Level 1 day 2 :)

Well 2 days down :) 28 to go LOL last night was a little easier than day 1 my legs are a little sore. How is everyone else doing?? Im so glad all of you have joined me!! Its so nice to have so much motivation :) Last night when i was doing my workout i put the tv on mute and listened to music and it seemed to make it easier! I used to always listen to her talk becuase everytime i felt like taking a break or giving up till the next move she would yell at me to keep going LOL but with the music it seemed to go by faster and the workout didnt seem to be as hard. I know some of you are on other days and thats fine just glad your here and we are all doing this together :) Stick to it everyone i know your sore but the results will be worth it :)


  • bogden78
    bogden78 Posts: 172 Member
    speaking of music, last night I decided to watch her on youtube instead of the dvd player, so i set it up on my ipad and had regular tv on in the background. it definitely went much quicker (in my head) and i liked being able to do the workout but also not feel so overwhelmed by it and how long it was since i could listen to the tv too.
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    Day 2 down. :) I still couldn't keep up in places but I did better.
  • Day 2! I still had trouble and had to take some 30 second brea!ks here and there, but it felt every so slightly easier to keep up than Day 1! And I can feel it in my muscles that I worked out, even from these 2 sessions, and it's a good feeling. I even took a walk to the library today and actually felt less winded than I usually do once I got there. Maybe I'm crazy since it's only been 2 days, but it felt that way! This is a great challenge, hope everyone else had a good Day 2!
  • TiciaLove
    TiciaLove Posts: 19 Member
    Yeah, I'm on day 5. It definitely gets better as each day passes. I am going to take the ideas above and turn on music, because I begin to focus on the counter on the DVD player and for some odd reason, I start getting anxious for it to be over. Keep up the work.:smile:
  • sophia_uk
    sophia_uk Posts: 152 Member
    I am 2 days down, today is day 3. It was really aching my knees though :(
  • This morning was my day 2! Yay me. Great job everyone so far. I did much better today even though I woke up with some serious muscle soreness. I cheated and weighed my self today and I am down another pound!!! Ok, Im going to try to stay off of the scale now, because I know a lot more difference will show in inches lost and not the number on the scale.
  • PJmetts
    PJmetts Posts: 210 Member
    Did Day 4, level 1 this morning, still trouble with jumping jacks but did MUCH better with the rest and I feel STRONG! Today! :drinker: Strange, not even stiff or really that sore, so tomorrow I will push harder and ignore the pain while I'm doing it. Love the support here!
  • jessicas1184
    jessicas1184 Posts: 20 Member
    Yesterday was Day 2 and I didn't think it weas that bad. I'm feeling a little sore today but it's on to Day 3 after work tonight!
  • Yesterday was my day 3 - level 1. Soreness has finally subsided so I'm feeling like I can probably push a little more tonight. I like that feeling of being sore - finally feel like I'm accomplishing something.
  • jessicas1184
    jessicas1184 Posts: 20 Member
    Yesterday was my day 3 - level 1. Soreness has finally subsided so I'm feeling like I can probably push a little more tonight. I like that feeling of being sore - finally feel like I'm accomplishing something.

    I absolutely agree! Soreness equals progress! :happy: