The year in retrospect



  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    Job is so so.

    I lost 97 pounds but have gained back about 30 lbs. The year isn't over so I may lose some of it back.

    I met a few women but nothing really panned out. Overall, it's nice to be noticed and get some attention but I really think I'll put more focus on getting into shape and living the life I want to live.

    I ran a 10K 23 minutes faster than I did last year. In September, I ran a 15K at a faster average pace than I could run a single mile in May. I strained my hamstring and it affected my running and other exercise. It is still sore. I ran a half marathon the first weekend of December. I managed to run it nonstop but my time was way slower than I expected.

    The weight gain in the last few months has me a little disappointed in myself. However, on my 39th birthday, I weighed about 440 pounds. My 42nd birthday is Thursday and I'll weigh about 315 pounds. I am wearing jeans with a 42 waist instead of a 54 or 56. I know what I need to do and how to do it. It's all about the discipline to get it done. I like my chances.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I feel good in my skin except that I have gained about 10lbs since moving home but am working in it.

    I wore a cat suit for Halloween!

    I had 2 bfs, one broke my heart and the other was fun.

    I've never dated as much in my life as I have this year and it's been a blast!!

    Thanksgiving 2011, I stayed home single and sad because I was away from family.. Newly single. This year I have spent holidays with my beautiful family.

    I will be ending my 2012 dating a cool funny pilot.
  • Danielle_2013
    Danielle_2013 Posts: 806 Member

    - Lost 73 lbs, gained back 5 (recently)
    - Remembered that I am fun and sexual and want more out of life and of a relationship
    - Decided to start loving self in an active and positive way
    - My horrid bully of a boss got fired (karma!) and I changed positions within my institution
    - Broke up with my partner of 5.5 years
    - Financially a seriously crap year
    - Stopped speaking to my emotionally abusive mother
    - Had a few relatives pass away
    - Met 4 fwb, a few new friends and one boyfriend who I am kind of starting to adore


    - Hope to move, sort the finances out, figure out what I am doing career or passion-wise, and hopefully keep my current relationship going.
  • kerrymh
    kerrymh Posts: 912 Member
    In 2012..
    I went back to my job in cancer care after working for the company that did my banding surgery..and gained 20lbs back :(

    I haven't done more than make out with one man for one night, since last year at this time.

    I'm still running but can't do 10k right now.

    I feel like financially I'm just keeping my head above water..but I'm a good swimmer and will make it to shore.

    Pretty uneventful for me brothers have both found their soul mates though lol.

    Bring on 2013 its gotta be better than this year...ooooh I might get to make out with another's hoping!
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??

    Coming on here everyday to talk to you wonderful people actually keeps me motivated to keep it off. While I'm here I get tips and tricks from the forums and I log my food. Now, only if it would motivate me to exercise...
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??

    I come here mainly to chat but the reason I have gained some weight back has nothing to do with MFP but with getting a life. I am out partying and drinking and socializing too much and not enough time in the gym.
  • Jennifer2387
    Jennifer2387 Posts: 957 Member
    Aww Ruth! that is the best reason ever to gain weight! Good for you!

    I love the positive vibe you guys have!

    2013 .. I am going to focus on myself and figuring out how to be me without food. It has way too big of a focus in my life. I need to make my heath a focus, not just weight loss.

    Cesar .. holy *kitten*. That is scary stuff about the broken bones in your ankles and you didn't know! I know this may sound corny or creepy or whatever, but I am so proud of you! You have done some amazing things with your body! I am impressed. :smooched:

    Anna .. I sometimes wonder why I keep coming back on here because obviously it isn't to lose weight. But I just love having you guys in my day. As weird as that sounds. But the one thing it does do .. is remind me that I need to keep moving forward with my weight. So, that has got to be a good thing right?
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    I lost 30 pounds and a husband (which I'm not crying over) ...of course, my household income was slashed in half and I have no car, so all in all it has been pretty much even with the bad and the good...
  • shamrck44
    2012 was a decent year
    My weight stayed the same but I did keep my workouts pretty consistent
    I bought my first house (all by myself)
    Took a class toward my degree
    Have been dating a really good guy for 1.5 months
    Going to therapy and working on my boundaries
    Did some renovations on my house
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Overall it's been a good year.

    My two kids are doing great and are healthy. I'm healthy. My parents back in the US are getting quite old, but they are in relatively good shape and staying active. My dog (West Highland White Terrier) is still doing well at 13 years old.

