New here. Just needed an initial vent session.

My Dr. Just told me about Myfitnesspal and so far I am finding it very helpful. I like being able to see my goals in one place, it makes it less daunting to see that I don't have to starve myself or spend 8 hours a day in the gym to lose what I need to. My biggest issue is that I have severe back pain. It started just over a year ago and it is getting worse and worse. My Dr. and Physical therapist say that part of it is my extra weight (even though I have been the same weight for a few years) and my larger breasts. According to the tests that I have had done, these are the only two things I can change right now. The back pain isn't even my first experience with chronic pain. I have a spinal chord stimulator that I use for pain in my foot from an old sports injury that caused extensive nerve damage. When I say old, I mean it happened when I was 11 (13 years ago) My foot still hurts, but the stim takes care of most of it, also my back pain overshadows the foot pain so some days I don't even notice it. I have felt sorry for myself for so long. I just told myself that I couldn't work out because of my pain. I also eat my emotions, so that does not help the situation. Luckily, I just moved to an area and I now have access to top notch Drs. I saw my new physical therapist today and I have to say, I LOVE him. He gave me so much hope. He gave me some great exercises that don't hurt! I have been so scared that if I do anything physical I will hurt myself further. I want to lose weight for so many reasons. I know this is not who I am. I am sick of spending my days laying in bed because it hurts to sit or stand or walk or do pretty much anything. I am 24 years old, and I feel like I have the body of an overweight 70 year old. When my Dr told me that my weight was effecting my pain I got angry. It made me feel as though it is my fault for letting myself go. I don't think that I am THAT big and then he pulled out the BMI chart and it felt like a punch to the gut. Technically I am obese (5'8", 249 pounds) I don't see myself as obese, I think for my weight I look pretty good, I have been relatively comfortable with the way I look. But then I look at pictures of myself from 5 years ago and I want to get back to that. I want to look like the woman my husband fell in love with. ( He doesn't make me feel bad about my weight, he is actually pretty amazing) I am 2 days into my journey and I am scared. Scared that I will be limited. Scared that I will hit a wall and not be able to do anything about it. I am scared that my pain is going to get worse instead of better. I am pretty much just terrified all around. I am just sick of telling myself things that aren't true, like "I can't" "it will hurt too much" "why bother" "I really want that effing cookie". I have lived more than half of my life being in pain and feeling sorry for myself. I hope that this will help me to stop playing the victim card when I want to justify not working out, or eating a piece of cake because it makes me feel better for 5 minutes. Anyway, Sorry for the rambling. I just needed to get that out there.


  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Although it won't be easy, you CAN achieve your weight loss goal. Loads of people have...they've lost 3 pounds, 30 pounds, even more than 300 pounds using the terrific tools and support systems of MFP. You are at a great age to commit to a healthy lifestyle and reap the benefits of a long and healthy life.

    It won't be easy, but nothing in life worth doing ever is. And you can be successful despite living with chronic pain. Many of us are!

    This is an outstanding resource to get you started:

    Best wishes!
  • Runner_5
    Runner_5 Posts: 100 Member
    I am 24 years old, and I feel like I have the body of an overweight 70 year old. When my Dr told me that my weight was effecting my pain I got angry. It made me feel as though it is my fault for letting myself go.

    Right there with you.

    According to my Dr. - my weight, too, was lending a lot to my pain.

    According to every FDA graph I read - I was, roughly, 60 pounds heavier than was the "most healthy" for me.

    I have some spinal issues that cause pretty severe nerve pain in my... everything... the right side of my body is not so bad; well, all expect the shoulder isn't...

    I was pretty upset, I didn't think I was overweight either, but I knew I had to drop the pain anyway I could.

    "Alright little FDA graph, challenge accepted." I said to the less than daunting computer screen that google had provided for me upon researching my healthy weight for age and height and etc.

    I'm, now, 12 ish pounds away from it.

    The Dr. was/is right...

    Welcome to MFP.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I was in the same boat while I knew I was overweight I really didn't think losing the weight would help that much. I gained most of the weight after I got fibro. I have lost 108 lbs in the last 2 yrs and while I still have bad days before it was constant I only had bad days and very bad days . I feel like I have my life back. But you have to take it very slow at first I only walked 1/2 way around the block, if you wind up in bed it isn't going to help, just take baby steps but do something everyday and stick with it....hugs
  • I have daily chronic pain that is often debilitating. I joined MFP in May and also joined a diabetes prevention class at the YMCA and also jointed TOPS (taking off pounds sensibly).

    I've dropped 40 pounds so far and I do feel better. The pain is much the same but I seem to have more energy and a better attitude towards life. My clothes fit better and I like me better. I like how I look better.

    I can't exercise much at all. In fact I bought an exercise bike and can't do it so now I'm selling it. I do exercises in the pool and gentle yoga but thats about it. i focus on what I CAN do instead of what I can't.

    If I can do this you can too! Janice in fL