Trying to reclaim my 28 year old body

FitGoal165 Posts: 82
edited January 6 in Social Groups
I just joined the site and this group recently. I am 42 and trying to regain my 28 year old body. For the last 12 years I have been working an office job. My sedentary lifestyle and love of chocolate have done their evil work. I only need to drop 17 pounds to reach my goal weight but I am not just talking about my weight. I am trying to get my body and fitness level back to where it was. What are some of the non-weight goals that you guys have?


  • jameseylefebure
    jameseylefebure Posts: 234 Member
    Hiya FitGoal -

    Welcome to the site :)

    and woop to only having 17lbs to go - that's pretty cool! :)

    I'm now like you, a lot more focused on actually being healthy as well as slim. My two huge goals for 2013 are -

    1. RUn the liverpool Marathon in October
    2. Do Tough Mudder.

    I've wanted to do a marathon for literally as long as I can remember and I turn 30 next year so I think it's a nice milestone for me to have - the other one, tough mudder is more of a F.U to all the people that think because I'm a rather campy guy I can't do something like that. (admittedly I am really camp lol) but even my hubby, who is like the most supportive guy when it comes to my weight loss has reservations of me doing it. So I'd like to prove them wrong ;)

    what are some of yours?
  • By summer of 2014, I will have 2 inches off of my waist, and an inch add to my bicepts, thighs, and chest. By summer of 2013, I will be able to run on the treadmill at 6 mph for 6 mins. These are a few. I have no idea how easy or difficult this will be but I am going to make it happen.
  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    Welcome to MFP, FitGoal165 ! I've been a member since April of this year. This is an amazing community and you're really going to enjoy it.

    I'll be 42 in two months. As much as I'd like to reclaim the body I had when I was 28, I'm happier being healthier and able to still go running and going hiking for several hours at my current age. My energy levels are good but I've also accepted the fact that I'm not able to go as many hours as I used to ten years ago -- and I'm ok with that.

    Because of other MFP members' comments, I've learned not to focus too much on goals but instead focus on taking a different and more improved approach to health and fitness. I've also learned not to focus on the number on the scale but instead on how I feel and how I see myself. While it's great to see your weight dropping, enjoy your more active lifestyle and enjoy the healthier foods you'll now be eating. Learn to indulge every now and then (in moderation, of course). One little piece of chocolate won't undo all your hard work.

    Welcome, again, and best of luck to you!
  • Hi Cortezpj,

    I don't intend upon focusing too much on the goals (famous last words) but I need to have them in place. I need to have something there to strive for. But yes, the bottom line is having a healthier overall lifestyle. And that is the ultimate goal. I am currently trying to reign in my sodium. The MFP guideline says 2,500 mg. I adjusted it down to 2,000. But I want to gradually get it down to 1,700 or so. The problem is that all of the salty foods taste good. Ha!
  • dubikr
    dubikr Posts: 3 Member
    I try to exercise at least 5 days a week. Mostly treadmill for me.
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    Mine was to run a marathon. Accomplished that in September. Now my goals are;

    25 minute 5K
    50 minute 10K
    Sub 4 hour marathon
    Complete a half iron man
  • @ Dubikr, I am trying to get cardio in 4 times a week. Weekends are easy. Weekdays, not so much. I need to be better about that.

    @ Davidbass, That's great that you completed a marathon! The Iron Man contests have always impressed me. It seems like one of the more grueling things that a person can do.
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