Important stuff will go here one day.
the finish line
Hello ladies! I have been away while I worked thru some financial ups and downs (no home internet among them). I see that not much has been posted here in almost a YEAR. So I ask: how many of you reached the goal you set for yourself? I personally did not, although there were some good moments. I am redeicating myself to…
This weeks challenge 7/28 through 8/3
I'm getting really lame with the challenges Peeps, please send me ideas!! This weeks challenge will be push ups and lunges, since I suck at them. 50 push ups and 50 lunges(25 each leg) every day this week!! I hate it but my body will LOVE me for it!! Please join me!!
This weeks challenge 8/4 through 8/10
This weeks challenge is my favorite, but I haven't done them in a while, BICYCLE CRUNCHES!! 100 every day this week!! We want a nice curvy core : ) Let's do it!!
Hey Peeps!
Just wanted to apologize for not informing you that I wasn't going to do a challenge this week. A challenge will be posted for the week starting the 28th!
This weeks challenge 7/14 through 7/20
Sorry I posted this late guys!! This weeks challenge is to burn 3500 calories! Let's do it!!
This weeks challenge 7/7 through 7/13
Sorry that I am just getting to this! it's been a busy week. I'm doing several challenges so to make life simple for me, I doing a two for one this week!! This weeks challenge is to walk, run or jog 25 miles!! Please join me!! It doesn't matter how you choose to get the 25 miles in as long as you do! Let's get it!!!
This weeks Challenge 6/29 through 6/5
I hope you guys get in on this weeks challenge! This is the week of the fourth of July so I figured we should go out with a BANG...LOL!! This weeks challenge is to get in 500 exercise minutes, no cheat meal this week, and for my holiday drinkers out there, NO ALCOHOL!!!! The holidays are when people tend to blow all of…
Lean In 2013 Progress & Discussion Forum
I thought I would start this so we could have one place to discuss how our plans are going, weekly weigh ins and anything that you want to discuss!! I look forward to hearing from everyone!!
This weeks challenge 6/22 through 6/28
Hey Peeps, super sorry that I am just posting this weeks challenge, I've had a busy day. Here it goes: 100 jump ropes or jumping jacks if you don't own a rope 1 minute plank 50 bicycle crunches 50 squats REPEAT 3 times You can do it all at once, split it up, just get it in!!! Who's with me?
Hey Peeps!! So sorry that I didn't post a challenge this week. I haven't been well but I am MUCH better now and rejuvenated! Since I did not post a physical challenge this week. I would like for you all to post ideas for next weeks challenge. I would also like for you to take a moment to reflect on how far you have come,…