    I lost about 50 pounds in 2012. I'm now fairly stable at 6'2", 185 lbs, more or less my weight when I graduated from university. In fact, I'm trying to add a bit of weight. Started running. Started lifting. Completely changed my diet, feel great. Probably lowest body fat percentage since university, as well.

    I've finally gotten my company up and running. Still only one major client (risky!), but huge potential, and in discussions with a couple of other companies. I'm traveling too much, but I don't see any way around that for the next few years. Some of the projects I'm discussing can be incredible if they come through. I'm optimistic. Struggling to find the right work/life balance. Struggling to find the right balance between taking care of my kids, and having a personal life.

    On Friday I'll close on a property in the mountains, about 20 minutes from my kids' school. I'm hoping to build a cottage there in 2013. Today my architect sent the first draft of the plans for the cottage, so I'm starting to get quite excited. I'm not going to tell the kids about it until it's completely finished, probably around December 2013. It's going to be a great surprise (I hope).

    Made some wonderful friends in 2012, including a few people from MFP. No serious relationship in 2012, unfortunately. But I'm thinking 2013 is my year to change that.

    So overall, I've been quite fortunate in 2012.

  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??

    Like Jen said, I like talking with you all everyday!

    However, I do want to lose more weight. A lot of my weight gain is due to moving back home, where my family eats unhealthy. I am saving money to move out on my own and I think that I will get back on track once I move out.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??

    I think you are spot on Anna! I brought this up in a post quite a few months ago. Especially here in the Single Peeps it seems as though we do more playing and less actual logging tracking or actual exercise. Obviously there are 1500 ppl here in single peeps and I cannot speak for them but the ppl who regularly post in here seem to do a lot more posting and a lot less exercising in general.

    My 2012 in review:

    My kids are happy and healthy and our relationships continue to get better and better and I am hugely thankful and happy for that.

    I got ahead of my finances and really started living needs vs wants which helped me really start getting ahead and investing money and saving for retirement. A promotion and raise didnt hurt either.

    Have made great progress towards my MBA and will be done in a year (all things working out schedule wise)

    Lost 40 lbs, gained a good 10lbs of muscle and lowered my BF% by 12%

    No real romantic news. Plenty of random outings and one girl who made the cut for a whole month but nothing longer then that. So that is something I will look to 2013 to change.

    Have for the first time in my adult life become an active member of my community working with non profits, volunteering and even was nominated (lost by a vote) to the state board of education. This is a new one for me as life in the military isnt always conducive to being active in the community and I am really enjoying this new found opportunity.

    All in all 2012 was a good time and I am really looking forward to continuing the trend in 2013.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    This year I ran a half marathon.

    This year I ran several 5k's and 10k's and had a blast and will keep doing it (Soon as my knee gets better!)

    This year I discovered that strength training and yoga are awesome (but running is still my passion).

    This year I moved in with one of my best friends... who has helped me deconstruct my life to the point where I don't feel I have control anymore.

    This year I learned that no matter the excuses and no matter how hard, I absolutely do have control and I need to find the balance to take it back.

    This year I developed an amazing relationship with my running partner. Even though we hardly see each other outside of work, or for a planned run, I feel incredibly close to her.

    I gained 25lbs but the past couple weeks I have begun losing again. I will keep up that trend.

    This year I finally got the puppy that I've dreamed of since I moved out of my parents house when I was 17. He is a dream come true and even when he's being a little terror I adore him.

    2013 I want to get back to a regular running schedule, once my knee is better, and train Rufio to run 5ks with me daily <3 I also hope I get into the schooling program this year that will change my life.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??

    Yes, I sometimes think MFP has lost it's meaning for me since I chat more than use it for anything else these days. Backing away from Single Peeps might be the best thing for recommitting though... :ohwell:
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    In 2012 I started dating for the first time since I was 20 years old. It was crazy and scary at first but now feels oddly normal.

    In 2012 my weight plateaued for way too long. And then I gained a bit back. But I've also started doing some of the best and hardest workouts of my life, so at least I am proud of that, regardless of what the scale says.

    In 2012 I took care of family in a way I never thought I would have to.

    In 2012 I got a promotion at work.

    2012 has been a constant re-examining of my life and goals and I am more than ready for 2013!! :drinker:
  • jb852013
    jb852013 Posts: 116
    I found MFP this year and lost 20 lbs! First time ever losing weight by something I did on purpose to lose weight.

    Then in April my husband found a female "friend" in the airport and decided he didn't want me anymore. I said whatever! and told him that wasn't an option.

