Introduce yourself!



  • bensmommy1117
    Hi! I'm Heather. I'm 28 years old, married to Cory, and mommy to 1 yr old (!) Ben. I am a licensed massage therapist.
    I started my journey in August at 267 lbs, and have been able to lose 23 lbs. A year from now, I want that number to be in the triple digits. My realistic goal weight is 150, but would LOVE to be 135-140. I look forward to seeing where we can get as a group! Let's kick this year's behind!!!!!
  • Newday69
    Newday69 Posts: 17 Member
    this is going to be a great group!
    My name is Kimberly, I am a 43 year old mom of a great 11 year old boy. I have been married for 14 years and have slowly just let myself go. I really need to get healthy and start living life again. I find when I don't feel good about myself I really don't want to be out and around people. I use to love to go out with my girlfriend and now I find myself making excuses to stay home and then I end up eating more :-(
    I really need a new mind set. I have always looked at diets that promised fast weight loss with little effort, I have dieted my way up 50 pound.
    So this time I am really looking at this as a journey to health and fitness
    Goals for 2013
    Loss 40 to 50 pounds
    Run 5k
    Wear bathing suit
    Gain control over my emotional eating
    Looking forward to the year ahead
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    I can tell this group is going to be amazing! We have amazing people in here with amazing goals for the year! THE FIRST GOAL IS TO KEEP THIS PROMISE for 1 YEAR! No turning back! Make the commitment to do this and succeed! We can do it! We have been doing it on and off! THIS YEAR IS OURS!!!!! Feel free to add me as a friend! Im always glad to accept people who are like minded!
  • sarah_gwen
    sarah_gwen Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah, and I'm a high school freshman. I've gained a good 50 pounds from two years of depression and not caring about myself. I'm much better now, and I plan to take care of myself!
    My plan is to finish the 30 Day Shred (I'm halfway through Level 2), then move onto the Insanity workout. Once that's done, I will do a mixture of kickboxing and horseback riding from March to the end of summer. Once I start my sophomore year, I will join the cross country team! :) Beyond that is TBD.
    Nice to meet you all!
  • nc805397
    nc805397 Posts: 223 Member
    My name is Nicole and I am committed to losing weight and being a healthier person. I am currently 209 and need to get down to 170 or even 160 would be great. I am running a 5k in January and a 10k in May!! Eek! I've been trying to run three days/week and hot yoga 5 times/week and swimming 2 times/week. My biggest problem is eating right and I've only used MFP for the past two days BUT I LOVE IT!! I think this app will stick :) so pumped! I was at my heaviest in May 2012 at 232 before I started running/biking numerous times a week. Hope I can keep this up!
  • iSurvive
    Hi my name is Brenda and my goal is to lose 70 pounds by next Thanksgiving! So far I have lost 6! I am on my way!!
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    Hi! My name is Erin, I am 32 years old. I am 5' 11" and currently weigh 188lbs. My goal is about 150, but I'm willing to wait and see how I feel. My highest weight after my first child (born 08/22/11) was 225lbs. I joined MFP at 210lbs (09/12). I married 08/08/08 and have a 15 month old girl. I've always had goals to accomplish as an adult. - Quit smoking (done 12/2/2007), get a good job (done 10/10/11), lose weight, get fit. I got lazy working FT and taking care of my family and I gained a lot of weight. I hated the way I felt, the way I looked, and I buried my feelings in food. I started PT for my knees this September and used that as a bridge from no exercise to exercise and getting up earlier. I have gotten pretty good at preparing for the next day, been challenging myself everyday. I joined the Y one week ago, December 1, 2012. Since this Monday I have gone everyday. Today I feel as though I was hit by a truck, but I'm going to go again after my baby wakes up from her nap.
    So my goal is to meet my daily challenge every day for the next year.

    Get up @ 4:45am - but sleep in on weekends. I'm not a total sadist.
    Leave by 5am
    Stick to work out schedule every day (Unless I have a fever over 100.4 or something drastic, like death)
    Be ready to leave Y by 7:30
    Tapped in at work b/t 7:53 and 8:01
    Stick to food plans
    Log food daily
    Get all things prepared for next day to make leaving then next morning as fast & easy as possible

    I know, picky picky, but I can do it every day with consistency and dedication.
    This group came along at just the right time! So bring it on, I'm in this to succeed!
  • Dominque61
    Dominque61 Posts: 22 Member
    My name is Dominque , also known as Sunshine. I have joined this group becuase it fits perfectly with my goals for next year.

    Two of those goals are the following:
    1) to satrt a blog called "52 Pounds in 52 Weeks" which tracks my progress in gettingto a healthy doctor approved weight, and
    2) to actually lose those 52 pounds.

    Part of that path is to acquire a network to keep myself accountable, and to sustain me during the rough spots. So I went looking for a group to join, since my blog will be here too. This one popped up and I think I've found kindred spirits here.The blog goes live on Friday December 14, 2012, to precede my birthday. I will write at least twice weekly on what I'm doing and feeling, and I weigh in once a week on Thursdays..More details will be available soon.

    I will read all of the introductory posts so I can get to know a little about all of you.
    May you exceed your own expectations!:wink: That way you will astonish the naysayers as well!

  • tessa175
    tessa175 Posts: 170 Member
    Hi my name is tessa and I joined MFP in July at 278.5 lbs, my goal is to get down to a size 8-9 and be toned! I've just reached my halfway mark as far as weight goes wth a loss of 54 lbs. One year from now, I want to be in maintenance mode. I want to be fit and active and healthy.Also, I will be in my best friend's wedding party in september next year and I'm relly looking forward to picking out bridesmaid dresses that aren't for plus sized girls!
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    Hi, my name is Mary. I am 31 and have been in a common-law relationship for almost 8 years. When I joined MFP in 2011 I was at my highest of 221lbs. After ups and downs in 2011 I started 2012 6lbs lighter and a strong desire to get back on track. I have now lost a total of 35lbs since I started, most of it in the last 6 months and am at my lowest in 6 years. My goal over the next year is to get to my goal weight and maintain the changes that I have made in my life so that I can stay at my goal weight.

    In order to get to my goal I have been and will be doing the following:
    1. Took up running this year, I now make sure that I run at least a 3km (when I have trouble getting out of bed) or a 5km 4 out of 5 mornings. Aim for at least one long run over the weekend and a short run the other day.
    2. Training for a Tough Mudder in May 2013 which will hopefully help me with my other goal of toning my body.
    3. Maintaining the changes that I have made in regards to nutrition to keep me healthy.

    Once I hit my goal weight I plan to keep up the running as I really enjoy my time out running with our pups. I have a fairly stressful job and the runs help me unwind.

    Cheers to all reaching their goals :drinker: