
Jme03 Posts: 140 Member
Hey everybody! I will be 30 in February of 2015. I have always been overweight. I remember being in the 5th grade and being ashamed because I was bigger than the other kids. When I went to college, I developed a thyroid disorder & PCOS and my overweight became obese.

I am so over being the fat girl. When I started MFP I had 105 pounds to lose. Only 91 more to go! I refuse to turn 30 wearing plus sizes!

What are your stories?


  • Cristynic02
    Cristynic02 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi everyone my name is Cristy. I will be 30 in June of 2014. I just ran across this group and I think it is awesome. I have about 100 pounds I want to loose. I'm 5'6 and from the middle of October went from 260 to 235 now. I would like to get down to about 130 and kept telling myself I wanna get there before I turn 30. I have also big overweight since about 5th grade and would like to actually be thin and healthy. Please add me to your friend list because I need support and sometimes I think it is impossible to loose this much. I'm trying to stay positive and continue watching what I eat as well as kicking it at the gym about 5 days a weeks. Please let me know if u have any suggestions or could help.thanks
  • kadams0026
    Hello Everyone,

    My name is Kristine and I turn 30 on April 7, 2014. I know that is a bit of time from now, but it has taken me years to put all this fat on and I imagine it will take some time to take it off. I agree with what was said earlier about not wanting to wear plus sizes when I turn 30. I have been wearing plus sizes since I was a teenager. I also remember 5th grade and having a health check at school and finding out everyone else weighed less than 100 lbs while I weighed 115. At the time that was not that bad but over the years the gap became bigger and bigger. I am getting to the age where I am starting to think about settling down. I have not met that someone special yet but I have to be happy with myself before I can commit to someone else. I feel like I am finally at a point in my life where I can focus on me. I am done with school, I have a job, and I am settled into life. Now I need to focus on better habits so I can lose weight and keep it off. Once I hit 200 lbs when I was a teenager, I have never been able to get back below that number. I always hit a wall. Now I am going to work my butt off to reach my goal weight. I weighed 272 at the beginning of this year and I am now at 239. I have a long way to go but before the holidays I hope to lose another 10 pounds. I hope we can find the support we need to lose weight together. Good Luck!!
  • sparrett
    sparrett Posts: 23 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I as well will be 30 by February of 2015. It was my 26th birthday when I realised I had slowly gained all of this extra weight and had lost sight on what made me happy. Being fit and active. It is my goal to look the best I have ever looked on my 30th birthday. Not only is this my goal, but it is my lifestyle change. This is why, at 27, I am committing to this goal now. So that by 30, it's who I am and who I will remain.

    I look forward to the inspiration and encouragement we can all give one another.
  • emlosingweight
    emlosingweight Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I will be turning 30 in February 2014. I would like to lose weight whilst I am young, have skin elasticity (and hopefully the ability to avoid saggage) and preferably on this side of the big 3-0.

    I started MFP 8 weeks ago at 204 lbs, I'm currently at 190. My goal is to be 150ish. I'm 5"7.

    I put on my weight at 14 after a tough year and have simply never lost it until now. I don't think I ever felt worthy of looking/feeling good to be honest, never allowed myself that right and sabotaged my happiness for years for whatever reason. I'm recently happily married and in a great point in my career and have finally found my long-lost self worth. Thank god!!!

    I have struggled quite a bit these past 10 days so if you have any advice/motivation it would be greatly appreciated.

    PS - Wow all of you! You've all had great losses so far. Nice to see we'll all on track to reach our goals and with realistic timeframes too.
  • DoriGaga
    Hi everyone, my name is Dori and I will be 30 January of 2014. Every year around this time I vow that I will not be fat by my next birthday! Well next month I turn 29, and this year is gonna be my year! I spent my 20s being overweight and hating it, I want to turn over a new leaf and live it up in my 30s!!! I don't want to cry on my 30th birthday because I'm getting old, I want to celebrate because I'm starting over!!!

