7 months until competition



  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    I've lost about 2 lbs and 1/2 inch here and there in the past 4 months since I started a lifting program. The past month was dedicated to increasing the protein in my diet. Trial and error, but I am now more comfortable with being able to get the protein I need. hotandfit was so kind as to look at my diary and point out my sugars are too high. So i think this next month I'll try to decrease sugar intake. I know a few of my big offenders I no longer have in the house(Go Lean Kashi Rolls I think were one of them).
  • jodi41086
    Hey everyone just stopping in to see how yall are doing!! 3.5 months until competition. Been lifting for the last 3 months and just started cutting my weight about a week ago. Lost 4 lbs since then. I cant wait to do this!!! First competition!! I have a friend who has two suits that I can borrow which will save me a good amount of money too!!
  • clwojewocki
    Hi ladies!

    I am entering into my first competition in May (so about 6 months out) and jsut started training this week! I look forward to reading everyne's post/progress!


  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    Just checking in for a quick update. Weight is up to 146 pounds, which is good, since I kinda stalled out at 143 for quite a while. Managing to take in 1200 calories a day. I still need to work up to about 1700, according to my coach, but babysteps, LOL! 1200 is hard enough for me as it is...

    I had a little bit of a setback in the form of a back injury last week, and missed an entire week of workouts. It all of a sudden felt better on Saturday (after a big pop), so I think something was just out of whack. Did light cardio yesterday and resumed weights today with no issues. So, it's back on track for me in that regard.

    I may change up my show plans slightly for 2013. I was planning on a March 30 NPC show for my first show of 2013, but two things are making me second guess that a bit. One, another show I'm planning on (an organization I placed well in for 2012) is only one week later. Two, I'll be at Disney World two weeks prior to the March 30 show for my daughter's cheer competition, and I'm not sure how I'd managed being two weeks out on a very stressful trip. So, there's another NPC national qualifier in our area in May. I might scrap my plans for March 30, focus on the April 6 ABA show for my first one of 2013, and then jump into NPC in May. :)
  • Ariana_75
    Just did my first comp! What an amazing and incredible experience that was!! Word of advise... Don't get too lean. I did too much cardio four weeks out and lost muscle up top. Came out 6th place out of 20 girls, but the top girls all had way more thikness in their upper bodies!

    Good luck to all the ladies competing for the first time!! As long as you're going in there with the right frame of mind, you will have so so so much fun!!!

    Planning my next one for May or June of 2013! =)
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Did my first competition in August 12, and I am competing again on April 6th 2013! Hoping to do at least 2 competitions in 2013!
  • jodi41086
    Alright I lied about my time frame, not on purpose lol but I wrote the wrong date My competition is March 16 NPC. so excited!!! 4 months exactly to go. I have been lifting like crazy and keeping up with my regular cardio. Im down from 143 to 134 woot woot!! I have noticed muscular changes everything super good!!!! I recently started working at a sports store LOVE IT@!! but I work a lot and with school and training I barely have time to eat and im tired of salads already.so.. Ive started body by vi shakes. so this is day two hopefully this will eliminate my food anxiety. Anyways hope to hear from all of you!!! Anyone else doing the competition in Kentucky in march?
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    kiki-sorry to hear about the back injury! I HATE when pain and illness get in the way of my plans!

    ariana-congrats on your 6th place finish! You beat out over 1/2 of the competitors. I hope you are proud of yourself:-)

    Annaruthus-your pics are amazing! What class were you competing in? I'm trying to figure out the differences in bikini,. fitness, bodybuilding, blahblah blah!LOL

    jodi-nice work with the weight loss! And glad you found a job you love. That helps with life SO much!

    I hit a horrible plateau for 3 weeks and FINALLY broke it and lost another pound. It is frustrating getting old and not having my metabolism from when I was 20!LOL I upped my cardio at the suggestion of an MFPer who competes, so that may have been the key to that issue. I'm now working on not going over my alloted sugar recs since another MFPer kindly pointed out to me that that was probably killing a lot of possible progress. My goal is to have a body like those in bikini comps by beginning of April for my 10 year anniversary. So, while not a "competition", it is really important to me on a number of levels. I'm fluffier than you all are, so it will be a battle, but I'm up for the fight!
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    I did bikini in this last competition, but I was too muscular, so I'm going to compete in the figure division in April. I love the way my body looked, and I don't want the softer look they were looking for in the bikini division.
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    And thank you. I felt amazing when those pics were taken :-)
  • bahacca
    bahacca Posts: 878 Member
    Anna-I was looking at your food diary and was like "0300-0800" What in the world is THAT? Then it dawned on me you were military;-) I haven't seen anyone divide their diary by time before.
  • musclemama2
    Hi ladies. New to My Fitness Pal and excited to find all of you. I just registered for the Oregon Ironman Comp in MAy 2013. It will be my 5th BUT I have not competed since 2006. I took 1st at my last show in 2006 but this spring it is just about getting back on stage. I was hydrostat tested (water tank dunked) and my lean mass is 1 lb more than 6 years ago. Sucks cause if I would have been more dedicated I should have gained some mass but I wasn't dedicated and and least I didn't lose and mass. But I need to drop 20 lbs. Like I said I have paid for the May show so I am officially getting my *kitten* back on track. By the way I got pregnant 3 months after my last show and life with 2 kids, a business and well life just kept me too distracted. That is the reason for the huge gap.
  • Annaruthus
    Annaruthus Posts: 301 Member
    Anna-I was looking at your food diary and was like "0300-0800" What in the world is THAT? Then it dawned on me you were military;-) I haven't seen anyone divide their diary by time before.

    yes, it is easier for me to keep track of when I eat. Having just breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner just didn't work for me, especially since I time when I eat very carefully.
  • slushieee
    slushieee Posts: 11 Member
    I'm doing my second next year in may. I did my first show in the NPC bikini division back in march. I wasn't used to wearing heels so I didn't do very well place-wise but I was happy about how I looked seeing as I only had 8 weeks. Next year I'm competing in the Wbff Diva Bikini Model Division and possible giving the NPC Bikini division another shot
  • sandrapatara
    sandrapatara Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girls,

    sounds like everyone here has the same goals one way or another with myself as well. I to am planning on competeing in my 1st figure competition here in Melbourne, Australia this year. Intially I had planned to aim for March comp but I have a surgery set back this month that puts me out of action for 6 weeks so I have now reassesed for June/September as i'm still waiting for the dates to be set as of yet.

    My muscle mass gain is fantastic so far but my diet needs more tweeking so I have seeked some professional help in that area which I'm hoping to hear back from this week. Super excited and so pumped to reach this goal as It has difiantly been a goal i have always wanted to achieve which is to see my body in the best possible shape and push it to it limits. Now that my babies are a little older being 16mths and 3 and half i am pumped.

    Looking forward to sharing each other journeys and helping each other along the way.
