Hello to all

Hi...my name is Cyndi and I started back to seriously tracking my nutrition and am recovering from a fractured foot and working on getting my body back to running. Broke my foot mile12 of a 22 mile run 3 weeks before my scheduled marathon this fall...not a happy gal as you can imagine. Somehow my marriage survived the downtime but my weight goals didn't.

I have 3 halfs this spring that I'm registered for and have defered the full marathon to the fall of 2013 which I plan to run with a vengence.

I'd certainly like to be part of your group.

Thanks and best of luck to everyone on your journeys!


  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    Wow, that must've been awful for you. I hope it has healed and that you will reach all your goals in 2013!
  • jnsb
    jnsb Posts: 20
    You know, I have a really bad fear of something like that happening to me on a long run! If you don't mind me asking, how did you do it? Was it a stress fracture that turned into a full-blown break?

    Getting back on the wagon is the hardest part. Good for you, and welcome back! :)
  • We had had a storm here the day before with a lot of wind so there were quite a few branches in the road. My left foot got caught up in some branches and I almost fell and caught myself by slamming my right foot down on the ground. BIG MISTAKE. Felt sick right away from the pain but as we do, I stopped and then started to walk it off. I figured ok that hurt but never thought i broke anything (by the way happened in front of a hospital...hows that for irony). I was doing an out and back and had just turned heading for home and walked it off for about half a mile. It seemed to have calmed down so I started a slow run again....well after about 5 steps, SNAP...felt it go. I wasn't sure what I broke...never heard of a sesamoid and actually thought maybe I'd torn my plantar facia. I'd been having some pain in that area for a few weeks. Now in hind sight was the pain a stress fracture and the trip just did it in completely? Possibly. I was about half way between the hospital and a church (no phone on me...big mistake) so I hobbled to the church and called my husband for a rescue ride. I do not consider my injury a running injury since the fall is what broke my foot not an overtraining thing. I can' not tell you how many people asked me if I was giving up running after my foot. Only my runner friends knew that wasn't going to happen.

    It could have happened in my living room or anywhere...I could have been more aware I guess of my surroundings. But things happen. I do wear road ID and always carry cash but left without the phone...won't do that again.

  • Hope you heal quickly!
  • jnsb
    jnsb Posts: 20
    Oh wow. I had a really bad fall several years ago but fortunately didn't break anything. Had road rash from hell, but no breaks! It is ironic, but also lucky, you were that close to the hospital (and the church, depending on how you look at it!). A runner friend of mine broke her foot stepping down in her swimming pool at the end of the summer -- it really can happen anywhere!

    Yes, only a non-runner would ask if you were giving up running. They just don't understand.

    Good luck and quick healing!
  • smitchum
    smitchum Posts: 13 Member
    I ran my first marathon on a broken big toe, my dog broke it 2 weeks before my marathon, it was numb after mole 6... haha, anyway, my point is, keep your chin up... in 2010 i had to stop training for a marathon after making it to 19 miles because of an injury and have ran 2 since.....