magnesium not working :(

agentventi Posts: 84 Member
Since starting Paleo in July I have only had a BM once or very rare 2-3 times a week. It is frustrating and I have tried almost everything. Laxatives do not work. Stool softeners do not work. The combination of the 2 do not work. I started taking magnesium 500mg a week and a half ago. I went once 2 days later and then not again (it has been 6 days now)
I eat plenty of healthy fats My macros are usually 15%carbs 50-55% fat and 30-35% protein. I drink loads of water all day long. I also workout regularly. I am not sure what else to do.
I was thinking of trying flaxseed to see if that will help.
I can't go to the Dr for 3 months (hubby just switched jobs)


  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    i have been reading about this also. what i gather is we may "poo" less because our body actually uses what we eat. if you are hurting or uncomfortable, i would try prunes.
  • soo_z
    soo_z Posts: 42
    I just started Probiotics because I have always had this same issue (I had tried Magnesium religiously for about 6 months, never helped me either). I grew up taking A LOT of antibiotics and I believe this killed off a lot of the good bacteria in my gut. Today was day 3 and I have had a BM everyday taking them thus far. I would recommend "Ultimate Flora Critical Care Probiotic (50 billion)". Sometimes you have to take them for a few months to a month to notice a difference depending on how deficient you are in them.
  • shabbychick81
    shabbychick81 Posts: 168 Member
    I just started Probiotics because I have always had this same issue (I had tried Magnesium religiously for about 6 months, never helped me either). I grew up taking A LOT of antibiotics and I believe this killed off a lot of the good bacteria in my gut. Today was day 3 and I have had a BM everyday taking them thus far. I would recommend "Ultimate Flora Critical Care Probiotic (50 billion)". Sometimes you have to take them for a few months to a month to notice a difference depending on how deficient you are in them.

    i also take probiotics! i forgot about that. :)
  • sarbar71
    sarbar71 Posts: 191 Member
    Are you eating lots of vegetables? Any fruit? I haven't experienced these problems since eating Paleo/Primal. I try to eat lots of veggies and 1 piece of fruit (usually an apple or berries) a day. I did have these kind of problems in the past when I was doing low carb and not eating any fruit. Hope it works itself out - because that is not fun!!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    hey - I've been in your situation and it is so uncomfortable and frustrating, I felt like I tried everything. Magnesium didn't help me, nor did any herbal type remedies. I kept listening to everyone elses tricks like prunes, strong coffee, etc. But as they would work for them , I would have no luck. And, even though we eat more proteins, I just wasn't happy remembering we would go less volume and less often. :grumble: And, as women I think we can't always take all the primal/paleo advice becasue our bodies have crazy hormones, chemistry etc. Or maybe it is the guys, but they seem tohave better luck in the pooping department anyway!

    I take probiotics for good health but haven't noticed it changed the whole bowel movement issue (or lack of...)

    So even though this isn't primal, I go back to what worked before, maybe it will work for you and maybe it won't, but you could try it?

    Miralax - 1 dose in the morning and 2 doses of Metamucil (sugar free) spread throughout the day. With enough water to make sure it all gets in the system.

    Any regular Dr. will tell you to give it a few days, for me it took about 3 and then things really started becoming "regular" and I just chalk it up to what I have to do. Not Paleo or primal and I know what they say about psysslium husks and chemicals, etc. But YOU gotta do what YOU gotta do!

    If you want to "clean out" Google around for "bowel prep" methods using miralax. Been there, done it and felt better. :glasses:

    good luck!
  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks everyone. I also take a probiotic-Now brand name 50 billion.... Have been for about 4 months or so now. No I do not eat much fruit as I try to keep my sugars low but I do eat veggies. :(
    I will have to look into "bowl prep" my guess is, it will do nothing for my messed up system!
  • mehaugen
    mehaugen Posts: 210 Member
    You need a new probiotic, yours is probably dead. Also add more fermented foods, and more soluble fiber carbs like winter squash, sweet potato, plantains, etc.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    It matters less how often you poo than what your poo is like (hard to pass, rabbit pellets, soft and long, watery). There are a number of factors that affect how quickly food moves from your mouth and through the bowel including, the length of your colon (yes, some people have longer/shorter), the rate the bowel muscle moves bulk through (peristalsis), and what you eat. Thus, bowel movement frequency is an individual thing and 'normal' can be 3-7 times a week ... what is normal for you? In the past? When you eat or drink certain foods? Do you have irritable bowel issues? A paleo diet will work wonders for many things but not overnight. Particularly with digestive issues. In addition, some things people regularly incorporate into a paleo diet like coconut milk or certain fruits can reveal other issues. You really have to pay attention to what works for you.

    To comment generally, an excellent source of natural magnesium is homemade chicken and meat broths; personally I'm cooking these all the time and drink a cup of broth instead of afternoon tea. Some probiotics, especially those with inulin, may cause upset so if you find that, try fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc. Hope that helps.

    P.S. A good but long read:
  • SweetxCatastrophe
    SweetxCatastrophe Posts: 593 Member
    The only magnesium that I've taken that does the trick, is "oxygenated magnesium." It's called MagO2 I think, and anytime had trouble and nothing else seems to work, I take 2 or 3 before bed and the next morning I'm good as new
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I was told to increase the magnesium by 500 every day until I got to the point of loose stools then to back off works for me:) Good luck!!
  • Flowers4Julia
    Flowers4Julia Posts: 521 Member
    It matters less how often you poo than what your poo is like (hard to pass, rabbit pellets, soft and long, watery). There are a number of factors that affect how quickly food moves from your mouth and through the bowel including, the length of your colon (yes, some people have longer/shorter), the rate the bowel muscle moves bulk through (peristalsis), and what you eat. Thus, bowel movement frequency is an individual thing and 'normal' can be 3-7 times a week ... what is normal for you? In the past? When you eat or drink certain foods? Do you have irritable bowel issues? A paleo diet will work wonders for many things but not overnight. Particularly with digestive issues. In addition, some things people regularly incorporate into a paleo diet like coconut milk or certain fruits can reveal other issues. You really have to pay attention to what works for you.

