Chow Down- For Those Of You That Want To Share



  • helenld1
    helenld1 Posts: 233 Member
    Well, I'm not low carb per se, I do monitor my carbs as I can go CRAZY with them (particularly bread, loooovvvveee bread).

    I tried a lot of the fad diets in the past so I know a lot of things don't work for me (however, I am a firm believe of "each to their own" when it comes to picking diets).

    Food challenges sound like a good thing as well.
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,587 Member
    I don't follow a specific diet but go with the principle that I must choose the healthy option the majority of the time. That means I can have treats when I want them, but I try and limit them or choose healthy versions. Luckily I love dark chocolate and berries and sorbet. I aim to keep within 1500 cals, even if I exercise but don't always get there.
  • GardenDelight
    GardenDelight Posts: 71 Member
    Lori's Avocado Sandwich

    This you can use on whole wheat bread or even try adding it to quinoa (great amount of added protein and fiber - no gluten!)

    1 Avocado ripe
    1/3 can of chick peas
    Lemon juice

    Mash all the above together and serve on the bread or quinoa and sometimes I even like to put it on quinoa spaghetti!

    Per serving (based on 100 calories for bread or pasta)
    Cal 382 Carb 43 Fat 25 Pro 13 Fib 16
  • antelucyferum
    Thanks for starting this thread! Definitely what I need to clean up my act. I've been modified paleo for two and a half years. It's described below in case anybody else is doing this and wants to share recipes. My current goal is to clean it up, especially to balance my omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and to reduce the amount of dairy I'm eating.

    Current: 10 ounces of nuts per day
    GOAL: 2 oz.
    Current: 6 ounces of cheese per day (average)
    GOAL: 2 oz.

    My modified paleo: I eat as little processed food as possible; lots of fats, especially from meat and coconut; lots of greens and some other veggies, though no roots; a moderate amount of protein from meat, including fish; nuts and seeds; eggs; and cheese. No grains, fruits, roots, berries, sweeteners (fake or otherwise), legumes, etc.

    Recipe of the evening, very heavily modified from a fantastic website that I forget: Zucchini Chocolate Muffins.

    quarter cup coconut flour
    quarter teaspoon celtic sea salt
    quarter teaspoon baking soda
    2 teaspoons cinnamon
    pinches of nutmeg and cloves
    2 eggs
    generous quarter cup grapeseed oil
    between 1 and 2 cups grated zucchini
    between half and one cup chopped 100% cacao
    dried shredded unsweetened coconut
    few tablespoons of flax seed meal

    Combine the wet stuff in one bowl and the dry stuff in another. Blend them together. Add chocolate.
    Bake in 350-degree oven for about 20 minutes, depending on how full you make the muffin tins. I serve it with coconut milk.