preop deit

truddy6647 Posts: 519 Member
So I am starting preopp diet and they require that you use only their products which tastes nasty and leave me feeling hungry....advice please. The products they use is called new directions I asked if I could use something different as I didn't like the taste of things I was told no and that because you have to buy the product from them they make sure you are buying enough product to ensure you are actually using it besides doing weigh ins plus have a rule that you have to lose a min of 10 pounds before surgery from the point of starting the preop diet (about 4 weeks before surgery) in order for the surgeon to do surgery. If you don't she will cancel the surgery. I understand the reasoning behind doing this, however, I have actually already lost over 20 pounds since my first visit to the office and find the use of only their products and no other kinds unreasonable. There is only 2 products that I find that I can tolerate and these products are not cheap and I think the same 2 products over the next 2 months is going to get old quick (on the product for 1 month after surgery as well.


  • kjhendrickson90
    Hey truddy!

    My only suggestion to you is have you spoken to your doctor about all of this? Given you've already lost weight and you're only tolerating certain products it seems unusual that your doctor is threatening to not treat you. Perhaps it is best to look into other doctors. Maybe they aren't the best team for you.

    best of luck!
  • Mlek1969
    Mlek1969 Posts: 13 Member
    I wouldn't be happy about being forced to buy protein shakes from only my doctors/dieticians office. It seems like you should be able to find a similar product and then get their okay on the nutrition info. I would talk to the surgeon or doctor for advice.

    I should add that I do my protein products from the dr office though, because they are inexpensive and taste pretty good!
  • Lauriecz
    Lauriecz Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, I'm Laurie and new to this group. My surgery date is 12/28/12 and I have being on my preop diet for 5 days now. My dr said the most important thing to check for in the protein product is the sugar, carbs and protein. I use Isopure low carb and Intek Revolution. I add extracts and stuff and some have come out great. I even use the chocolate with coffe for my mornig one. I also do believe it is not right hat they are making you use thier product. As long as your protein intake is correct you should be fine. Hope this helps.