Multiple Marathons

Has anyone run multiple marathons in a few months. i have been training to finish three in three months, but the second one was a killer although I slacked of a ton my training and didn't prepare the week of very well. The last of the three is in two weeks. I gave up on a PR for the third one, but want to know if anyone else is silly enough to try something like this.


  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    It depends on your mileage. Although I think it can be done, I would shift the focus from racing a marathon to just running/walking/enjoying the last one. In my humble opinion, if you have raced one, cruise the rest.
  • MQ75
    MQ75 Posts: 61
    It is just a shift in my plan for the year. I was hoping for a sub 3:40 on my last marathon of the year which would be a PR by six minutes. I don't know if I can handle that pace after so many miles in the past few months, but what do i have to lose?
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Sounds like you are trying to get into the Marathon Maniacs. I'm MM# 1477 & HF# 24.

    At some point it becomes a quality over quantity discussion. Also, depends how well you recover, you wouldn't believe what some of my crazy running friends do (one guy ran TWO 100 mile races is one weekend)!

    Your best bet is to run this first two at long run pace and then race the third one.
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    Yup last year I ran LA in March (awesome!), then San Diego RnR in June (sucked!!!!!!) will never do that again!
  • MQ75
    MQ75 Posts: 61
    It will be three in 11 weeks. I had a good 16 mile hilly run so I am as ready as I can be for next Sunday. Then I can take a few weeks off!
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    Let us know how it went.
  • MQ75
    MQ75 Posts: 61
    Well that was no fun. Cramped around mile 21. Thighs, hamstrings, calves and back. I had to walk for 5 miles running out cramps as they popped up, but I finished. Not happy with my time, but happy that I finished three fills in 11 weeks. Now to prop my feet up and relax. I'm never doing that again!
  • marikevr
    marikevr Posts: 389 Member
    You finished three marathons in three months. No matter how the last one went, you did it.:drinker:
  • pabscabs
    pabscabs Posts: 61 Member
    Still a great achievement. I couldn't image running 3 in 11 weeks. I do understand how much it sucks when thigns don't go to plan and don't get met start on hamstring cramps ....@£$%"%
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You finished three marathons in three months. No matter how the last one went, you did it.:drinker:

    ^^^ This....
  • shmiracles
    shmiracles Posts: 105 Member
    earlier this year my first and second marathons were 6 weeks apart. and i swear i still wasn't recovered in time for my second.

    recently on Nov 10th, 17th, and 24th i ran a marathon distance on each
    The Richmond VA marathon was on the 10th
    The NCR Trail marathon was on the 24th
    and then i ran 26.2 miles myself on the weekend in between

    the third marathon was only 7 min slower than my first, which i considered a great achievement. i expected it to go much worse.
    the marathon in between was almost an hour slower, but i figure that is because, except for one great friend, i ran it entirely alone and was having a hard time motivating myself.

    i am NOT FAST. i run a 10:30 mile in marathons. i did these 3 marathons as a test because i plan to run Paris, Rotterdam, and Hamburg in April 2013.

    sorry for all the set up and explaining, Point Being...
    your body can DEFINITELY get used to it over time :) !!!!
    i've run 7 marathons over a 10 month period. the first ones were rough going, and the later ones i recovered much faster. my body has definitely gotten more accepting of the distance. and, though not in leaps and bounds, my time still continues to get faster. (i am not accident prone though, as i know some people as not so lucky)

    ALSO! get MAP tablets
    i take 10 before every marathon. they do not mess with my stomach and they make recovery go much better.
    i highly recommend them all of the time. and i am a person who even avoids taking asprin.

    you are gonna do great
    and i agree with the others, just completing them is DEFINITELY something to be proud of!!