    So in September I read a text on his phone and decided to give up. He moved out at the end of September and I found myself single for the first time since I was 15! I turn 30 next May and never imagined myself as a single mom at 30. I thought that 30 would be the best because I would be married with children and financially stable.

    I have now eaten 4 lbs worth of junk food that has stuck with me. I need someone to kick my butt and help me get back on track with losing weight.

    The beginning of this year I was a homeschooling sahm. I am still a homeschooling sahm, however I am learning to make money at home by babysitting and doing bookeeping.

    I have learned to do some things on my own such as painting, buying a Christmas tree and setting it up on my own, etc. It feels so good to do some things on my own!

    In the beginning of the year I was in an unhappy marriage where I was lonely because he didn't want to be with me and took a job where he traveled a lot. Being single is a heck of a lot less lonely than being with someone that doesn't want you.

    At the beginning of the year I had just started attending a new church, and right now I have found out that God put me with my church at just the right time to help me through this time in my life. We have grown so close with everyone in the church, and they are such a blessing to me. I am so happy to finally have the church family I had been searching for since I became a christian 6 years ago.

    At the beginning of this year I didn't really have any good friends in this city. Now I have quite a few that I could call my good friends. I prayed for quite a while for friends, and God finally answered my prayers.

    This Thanksgiving I realized that holidays are so much better now. It is so nice to be able to spend time with friends who want to be with you, instead of someone who complains the entire time you are trying to make good memories for your kids and pretty much makes the day miserable.

    So this year has had it's share of good and bad. That's for sure!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I've been wondering this for a while now, do you think that MFP, after the initial surge of enthusiasm/dedication becomes too much of a playground? So, instead of coming here to log/track, we just come here to chat? :bigsmile:

    I'm asking this as quite a few of us have gained this year and I'm not sure if MFP has changed from a good influence to a bad one!!

    Hmmm!! Thoughts??

    Not me. Even though I did gain, it wasn't MFP's influence but sunny San Diego and Comic-con with friends. I'm pretty consistent. My majority of the time spent on MFP forums is while @ work.
  • browneyedgurl08
    2012 - im happy to still be alive and healthy.

    But so far the good =)

    - Started uni and made a few new friends.
    - Completed 1st year of uni with credits and a distinction.
    - Lost 10 kgs

    & the bad =(
    - re-started MFP after a few months of eating uni food and going to the bar with the new friends which added on unnecessary kilos .
    - still no boyfriend but im happy focusing on me and my happiness first.
    - still as broke as i was last year but now with hecs debt added on =(

    2013 will be a better year. =)
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    oh i am totally on MFP for the socialization aspect, and i don't hide or apologize for that :-)

    i spent jan- aug of 2012 tracking food and work outs and i didn't lose any weight, at all. so, when i came back i knew it was just going to be to keep in touch with a handful of friends ( like 10 of them) it wasn't until 50 days ago that i started actually posting and what not again. :-)

    my year, was actually pretty chill for me. 09, 10, and 11 were definitely drama filled in all senses of the word!!

    so, this year,
    -- i tried my hand at dating-- i did end up with a couple male friends because of it!

    --i rescued 2 great pyrenees to guard my chickens-- they are super sweet and huge and fluffy. the girl has horrid anxiety and i spend my nights stressing out about her :-/

    -- i Tore out all of the front yard of the house i'm living in and planted grass seed and grew my own grass!! i removed and transplanted raspberry plants and removed TONS of rose plants and other flowers. i have spent HOURS messing around in the front yard!!!! and i still have hours upon hours of work to do

    -- i bought my first lawn mower :-)

    -- i finally got my nursing license in VA. i got a job in nov. and i start in jan.

    -- i put a second fridge in my kitchen, LOL!!!

    -- i drove from VA to chicago by myself, in 12 hours ( and then back 4 days later).

    -- i still haven't lost any weight, but nothing new there. been trying for years now. BUT, i did complete 2 rounds of P90X, i lost a whole bunch of inches doing Stronglifts 5x5. started working on my metabolism, and regulating my hormones, etc. joined a second gym and started a new lifting program. and for the next 3 weeks ( starting tomorrow) i will be doing an elimination diet. so, no, corn, soy, dairy, eggs, gluten, peanuts, or sugar/ artificial sweeteners. i decided in aug to stop focusing on WEIGHT loss and start focusing on FAT loss!!!

    -- i am hopeful that in 2013 i will finally get rid of the extra sizes and finally be back in a size 6 :-) i will have a job, that while does not pay much, will be something i enjoy and will be good for me! and i am hopeful that i will meet someone to have a relationship with ( thanks to all of you and your advice ) :-)