End of december mini goal

Hello Kiddies,

I thought we'd set a mini goal over the xmas period. List your aim for the month (realisic remember - we have lots of goodies to munch on and events to dread) and we'll check back in in the new year with how we went :)

I'd like to either
a) lose 1% BF bringing me down to 26%
b) reach 162lbs. (aka 19lbs away from end goal)


  • missabeez
    missabeez Posts: 280 Member
    Be under 170lbs or lose about 4 lbs.
    Finish 30 day shred and post progress.
    Lose inches :)
  • kiwi321
    kiwi321 Posts: 11 Member
    my goal for december is to hopefully loose 4-5 pounds and after finishing my exams (last exam is on dec.19) is to exercise 2 hours a day (since i'll be on break and free from school! :D)