What makes you not want to be single.



  • afv417
    afv417 Posts: 466 Member
    :brokenheart: I have to say this thread is totally making me examine my current “relationship”. Most of the wants are just not there.

    Oh pooey. I'm sorry :(
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I need someone to do my laundry and wash my dishes

    Poncha won't?

    I bet she will, she bakes me stuff that taste good

    Love it even more! Def sounds like a keeper!

    She bakes you clean. That is how a happy realitionship goies. (Says a baker)
  • A_Valerie
    A_Valerie Posts: 129 Member
    It's the intimacy thing for me - having a partner to love and support, and to be loved and supported by. Someone to snuggle with, share a joke at the end of the day, tease me when I well up at an emotional moment in a silly film, go ice-skating with and hold each other up, to send me a text or make me dinner when I've had a rough day, someone to really know, fully. Someone to care - really care - that I'm around, and for me to care about in return. And (TMI) because I damn well want to have sex sometime, having spent the majority of the last 20 years wondering about it, and for me, that requires a relationship - casual/uninvolved sex just isn't something that appeals!

    ^^ this x1000 ^^
    well said hon!
  • hcoburn37
    hcoburn37 Posts: 442 Member
    I miss just having someone there. I found out today that I have to take a $2 an hour pay cut starting Jan. 1st, it would have been nice to have someone at home to help deal with the frustration and disappointment ... then followed by having sex.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    It's the intimacy thing for me - having a partner to love and support, and to be loved and supported by. Someone to snuggle with, share a joke at the end of the day, tease me when I well up at an emotional moment in a silly film, go ice-skating with and hold each other up, to send me a text or make me dinner when I've had a rough day, someone to really know, fully. Someone to care - really care - that I'm around, and for me to care about in return. And (TMI) because I damn well want to have sex sometime, having spent the majority of the last 20 years wondering about it, and for me, that requires a relationship - casual/uninvolved sex just isn't something that appeals!

    Castadiva, once again you took the words out of my mouth.
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    i have plenty of guys that call me, text me, ( as friends) that say nice things. i appreciate it, and it's super sweet, and i love them for it, but it's not the same as having a BOYFRIEND.

    i think, for me, i do miss the physical aspects. ( it sounds juvenile, but i love kissing. i miss it!!!) i won't do the casual thing so, it's a boyfriend or nothing. more than that, i want to know that on my kid free weekends i have a man to spend time with. an adult that WANTS to spend time with me in a romantic ( read not platonic) way. he calls me just to say hi, or to hear my voice, or to ask me how my day was.

    for me, it's a lot of little things i guess.