anterior raises

Bditbobcat Posts: 171 Member
Gosh, I HATE those things. I must be lacking that muscle or something. haha!


  • cfrancewife
    I don't find them too bad. I did them without weights because I dont have weights right now and don't buy canned goods. I will be buying weights this weekend, so maybe I will feel diffently. lol
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    I use my lowest weights, 2lbs's for those, they are tough! I have 3 and 5 lbs for other parts, feels like cheating but if it helps to get through it then thats good enough for now!
  • TiciaLove
    TiciaLove Posts: 19 Member
    Anterior raises are tough. The weights do make a difference. I use 3lb weights for the entire work out.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I only own 5 lb. weights so that's what I am using, but by the second time around I may not get them up to eye level. The thing I am struggling with most is the push-ups! I am doing modified and my knees hurt. I am going to try a pillow instead of just the mat tomorrow. And, I just don't have the arm strength yet to do them all. I find myself face down on the floor for most of the second round.
  • teremenmar
    teremenmar Posts: 37 Member
    These are hard!
  • TiciaLove
    TiciaLove Posts: 19 Member
    I only own 5 lb. weights so that's what I am using, but by the second time around I may not get them up to eye level. The thing I am struggling with most is the push-ups! I am doing modified and my knees hurt. I am going to try a pillow instead of just the mat tomorrow. And, I just don't have the arm strength yet to do them all. I find myself face down on the floor for most of the second round.

    Me too! Those push-ups ! One round, struggling, next round on the floor panting. Lol