Mist of Pandaria



  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    Pet Battles are fun.

    Now have three Pandas - Monk, Rogue and Hunter. Still not sure which I prefer.

    Still don't like the Talent Tree mess - I suppose we just have to treat each Expansion Pack as a new game, with the old game just a memory now.
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    I suppose we just have to treat each Expansion Pack as a new game, with the old game just a memory now.

    When I started playing this game it was as a fun thing to do with the boyfriend who lived 2 hours away. I got soo tired of him saying "it use to be like this... or we use to clear dungeons this way" and it drove me crazy. Sadly, now I'm the one saying it about dungeons and stuff they've changed. Makes me laugh.
  • RavenhairedWoman
    RavenhairedWoman Posts: 661 Member
    I am seriously considering trying this expansion (been clean for almost three years now with a minor relapse two years ago :P ). But right now my work (IT) is resulting in some crazy hours (night shift) and I just don't see where I would fit in time to play this game with my crammed schedule of Sleep (a bit), Work,breathe, work, eat, work, work, work, gym, sleep... Maybe when I get off the night shift.. That is supposed to happen in a month or so if the new chick we are training for the night shift now works out.

    Tempted to find someone local and convince them to let me try it out on their comp. ^_^
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    I am seriously considering trying this expansion

    Tempted to find someone local and convince them to let me try it out on their comp. ^_^

    try it! im sure you like it as much as others have. The talent cakes, yes cakes, cause trees are tall and cakes are short and round....anyway the new talent cakes suck but the rest of the xpac is really quite ejoyable! love the new cooking dailies and even the new fishing dailies are interesting. and i really love senarios, love being able to get some valor without having to deal with the 5 hour tank wait in lfd.
  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    Anyone else having real problems with Pandas (in classes other than monks) on the quest to kill the flying serpent? I forget the name but it comes at about level 9. The one you bring down by sending fireworks up at it. I just keep getting killed.

    I had a lot of problems with a level 9 Rogue and am completely stuck with the level 9 Hunter, but the Monk had no difficulty at all.

    Strange :noway:
  • hersheythecat
    hersheythecat Posts: 128 Member
    They haven't fixed that yet? It was bugged in beta and virtually impossible to do solo. I don't remember how we did it but I know there was great ideas in wowwiki for it. I know you can't stand still.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    From PvP PoV they failed once again. This would have been an amazing opportunity for them to balance things out but they broke Dpriests, gave BM hunters, spriests, and warrior ungodly damage and monk healers are currently un CC'able or unkillable. Many flaws imho.

    The concept is decent compared to others. I played prot pally for a bit, its just...dumbed down really. Holy pally are decent in arena, definitely better than dpriests but not rank 1 material imho
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    I am loving MoP! I have been doing pet battles like crazy, my main toon is 90, my panda monk is 76. . . .

    Monk healing is really fun and easy!

    Also enjoying the gardening stuff in Halfhill.
  • whooter
    whooter Posts: 47
    I'm enjoying the expansion quite a bit. The options at level 90 are almost overwhelming...

    When given a choice between PvP and pounding nails through my ****, I'll generally choose the latter...
  • Nighthawk4
    Nighthawk4 Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks to WowWiki, I have now completed the quest with the flying dragon as a Hunter and can move on.

    Oddly enough the Monk had no problems at all and the Rogue managed after a while. The Hunter got killed over and over again.

    Very strange - very annoying quest.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    More like Mists of, I quit durring Cata and ain't comin' back to an MMO that charges me 15/month because I actually like having money to buy other video games with content/story that isn't a fetch quest and grind.


    I mean.
    I guess them reskinning things with updated texture packs counts for good graphics and story, right?
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I just hit 90 last night, and wow... the options are unreal. I love that there's so much to do with this expansion. It reminds me of BC and Wrath, when you'd max your toon and there was still a lot to do and discover. In Cata, everything pretty much ended at 85, and it was really meh. Now I have all of these different cooking things to level, farming (actual farming, not "farming"), all the JC discoveries, faction upon faction to get rep with (and they all have cool rewards), zones to finish up for Loremaster of Pandaria, and so on. It's incredible.

    I was so busy questing that I never got around to trying the dungeons. Fail. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight. ;) I need more blues.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    Not thrilled about all of the rep grinds to get valor gear, but I'm coping. :P I didn't think I'd get into the pet battles, either, but I'm working my way into the top 100 trainers on my server. We have been having a hard time getting a full raid group (we were running super-late weekend raid, 12:45-4 AM my time), so we are in the process of merging as a group into another guild to join their 25m raid. I worry that I'm going to screw up though - my first trial run is tonight, which is their 3rd/final raid night of the week, and they're doing progression on the 4th boss in HoF. *gulp* I am gonna have to LFR it till my eyes bleed as soon as I get home from work.
    I just hit 90 last night, and wow... the options are unreal. I love that there's so much to do with this expansion. It reminds me of BC and Wrath, when you'd max your toon and there was still a lot to do and discover. In Cata, everything pretty much ended at 85, and it was really meh. Now I have all of these different cooking things to level, farming (actual farming, not "farming"), all the JC discoveries, faction upon faction to get rep with (and they all have cool rewards), zones to finish up for Loremaster of Pandaria, and so on. It's incredible.

    I was so busy questing that I never got around to trying the dungeons. Fail. Guess I know what I'm doing tonight. ;) I need more blues.
    Questing is really the best way to get to 90, though; I found that out myself when I was leveling. Plus it's pretty much required to open up all of the map and the various reputations, so it's not necessarily all done as soon as you ding. (Not counting all the dailies... gack!)
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    Questing is really the best way to get to 90, though; I found that out myself when I was leveling. Plus it's pretty much required to open up all of the map and the various reputations, so it's not necessarily all done as soon as you ding. (Not counting all the dailies... gack!)
    Right, that's what I'm saying. With Cata, it was pretty boring after hitting 85. With Pandaria, it reminds me of BC and LK when so many things opened up at 90. I always prefer to quest to level, which is why I haven't done any of the dungeons yet. Now I just need them for achievements.
  • Lostsoul0606
    I am loving the expansion!! :)

    Raid is fun.. with the new strat and stuff!!

    I play on Thaurissan, Frostmourn and Moonguard.. ehehe

    What servers are you guys in?
  • neffesther
    To be honest, when I first heard about Pet Battles I thought it was stupid. But I tried it last night and it is super addicting!

    I so agree with this statement. I don't know why, but I will sit for hours doing the stupid pet battles. lol
  • sprinkels29
    I'm back on it again! I got my hunter to 90 within 2 weeks of release but just burnt out from the severe nerf we suffered...plus school and started a full-time job. But i am back! I cant think of any other game I would want to play...plus I am addicted to achievements its so bad...

    My hunter is on Bleeding Hollow...where I may start raiding...but my Druid (forever my main and most of my achievements are) is on Rexxar...such a dead server :(