    To comment generally, an excellent source of natural magnesium is homemade chicken and meat broths; personally I'm cooking these all the time and drink a cup of broth instead of afternoon tea. Some probiotics, especially those with inulin, may cause upset so if you find that, try fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc. Hope that helps.

    P.S. A good but long read:

    THANK YOU! that was a great article and so informative. Loved how she explained why vegetables can be difficult to digest and what to do about well as magnesium at 1000mg, and then the info on fruits.

    Really a great read! THANKS for posting!
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    Oh poor you, my sister used to suffer like this, and I know from her it really isn't good. Like others have said try a good combination of veg each day. I also eat around 45-60g of mixed berries a day with Greek yogurt, flax and chia seeds. I do sometimes also have some milled hemp all of which does help. I am diabetic, so know about sugar and carbs, but I manage that easily. I also most days have 5-6 veggies with protein and fat for dinner. I don't have any bathroom issues.

    I really do hope you can find a solution, my sister used to suffer terrible stomach pain. Good luck.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Are you eating lots of vegetables? Any fruit? I haven't experienced these problems since eating Paleo/Primal. I try to eat lots of veggies and 1 piece of fruit (usually an apple or berries) a day. I did have these kind of problems in the past when I was doing low carb and not eating any fruit. Hope it works itself out - because that is not fun!!

    ^^ This! Just had a quick look at your food diary...not much in the way of vegetables. Understandably you're trying to stay low carb but some bulking veg such as incorporating a large green salad for lunch may just do the trick.
    I don't "go" anywhere near as much as I used to as I also believe my body is absorbing and using the good food I'm putting in it (not getting rid of the to speak :wink: )
    100% agree on the probiotics...just make sure you pay a bit extra and get one with a good variety of strains. I use Metagenics Ultra Flora (dairy free).
  • JohnNull
    JohnNull Posts: 133 Member
    Zeromilediet's post was spot-on. Past that, the first thing that came to my mind is to try bringing up your fat intake a bit.
  • CaitlinedB
    CaitlinedB Posts: 67 Member
    Just a note regarding the Dr. (holistic) said to take 1000mg to help with that "situation". I increased the dosage and it worked. Doesn't work for me if I take less than that.
  • mensasu
    mensasu Posts: 355 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough good fats. I find if I am having about 1 Tbsp of coconut/mct oil I have no problems.
  • mandabrett
    mandabrett Posts: 139 Member
    How are you feeling?when I'm on track with my primal lifestyle which I am struggling with due tithe holidays,I go only about 2-4 times per week . It's odd though because I still feel great and never have any bloat.
  • Myzztique
    Myzztique Posts: 26 Member
    I recently started taking TimJan Juice - a herbal tonic containing pure Aloe Ferox juice. This seems to get me going and I have serious problems in that department.
  • agentventi
    agentventi Posts: 84 Member
    I think I am going to try a new brand name. My sister started taking it for headaches, takes one pill and goes up to 4 times a day!! I am going to take a laxative just to get everything out then start the new one next week. I hate taking laxatives but I need some relief!!
    Thanks everyone!
  • DeathToFatness
    DeathToFatness Posts: 4 Member
    Some doctors and health professionals recommend taking Magnesium topically. You can buy Magnesium oil and rub it on your skin. Your body will absorb what it needs. Some people think this is a better delivery method than taking oral supplements. You may want to give it a try. Rub it onto areas of skin that don't have a lot of hair (tops of feet, underside of your arm). You can even use it as a deodorant. I take eight or so squirts twice per day.

    You can get it on Amazon. It's pricey, but a bottle lasts me about two months.

    If it works for you, it's much cheaper to get the Swanson 64oz. bottle.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    Make sure you are getting enough good fats. I find if I am having about 1 Tbsp of coconut/mct oil I have no problems.

    this^^^ coconut oil FTW
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    I'd try to up your carbs with starchy veggies like squash. It always works for me. Kelp noodles usually get things going too :)
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    I have suffered like this my whole life. My mom used to put oil in my baby bottles.:( I take 1000 mag every day. 500 morning before I eat anything and 500 at night. You could probably do it at dinner time. Might work even better. I have never been regular in my entire life till now. Can't hurt you to try it!
  • emily356
    emily356 Posts: 318 Member
    Just a note regarding the Dr. (holistic) said to take 1000mg to help with that "situation". I increased the dosage and it worked. Doesn't work for me if I take less than that.

  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I recently started taking magnesium glycinate. I was spreading it out during my meals but I do find greater bm success when I take the whole dose at night before bed. I take 800 milligrams(the dosage is 2 pills at 400 mg for both).
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member I am having BM issues, not fun...I was doing great up until about 1 or 2 weeks ago, not sure if its stress or what, my eating hasen't changed at all. I remembered this thread about magnesium, I was at the health food store yesterday and got a sample of Natural Calm drink supplement, its a anti-stress magnesium drink, gluten free, sugar free, dairy free, etc so its all good. gonna give it a whirl today , anyone try this before? I looked it up online to their website and its quite interesting, hope it does work!!!

    235 mg per dose
  • Dmkolls
    Dmkolls Posts: 150 Member
    I find that coconut oil in my coffee does the trick. Like 2 tablespoons worth.