
Is anyone out there juicing or have tried it? What is some of the pros and cons of juicing? What is the best kind of juicer do you prefer to use? Thanks for you guys/gals imput!!!:happy:


  • MrsTre
    MrsTre Posts: 34 Member
    I juice at least 5 days/week and I love it!!! The health and nutrition benefits are amazing. It's worth the effort. I have a Jack Lalanne juicer. But I plan to also invest in a small Breville (best juicer on the market) and a NutriBullet so I can blend juice while at work or in a hurry. That option appears to be much less clean up. Either way, it was a lifestyle change for me that I'll be doing for now on. I'd love to hear how you like it if you decide to try it.
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    I juice usually for a few weeks each season or after vacation or extensive travel it helps get me back in balance the only down fall for me is not being able to juice at work and the cost can become a bit much..
  • TaintedVampyre
    TaintedVampyre Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm so glad I found this and thank you to MrsTre for your answer, it totally solidifies which juicer I was considering on purchasing :)
  • ChaleGirl
    ChaleGirl Posts: 270 Member
    I love juicing and find it is great for overall health
    BUT juice can be so calorific and has too much sugar so bare this in mind too
  • mercymarque
    I've juiced before for ten days and lost ten pounds. I didn't have any headaches or stomach pain. I keep a 50.7 ounce water on hand. The water is key to staying full and flushing out toxins. I neve gain the ten pounds I lost back either. As I went back to eating I did it slow. There are other health benefits to the juicing... amazing skin (glow), best sleep I ever had.
  • ms_isis12
    Is anyone out there juicing or have tried it? What is some of the pros and cons of juicing? What is the best kind of juicer do you prefer to use? Thanks for you guys/gals imput!!!:happy:

    I've been juicing since February 2012 and I absolutely love it. It's important that you do your research first before purchasing a juicer. If you are serious about juicing and feel as though this is something that you will commit to , I recommend purchasing a masticating juicer. However, to start off to see whether you will commit, I recommend a centrifugal juicer because those tend to be less expensive than the masticating ones. Know that masticating juicers produced the highest quality juice but centrifugal juices are just as good. I personally have a masticating and prefer it over the centrifugal juicer. A lot of people prefer the centrifugal because of the speed and the time it takes make the juice, but clean up is a pain. The masticating juicers are slower, but with way less clean up than the centrifugal. You and I can message more if you like and I can go into further details there.


    The pros in my opinion are the immediate delivery of nutrients from the fruits, veggies and herbs that you juice, making it easier for your body to absorb them.

    Your energy level is greatly increased

    Clear and glowing skin

    Your weight loss is immediate if you're consistent


    If you juice "only" without consuming any solid foods, expect to experience diarrhea, bloating, flatulence and you may feel hungry a lot faster.

    It can expensive to some because WE know fruits and veggies cost more than processed foods. (If you go the organic route the cost is doubled)

    Depending on the type of juice, you must be careful and mindful of the amount of sugar in the concoction. (I prefer "green" juices so I have no worries.)

    Overall, you won't go wrong incorporating juicing because like the other ladies stated, it's very beneficia health wise. I recommend juicing in conjunction with healthy meals because fiber is very important and you lose this when juicing. You will still reap the benefits from juicing while maintaining proper bowel functions if you choose this route.

    I hope this helps and please feel free to inbox me if you have any questions in regards to my post. :-)
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Love juicing, hate cleaning the juicer.
  • lfcrow1973
    lfcrow1973 Posts: 5 Member
    MrsTre- I have been very interested in learning how to juice because I have heard such great things about the benefits. How did you learn about juicing and is there any reference materials that would give me the information I need?
  • Would you say it is better to start slowing and then increase into full juicing? For instance maybe juicing for breakfast or as a snack?