Chow Down- For Those Of You That Want To Share

For those of you that want to discuss your food goals, this is the section to do it. I am on a healthier version of the Atkins diet (meaning I am trying to stay as close right now to 20 carbs as I can, but am incorporating a lot of grilled/blackened fish and chicken and salads). I initially lost about 20 pounds on the traditional Atkins diet but was eating like a heart attack waiting to happen (bacon, eggs, lunch meat- yes, you get my drift). I will probably issue myself a few small food challenges in here, so feel free to join me if you would like! It takes a village, you know:happy:


  • kirby34puckett
    kirby34puckett Posts: 91 Member
    I am starting a diet that is low in carbs as well (my cholesterol is through the roof). I actually visited with a dietitian and it wasn't as awful as I thought. She mostly told me I need to realize my portion sizes and everything in moderation.
  • miriamh23
    miriamh23 Posts: 26 Member
    I've got nothing specific going on yet since i just started other than just trying to stay within my daily calorie goal, but while tracking i have noticed that i definitely need to be eating more veggies.
  • Jof2013
    Jof2013 Posts: 18 Member
    Tracking daily. No eating pass 8pm. Add more fruits and veggies. Keep drinking 100oz water a day.
  • The South Beach Diet is a great alternative to Atkins. I have had lots of success with this diet. I found it easier to follow, it allowed more of the good carbs, and eventually helped me stay on a path to eating more balanced meals.
  • strawmama
    strawmama Posts: 623 Member
    I am also doing a modified version of Atkins--I started out in induction, lost 10 and got stuck--added a few things and now things are progressing nicely. I try to stay at about 25-30g of carbs, but I don't freak out if I go over, as long as I stay below 50g. Nearly all my carbs come from veggies anyway--so it's all good :)
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    I am not using a specific diet plan. I am logging my food here, doing my best to stay within calorie range, cutting back on soda, and drinking more water.
  • Carmennorth
    Carmennorth Posts: 71 Member
    One more thing- anytime you find a recipe that is amazing, or a good food that does not go straight to the hips, please share it with me..... And the less time it takes to prepare, the better:)
  • brittlynn8907
    brittlynn8907 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm doing the South Beach Diet. I struggled with it at first but I think I have it down now.
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    I dont tollerate gluten very well so that has really reduced the amount of carbs I am consuming. Other carbs like rice and potatoes take a little while to cook preventing me from grabbing it at the store and eating it. It has really helped me cut back on calories and sugars as those tend to go hand in hand with flour.
    Also, I cant believe how much bloating and water retention is gone when I cut out wheat/rye/barley. I lost 3 inches in my waist in just a couple days. I still have bread and cereal here and there but nothing like I used to.
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    Banana "Ice Cream"

    This recipe has been floating around a while but I think everyone should know about it.

    Take a banana from the freezer and blend it up in your food processor.

    The consistency is very much like custard and gives a smooth and creamy ice cream texture. The more ripe the banana was when you put it in the freezer, the more banana-y it will taste. I don't love banana so I also add up to a cup or other mixed frozen fruit to it or sometimes cocoa powder.
  • Miss_Mabee
    Miss_Mabee Posts: 119 Member
    Roasted Root Veggie Soup

    Cut up a mix of your favorite root veggies into chunks. I use:
    Sweet Potato

    Coat lightly in olive oil, sprinkle with paprika and bake for about 30 mins at 350F (until veggies are soft).
    Put the veggies in the blender with some low sodium stock and puree. Serve with a dallop of greek yogurt!
    Very filling and delicious!
  • NeeshaTy32
    NeeshaTy32 Posts: 3 Member
    I don't have anything in specific in mind. I plan on cutting sodas, sweets, and lattes. I want to up my water intake, eat more fruits and veggies, exercise, stay within my calories and remember to LOG! LOG! LOG! I tend to forget or get out of control with my calories that I don't want to know how many I consumed for the day.
  • Carmennorth
    Carmennorth Posts: 71 Member
    I definitely hear you with the water- I think I may give myself a challenge to drink 10 cups a day next week... If I was really smart I would cut out alchohol... but I am not there yet-haha!
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    Roasted Root Veggie Soup

    Cut up a mix of your favorite root veggies into chunks. I use:
    Sweet Potato

    Coat lightly in olive oil, sprinkle with paprika and bake for about 30 mins at 350F (until veggies are soft).
    Put the veggies in the blender with some low sodium stock and puree. Serve with a dallop of greek yogurt!
    Very filling and delicious!
    Okay, had to copy this for myself. This sounds so yummy!!!! Thanks for the idea. I am so experimental, that I may add some tumeric (great for your system) and a touch of garlic. Now I'm hungry!!!
  • miriamh23
    miriamh23 Posts: 26 Member
    omg, yeah those recipes are such great ideas, sometimes i get stuck eating the same stuff over and over again because i can't think of anything else to eat. i think the best thing to do is just plan ahead so that you don't find yourself out of calories by 4pm. happened to me today -_- lol
  • Saaaam42
    Saaaam42 Posts: 154 Member
    No meal plan, just 1200 cal's a day. Upped to 1300 as of today because of disappointing results and some new information.
  • fitjulz40in12
    fitjulz40in12 Posts: 32 Member
    I plan on drastically reducing sugar in my diet. I had a week that I didn't have any refined sugar. So, I plan to keep it up by a challenge that my friends are doing that they allow only 3 items a week. That's my game plan. More water, good carbs, lean proteins.
  • Momwasix
    Momwasix Posts: 623 Member
    i plan to replaced two meals with protein shakes. This not only healthy but keep me fuller longer and hunger on point. One in the am and one for dinner. I eat my big meal during the day and snacks in between.
  • MsFascinating
    MsFascinating Posts: 33 Member
    I just want to eat more fruits and veggies, I'm already tracking my food and trying not go over 1200 calories. Once day at a time.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,426 Member
    I just want to reduce my sugar to a more reasonable amount and of course reduce any white carbs...white rice, etc. Sugar is the biggest challenge I'm experiencing right now!