Back at it! Week of Dec 3rd through Dec 9th

Ok, ok ok. I am back and I am ready to get you all moving! Are you ready? ARE YOU?? Come on now, we had a week off, time to get back to it. Ok here we go................

Monday: March in place. Raise those knees as high as you can and move those arms up and down.

Tues: Standing jacks. Raise your arms up over as in a jumping jack, but instead of the feet doing their part, do squats.

Wed: Wood chops. if you do not know how to do these. let me know.

Thurs: Punches

Fri: Just dance. Doesn't matter how, just do it, shake, shake, shake those booty's

Sat: Walk, walk, walk

Sun: Drink ourselves silly. WATER not alcohol! LOL Tea and coffee do count.

Ok you all, what ever you do, just have fun doing it and who cares what we look like while we do it. At least we are trying!


  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I'm in Californiagirl, even though I missed today because of a road trip. I'll be back at it tomorrow. Glad you're back and energizing me again.:laugh:
  • Mrsmartin61
    I'm gonna count my yard work today -- it was a lot of limb loping with the shears -- much of which was holding the loppers above my head to reach..... I have no idea if I was supposed to trim wisteria back at this time ... but it was so spiney and taking too much space .... I will know in the spring it I did ok! Its 80 degrees here -- maybe it is spring!!

    Thanks for posting these Ca.Girl missed ya!

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    OK, it's late but I will march around for awhile. Wrote down the "assignment for each day and will diligently follow the leader.
    Thanks for the push.
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    I am bad. I forgot to march in place yesterday. So today I did that and the standing jacks.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    Forgot to do my punches because of the frustrating day today (although I would have liked to punch somebody LOL). I like dancing for tomorrow and I'll stick the punches in there, too. :wink:
  • Mivettevan
    Mivettevan Posts: 6 Member
    Love this idea! (I've been using the mobile app, which isn't synched to this). dance, dance, dance!
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    I have been bad this week. I really did not follow much of this. :(. So, I guess tomorrow I am going to have to do them all in one day! Well, we will see. LOL Hope you all have done them, or ELSE we will have to repeat them next week. ROFLOL Hey wait, if I roll on the floor and laugh out loud, that should burn some calories, right? Hmmm, I might have to add that to the database here.
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    I have been bad this week. I really did not follow much of this. :(. So, I guess tomorrow I am going to have to do them all in one day! Well, we will see. LOL Hope you all have done them, or ELSE we will have to repeat them next week. ROFLOL Hey wait, if I roll on the floor and laugh out loud, that should burn some calories, right? Hmmm, I might have to add that to the database here.

    Hey californiagirl, I'm right there with you. I did a lot of cooking and playing music, but not much else. I did try to walk on the treadmill, but failed miserably toward the end of the week. Maybe we should repeat last if I could just remember what that was...LOL
  • californiagirl1950
    californiagirl1950 Posts: 897 Member
    I have been bad this week. I really did not follow much of this. :(. So, I guess tomorrow I am going to have to do them all in one day! Well, we will see. LOL Hope you all have done them, or ELSE we will have to repeat them next week. ROFLOL Hey wait, if I roll on the floor and laugh out loud, that should burn some calories, right? Hmmm, I might have to add that to the database here.

    Hey californiagirl, I'm right there with you. I did a lot of cooking and playing music, but not much else. I did try to walk on the treadmill, but failed miserably toward the end of the week. Maybe we should repeat last if I could just remember what that was...LOL

    I think that is what we need to do. So I will post them again.