Weigh In> Dec.14

WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member


  • 141.8 - Not sure what to think about it... Started at 144.2 (but think that was mostly bloating from after Thanksgiving), went to 140.6 the following week, and was 141 last week. It's a little higher than it has been the rest of this week (gonna start recording my weight w/every weight change) but part of that might be cuz it was pizza and beer night last night. But really thinking my body wants to be this weight now (went there in May)..............I don't really mind it and like I've said been feeling kinda thin lately. Gonna keep my (approx) 500 deficit going through next Thursday and then rethink things after the holidays...
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    I went bikini shopping the other day and came to the conclusion that at 40, I now HATE my body!! Isn't this sad? Everyone always told me how you embrace life and how you come to accept yourself after 40, but my body has changed and I'm struggling real hard to get it to look reasonably decent. Despite working out and watching very carefully what I eat, I haven't seen any change on the scale and neither on my measurements since starting this journey. Getting really depressed here...
  • smw91
    smw91 Posts: 4 Member
    The excitement of being able to post a loss has come and gone. Trying to loose weight each week has just added more stress and makes me feel like I have failed. The date goal date keeps getting closer and my goal weight is farther than ever of being reality. I just have not been able to loose this weight. I would be happy with 5-10 lbs at this point.

    I was doing the elliptical every day and logging in everything that went in my mouth with no results. I started the 30DS, I have seen some changes in the way I feel and have some definition changes but the lunges in level one have been a real strain to my knees. One of my biggest challenges with developing a consistent exercise routine is the demand of everyone elses schedule that doesn't find my weight loss a priority like I do. So doing this with very little support is hard.

    I have focused on the one thing I can control, and that is not exceeding my daily calorie count which I can say have done well with for a while now. I do occassionally do exceed my 1235 calorie limit for the day. But I do make sure that it doesn't exceed by more than 150 calories. I have never been an extreme sweets type of a person, so giving up soda, candy bars and cookies wasn't that difficult for me. It's now about knowing the difference between healthy and unhealthy choices. That's why I get puzzled when the number on my scale hasn't changed. I thought is was broke until I tried another scale with the same results.

    On a positive note, I am excited for everyone that has lost this week. Great Job!!
  • smw91
    smw91 Posts: 4 Member
    I went bikini shopping the other day and came to the conclusion that at 40, I now HATE my body!! Isn't this sad? Everyone always told me how you embrace life and how you come to accept yourself after 40, but my body has changed and I'm struggling real hard to get it to look reasonably decent. Despite working out and watching very carefully what I eat, I haven't seen any change on the scale and neither on my measurements since starting this journey. Getting really depressed here...

    I commend you on having the courage to try on a bikini. That proves you have alot of inner strength.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Hi smw91, thanks for the compliment. I don't think it's my inner strength, I just splash in our splashpool in our backyard. I won't dare go to the beach or anywhere public where other people might see me in so little clothing! I just need a well fitting bikini top to keep everything where it should be, because it seems after 40 nothing is where it is supposed to be!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    last week: 215.8
    this week: 215.4

    It's going in the right direction... I'm good with it!! =)
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    @ smw91 and kidostud... all I can say is stay at it. Life is not about what the scale says. Really look at what you do all week long and if you are fuelling your body for it. If you are working out more than 3 or 4 times a week, you are not supplying your body with what it needs if you are only eating 1200 calories a day, that could be too big of a deficit. Not everyone is the same and has the same needs but the fundamentals are all the same.

    There are several threads in MFP that might be good to take a look at, here's 2...


    Working out 5/6 times a week, I went from the 1200 to about 1600 - 1800/ day and have been consistantly losing since doing this.

    Stay strong =)
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Thanks, WhataBroad. I went through that Road Map thread and found it really insightful. I've calculated my calorie intake and upped it a bit on my settings. Will see how it goes!

    What workout do you do? I'm on level 1 Day 9 of 30 Shred and loving it!
  • WhataBroad
    WhataBroad Posts: 1,091 Member
    I weight lift 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week. It's funny, I burn more calories lifting weights then I do running/ walking incline but I really enjoy my runs so I stick with it. =)
  • denisedwrt
    denisedwrt Posts: 28 Member
    End of October - 175
    Last week - 159
    Today - 158
  • mhoup
    mhoup Posts: 39 Member
    Keep at it, this is a marathon not a sprint! Have you tried high intensity interval training, finding a workout buddy, or focus on getting healthy NOT what the scale says?! My favorite quote, " my weight is the least interesting thing about me!!" We will support you!
  • THuffman1967
    THuffman1967 Posts: 114 Member
    Holding steady at 130.8.... Same as last week.
  • Tina2Cats
    Tina2Cats Posts: 493 Member
    I'm new and weigh 185 lbs as of yesterday. I'm 47.
  • 207.6 today. I really want to be in onederland soon. Taking a fitness break today/yesterday. When I have in past stalled -I had success when I took a mini break from fitness so I hope to get that scale lower until I hit 199. Back to fitness tomorrow though so hopefully everything goes as I want it.
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    Starting weight: 177 (6/11/12)
    Last weeks weight: 151.4 (12/3/12)
    This weeks weight: 147.2 (12/17/12)
    Goal weight: 140 by 2/6/2013

    Loss of 4.2 lbs! Woot woot! Not to worry about the large loss in a week. I've been plateauing for about a month around 151-152.

    I practice the Road Map. I encourage everyone who will listen here and IRL to get on that road with me. There's plenty of room, since we keep getting closer to our goal weights there!
  • toddka1
    toddka1 Posts: 171 Member
    Held steady this week. But went to two Holiday parties, so at least I didn't gain! Hoping to see a drop next week.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Nowadays I'm just too damn scared to get on the scale and measure myself, because there is not difference, no matter what I do!!
  • cjsacto
    cjsacto Posts: 1,421 Member
    I am new to this group. I'm 42 and I am glad I found you!

    I currently weigh 187.5.

    I have had a meager 2 lb weight loss in the last four weeks, and I am tweaking how I eat. I have been really pretty good with healthy choices, but perhaps not eating enough for the increased activity I have been doing most days. That's hard to wrap my head around but I figured out my TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) to the best of my ability and I am increasing my calories while trying to keep the fat, carbs, chol, sugar in the parameters set by MFP.
  • Kidostud
    Kidostud Posts: 307 Member
    Was brave this morning and still the same: 140.4

    No matter what I do, whether I eat more or whether I eat less, excercise every day, it makes absolutely no difference!!
  • I did it!!!! Wanted to see under 140 before this weekend and this morning I weighed 139.8!!! Haven't seen 139 since about May -- probably won't see it again for a while (that holiday thing) but..............I'll worry about that after the holidays.

    Have a great holiday weekend everybody!!!