Daily Encouragement



  • sofitladies
    Happy belated birthday Zenya! I hope you enjoyed it. The good news is, you could workout in the morning and enjoy everything about your special day.

    @debgoomey YOU ROCK! That being said, please listen to you body. There is a difference between not working out because you are being lazy and taking a day off to avoid overtraining. Remember, I have build an extra day into the challenge on purpose so you can either take a full day off, or you can use those 4 points as you need to. I'll be honest, there are sometimes I am feeling really run down, like yesterday, so I only earned 3 points because I was EXHAUSTED to my core and had to tell myself to listen to my body. It is ok to take a break IF you have been really focused and IF you will be back at it the next day.

    @econmama see what I wrote to deb. The point is to get establish good habits. I purposely made the workouts 20 minutes so you know that you don't have to go all out everyday, but you get SOME kind of activity in. If you see my exercise log, I have 2 days where I only walked and the rest were much more intense. It is a marathon, not a sprint. PLEASE pace yourselves. You have my permission, even if you won't give it to yourself :-)
  • Faith175
    Faith175 Posts: 7 Member
    I earned 22 points this week. Had some trouble staying on track Wednesday and Thursday. But went right back to it on Friday.
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Totally forgot to check in on Sunday, had an awful week been sick since Wed. But feeling much better and actually brought my gym bag today to at least go for a little walk. Here are my pts. TOTAL - 18

    11/26 - 4 pts
    11/27 - 3 pts
    11/28 - 2 pts
    11/29 - 2 pts
    11/30 - 2 pts
    12/1 - 2 pts
    12/2 - 3 pts

    My goal for today is to get 4 pts. It's a new week and I'm feeling much better :smile:
  • zenyacleveland
    zenyacleveland Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you....
    I had an amazing weekend...but did not earn any points...time to get back on track :)
    Wait!! Dancing counts!
    So I earned 2 points this weekend :)
  • debgoomey
    debgoomey Posts: 28 Member
    sorry forgot to log this yesteray!
    11/26 4 pts
    11/27 4 pts
    11/28 4 pts
    11/29 4 pts
    11/30 4 pts
    12/1 3 pts
    11/2 3 pts
    This has been so motivating!
  • kmcgrath1
    kmcgrath1 Posts: 175 Member
    Are we checking in daily or on Sundays? I'm a little confused :huh:
  • sofitladies
    That's the name of the game, notice and refocus ;-)
  • sofitladies
    @debgoomey great job!

    @kmcgrath1 on Sunday evening. I think Deb just chose to break her points down by day. Feel free to post your points here for encouragement from the group, but I need you to send me the total points for the week via a private message so I can keep up with everyone. Thanks!