    I started MFP at 210, my goal is around 150 (I'm 5'8), because I want to have a strong, toned body, and build muscle as well as losing fat!!
  • two_octopodes
    two_octopodes Posts: 130 Member
    Hi guys! This is such a great idea of a group. =)

    My name is Kristen. I'll turn 30 in August 2014, and it's a big reason why I joined MFP this August, near my 28th birthday. I will actually be graduating from physician assistant school nine days before my 30th birthday, so I'm kind of viewing the time between now and then as a way of preparing myself, mind and body, for the next decade of my life. I'll have the milestone birthday and be starting an entirely new career all at the same time. I DO NOT want to undertake all those changes and challenges fat. I want to feel good in my own skin, and look great in all those memorable photo opps that I imagine will be happening around that time.

    I've lost 18.4 pounds since hitting my ultimate high weight in May, and am down 12 pounds since starting MFP in August. Really proud of those 12 pounds because they were lost during my first semester of PA school, which has been ridiculously intense and stressful. It's a good thing I have quite a bit of time between now and my 30th, because my losses have been sloooow compared to many of yours!
  • tmariesX2shine
    Hey guys, Im so excited that people actually joined this group I really hope everyone sticks around to watch us all hit our goals.

    My name is Tonya and I will be 30 September 2013. My battle with weight has been a long one. Even though growing up I was never big enough that I was ever called fat or made fun of, I was always aware that my clothes were bigger than my sisters and a lot of my friends. I have 8 siblings so food was always a big deal in my family, there was never enough and if you were smart you would sneak food or eat extra because you never knew....needless to say I idolized food and when I had it,it made me feel good and safe. I moved out on my own at 16 and isolated myself from friends and family, but I was working so I could buy all the foods I never got to have when I was a kid...It became my bestfriend. So the past 10+ years has been a roller coaster of healthy eating for a period...losing weight...gaining it rapidly back +10 by binge eating during bouts of stress and depression...I didn't become obese until had my son 4 yrs ago and I have not been able to get under 186 since then with my highest being 215 at the beginning of this year. I currently weigh 196 and would like to be a muscular 145...It occured to me that I have spent 20 years of my life worried about my weight, I dont want to carry that burden into this next phase of my life.
  • nicolebunny55
    Hey everyone! I am so happy someone started a group like this!

    My name is Konstance and I will be 30 in May 2015. I have back and forth with my weight all my life. I am getting ready to finally finish college and start my career and don't want to bring all the excess weight baggage into my new life I am starting. Right now my greatest supporter is God in this journey and I know with him I can reach my goals.

    When I started MFP back in 2011 I weighted 239 and even though i haven't stuck with it in the pass the way I should have, I did end up losing about 11lbs so far. My goal at this point is to get below 200lbs by Feburary. I know if I put my mind to it I can accomplish this goal with no problem. My end goal is to weight 170.

    I look foward to encouraging everyone on this journey. We can all do it!!
  • kirlia
    kirlia Posts: 81 Member
    Hello everyone - I'll be 30 in October 2015. I was on the bigger end of average for the first 18 years of my life, then I became vegetarian and got a lot smaller. It's been a little over 8 years and finally having the money to eat out and indulge has caught up with me, and I recently discovered I was just a few pounds shy of my weight before I stopped eating meat :(

    For most of my vegetarian life I was in the vicinity of 120. When I started on my journey a month ago I was 132. As of my last weigh-in, I'm 125. So 7 lbs down already, although I don't expect the rest to come off so easily. I'm hoping to be steadily maintaining in the range of 112-115 by the time I'm 30 (no more having to lose!)

    This group is a great idea because encouragement makes reaching your goals so much easier!
  • Emma_V
    Emma_V Posts: 4 Member
    Hi All, I'm 30 in 2014 and have about 10kg to loose. I really need to get my butt moving and get fit as I have been heavy for most of my life. Also, I'm a newbie, so add me as a friend!
  • fitkrystal11
    Hello Everyone!
    I will be turning 30 in November 2015. I am very much looking forward to shedding this weight and starting my 30s being healthy, fit and energized to take on the world. I've started and given up so many times and each time I get more and more depressed at the weight that I have accumulated over the years. I don't want to do that anymore. I want to be able to have the energy to go for a run, participate in 5ks and have clothes that actually fit and are cute. I am looking for some friends who can help keep me motivated and inspired. In turn I will return the favor to you by offering you the same support.

    We can do this!!
  • ang_mick
    ang_mick Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! Just found this group... I have about 35 pounds to lose by July 2014. I am a Physician Assistant student, working hard for my masters degree. :). Feel free to add me, I'm on here daily! Best of luck to everyone.