Level 1 day 1

How did everyone do? I was pretty much out of breath half the time LOL but i finished it :) I am not as sore as i was thr 1st time i tried but a little sore...I forgot to take my before pictures last night so i will have to do that tonight...dont forget to take yours & your measurements :) its nice to have them to compare to at the end when you havent really lost pounds but inches and you can really tell in the pictures :)


  • ElizabethAnn1993
    ElizabethAnn1993 Posts: 18 Member
    I did level 1 day one yesterday and finished it but after i felt sick and dizzy has that happened to anyone else? i couldnt even get any sleep last night :(
  • jessica182517
    jessica182517 Posts: 390 Member
    I did level 1 day one yesterday and finished it but after i felt sick and dizzy has that happened to anyone else? i couldnt even get any sleep last night :(

    did you workout before 30ds? maybe try doing the modified versions of the harder moves, and if the cardio is too much just do the punches for the cardio for a few days you dont want to overdo yourself too mcuh
  • cfrancewife
    I will be starting my first work out tonight. Great job everyone.
  • Vernaverna
    Just finished day 1. Well sort of finished-- I HAD to take a few breaks after the cardios even though she was yelling at me lol! Also all I have are 5 lb weights, gonna get 3 lb weights tonight. But now I just feel guilty for taking breaks, but I'm literally so out of shape.

    But I'll keep with it, hopefully in a few days I'll be able to do it without pausing at all.

    Also, I know this is common, but I just feel so nervous about committing to this. I've never committed to a fitness program before, because, well, I've never had to before-- I used to do tennis and ballet for fun, but that tapered off in my early 20s. I'm 26 now and I've never been this heavy in my life. Like I mentioned in a different post, I spent the last 2 years drinking alcohol every day, so in my newly (almost 3 weeks!) sober state, I look in the mirror and want to cry. There's a pillow of blubber around the real me!

    I'm just afraid this program is not going to work. There's no way I'm going back to drinking, but I feel so hopeless and it feels like I'll never get to my ideal weight. I AM going to stick with this program, but does anyone have any experiences or hope about starting exercise/ getting over the hump they can share? Sorry if this sounds whiny or too negative! I'm still proud of myself and everyone else who gets through the first day!
  • Bditbobcat
    Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
    @ Vernaverna: Do NOT feel bad for taking breaks at first. One of the amazing things about this program is that you will notice improvements within days! It is awesome! Congrats on being sober, btw. You will see results within 30 days and gurantee you most definitely will FEEL results. Like on circuit three you will not feel like you are going to die during jumprope. :) Good Luck!
  • TiciaLove
    TiciaLove Posts: 19 Member
    I did level 1 day one yesterday and finished it but after i felt sick and dizzy has that happened to anyone else? i couldnt even get any sleep last night :(

    My first day I thought that I was going to throw up. It was tough. However, I've continued my workout 4 days in a row. It's tough at first but it gets better. Although, I'm kind of dreading levels 2 and 3 :laugh:
  • TiciaLove
    TiciaLove Posts: 19 Member
    Just finished day 1. Well sort of finished-- I HAD to take a few breaks after the cardios even though she was yelling at me lol! Also all I have are 5 lb weights, gonna get 3 lb weights tonight. But now I just feel guilty for taking breaks, but I'm literally so out of shape.

    But I'll keep with it, hopefully in a few days I'll be able to do it without pausing at all.

    Also, I know this is common, but I just feel so nervous about committing to this. I've never committed to a fitness program before, because, well, I've never had to before-- I used to do tennis and ballet for fun, but that tapered off in my early 20s. I'm 26 now and I've never been this heavy in my life. Like I mentioned in a different post, I spent the last 2 years drinking alcohol every day, so in my newly (almost 3 weeks!) sober state, I look in the mirror and want to cry. There's a pillow of blubber around the real me!

    I'm just afraid this program is not going to work. There's no way I'm going back to drinking, but I feel so hopeless and it feels like I'll never get to my ideal weight. I AM going to stick with this program, but does anyone have any experiences or hope about starting exercise/ getting over the hump they can share? Sorry if this sounds whiny or too negative! I'm still proud of myself and everyone else who gets through the first day!

    Initially, I bought 5 lb weights and they ended up being too much, so I bought 3 lbs ones. I did not return them, just in case I have more stamina in levels 2 and 3.
  • teremenmar
    teremenmar Posts: 37 Member
    Did the 1 st workout today. I haven't done 30DS in over a year. It was hard. Let's see how I do on day 30
  • sophia_uk
    sophia_uk Posts: 152 Member
    Hey all

    I did level 1 last night and it wasn't easy but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be on my body. It hurt, but I liked the mix of exercises. Once my arms started aching, then she would move onto abs or cardio so I found that great. My knee is aching a little today, will wear a knee pad tonight.

    Lets see if it harder on day two....
  • cfrancewife
    I started a little late because of a crazy work week. My first day was actually this morning. I was gagging because my mouth was so dry. I need to control my breathing better. I just kept telling myself I don't want to look this way anymore. Honestly my motivation for getting up at 5am to do the workout before work this morning was the fact that I joined this group. I couldn't let the group down after making the commitment to start. I will be taking my before pictures and my measurements tonight. One day at a time. Good Luck ladies! P.s. anyone doing anything else along with this workout? I'm thinking about adding a 30 min walk to my daily schedule after work.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I was gagging because my mouth was so dry. I need to control my breathing better. I just kept telling myself I don't want to look this way anymore. P.s. anyone doing anything else along with this workout? I'm thinking about adding a 30 min walk to my daily schedule after work.

    Keep some water near by but only SIP, too much and up chuck! Good for you getting up early! And yes, sometimes I get on my elliptical in the evening or do yard work; haven't yet this go-around cause I'm really out of shape but I hope by the weekend I'll be up to a 2-a-day routine.
  • Vernaverna
    Thanks for the encouragement!