Do I need a reset?

bovvaboy63 Posts: 13 Member
hi everyone. I am a 49 year old male housepainter. Started off at 150 kg and now down to just under 130k. Been keeping to 1500 cals for 12 weeks even though the app said for me to be on 2250 to start. OK I know now that was wrong...... Anyway weight loss has stalled even though I am still on 1500. I tried for a few days to go up to 2000 but the scales said I put on a kg in 3 days, so back on 1500 for the time being. I'm currently reading about TDEE to determine where my cals should be but do you think I need an actual reset? thanks


  • 31prvrbs
    31prvrbs Posts: 687 Member
    You typically only need a reset if you ate too low for too long, but that could mean different things to different people. I'd try sticking to what *should* be your cut (TDEE -15%), for at least 6 weeks before making any adjustments. You may find that you didn't need a reset after all:wink: , but just more time for your body to adjust.

    Of course I wish every started with a reset, it has multiple benefits, but sometimes it may not be necessary for the weight loss aspect. :smile:

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Good advice there bovvaboy, now get to it!!! :)