New to the group, please add me as a friend.

Hey, I'm 31, 5'6, 142 pounds. Just trying to shed these last ten pounds. I am dedicated and work out everyday for about two hours. I could use some support from others in the same boat. As you know it can be fustrating getting rid of these last few stubborn pounds. Please add me.


  • Christinerandle
    Christinerandle Posts: 4 Member
    you can add me ... i'm in the same boat .. 41yrs old started at 135 trying to lose those last stubborn 10lbs isnt easy as you get older!! since i started tracking using this program and app on my phone, i have been able to lose 4 lbs... stay strong you can do this. if i can you can!
  • caseythirteen
    caseythirteen Posts: 956 Member
    Good for you for starting! But do you think that 2 hours a day might be a bit aggressive? With so little weight to lose I would think that maybe 3 days a week of a full-body weight routine (about 45-60 mnutes) and then maybe 2 days of 45-60 minutes of cardio combined with a well balanced diet would get you to where you want to be. Getting up and starting is definitely a great first step!