energy after all is said and done in the day. Looking to lose 30-35lb by April.
  • Sweetmurie
    Sweetmurie Posts: 4 Member
    Hi my name is Marie and I live in Ontario Canada . My reason for joining this challenge is to feel good about myself. I'm 46 years old now and my baby is 21 and has gone off to college in the US. My 47 birthday is on April 14th 2013 and I want to feel fabulous. My photo was taken 4 weeks ago and i didn't like it at all. I use it as my profile picture .

    Current weight : 216
    120 Day Goal :40 lbs
    Goal weight : 150
    Dream weight: 116

    Time to make my dream a reality .
  • Hi :)
    I'm Joanna, I'm 28 and I live in Poland. I'm a programmer (yeah, computers, computers and more computers - all day and night long).
    I've started my weight loss journey yesterday (for the millionth time) and it will be great to share my successes (and struggles ;)) with you.
    I wish I could run 3 miles without stopping till April 1st.

    Good luck to you all!